Our Flag Means Death – Season 1 Episode 9

Published: Jul 24 2024

After apprehending and thoroughly interrogating the entire crew of the Revenge, Chauncey Badminton announces that Stede shall face the firing squad for the murder of Nigel, while Ed will be handed over to Izzy's custody, acknowledging Izzy's assistance in apprehending Stede. Unable to fathom the grim fate awaiting Stede, Ed instead pleads for both of them to be spared under King George's Act of Grace, a law that grants amnesty to any pirate willing to abandon their criminal ways and fight against the Spanish in the war. Chauncey contends that the Act does not extend to Stede, claiming it's only for "true pirates," but the crew of the Revenge rises to Stede's defense, affirming that he is indeed a genuine pirate. Amid Chauncey's protests, his officers overrule him and decree that both Stede and Ed shall be pardoned.

Our Flag Means Death – Season 1 Episode 9 1

Ed and Stede, both beneficiaries of the Act of Grace, were dispatched to a military camp. Upon arrival, Stede was shocked to learn that he had been declared dead during his absence from his family. This news, coupled with Ed's seamless transition into civilian life, even shaving off his trademark beard without hesitation, deeply troubled Stede.

Noticing Stede's distress, Ed sought him out on a secluded beach and offered solace. Ed confessed that his ability to adapt stemmed from the fact that being with Stede was what truly made him happy. A tender kiss was shared, and Stede reciprocated, acknowledging that Ed brought him joy as well. Ed proposed a daring plan to flee and build a new life together, and Stede, though hesitant, eventually agreed.

While Ed was away searching for a dinghy to aid their escape, Chauncey appeared, abducting Stede at gunpoint. He lambasted Stede, accusing him of ruining Nigel, his own family, and even history's most illustrious pirate. Stede tearfully concurred with Chauncey's assessment. In a drunken rage, Chauncey attempted to kill Stede but stumbled, accidentally shooting himself instead. Stede seized the opportunity to flee the scene.

Ed waited by the dinghy for Stede, until the dawn broke, but his partner failed to return. Devastated, he set out alone, rowing away from the shore. Meanwhile, Izzy assumed command of the Revenge, imposing a harsh and unforgiving leadership. The crew, united in their dissent, mutinied and reluctantly installed Oluwande as their new captain. As they prepared to cast Izzy overboard, Ed returned to the ship, instructing Izzy to bring him tea in the captain's quarters.

Stede, meanwhile, found his way back to his familial home in Barbados, where Mary, his wife, was horrified to see him alive and well.

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