Our Flag Means Death – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jul 24 2024

Ed candidly reveals to Stede his intention to depart the Revenge for fresh adventures, emphasizing that a ship cannot harbor two captains. Stede, startled by this revelation, is poised to delve deeper into the matter, but their conversation is abruptly cut short by Roach's urgent news: the Swede is suffering from scurvy, and the ship's stock of oranges for treatment is depleted.

In haste, Stede guides the Revenge to dock at St. Augustine to replenish their supply. However, upon arrival, he discovers that the local orange crop has been devastated by a devastating blight. Amidst this despair, his attention is diverted by a captivating treasure map.

Our Flag Means Death – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Jim, a native of St. Augustine, reluctantly agrees to spearhead a search for oranges. His anger toward Olu for coercing them into this mission is palpable, but Olu counters with a valid point: Jim's reluctance stems from a mystery that remains unspoken, as Jim refuses to share his past with his companions. The group eventually stumbles upon an orange tree outside a church, belonging to Jim's nana, a nun who nurtured and trained Jim to be a killer after his family was brutally slain by the Siete Gallos, a ruthless gang of bandits. She gracefully offers her oranges to the pirates, with the sole condition that they repair a broken wall on her property.

Stede, with a determined spirit, led a reluctant Ed and Lucius on an exhilarating treasure hunt. Lucius, a keen observer, caught a fleeting glance of a flirtatious exchange between Stede and Ed, realizing that a bond was brewing between the two. As fate would have it, the precious treasure map was accidentally torn into shreds. Lucius, in a moment of sincerity, privately imparted wisdom to Ed, explaining that Stede had orchestrated the entire expedition due to his fear of not being exciting enough for Ed. He urged Ed to appreciate Stede's efforts rather than worry about appearing cool. Ed, in a moment of compassion, consoled Stede about the loss of the map, reassuring him that the remaining fragments held enough clues to complete the hunt.

Nana's disappointment was palpable after Jim revealed that they had only eliminated a single member of the formidable Siete Gallos. Jim, feeling dejected, fled to their family's abandoned homestead, trailed by Oluwande. Jim opened up, sharing their past with Olu and revealing a lifeless orange tree, planted by their parents on their birth. Olu, in a tender moment, told Jim that he could be their new family, and their lips almost touched before they were startled by Stede, who was busy digging for treasure at the base of the withered tree. To their surprise, he uncovered a petrified orange, which Jim gently urged him to keep. The crew returned to the Revenge, laden with Nana's oranges, but Jim lingered behind, confessing to Olu that Nana was right, and they must seek out the remaining members of the Siete Gallos. Ed and Stede found a moment of solace, discussing the prospect of co-captaining the ship in the Republic of Pirates. Meanwhile, Izzy and Spanish Jackie offered their assistance to Chauncey Badminton in his quest to capture Stede.

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