Episode 1 of Outer Range unfolds at the serene Abbott Ranch, where Royal Abbott awakens oblivious to the seismic shifts looming in his life. As the sun lazily peers over the horizon, Royal embarks on his daily horseback patrol, traversing the vast pasture. Amidst his routine, strange noises begin to resonate, ominous rumbles that disorient him, stealing his sense of time.
Yet, for now, we delve deeper into the quotidian lives of these ranch owners. Royal's son, Rhett, falters in his bull-riding attempt, while the church resonates with the harmonious melodies of singing and prayer, with Royal being the sole exception. His disillusionment with God stems from the mysterious disappearance of Perry's wife, Rebecca.
As they often say, animals are the harbingers of change. That night, another ominous groan echoes across the pasture, this time causing a flock of birds to flee in panic. Among the chaos, one man seems to hold the key - Wayne Tillerson. Deeply entwined with the Abbott family, he calls them that night, muttering to himself, "You feel it too, don't you, friend? They're here." Wayne's words forewarn of an imminent threat.
The following morning, Royal conducts a cattle count, but the numbers are disturbingly low. Despite the fences appearing intact, he and Rhett are startled by the arrival of Autumn, a woman seeking temporary shelter. She offers a considerable amount of money, and in these trying times, the temptation of such a lucrative offer is irresistible.
Autumn camps out beside a solitary fence, while Royal and Rhett traverse the countryside, still in pursuit of their missing bovines. The farmhands divide their search, hoping to cover more terrain. Along the way, Royal stumbles upon an enigmatic void in the soil, its depths swirling with strange, languid particles. As he reaches in, fleeting glimpses of the future flash before his eyes, prompting him to rush back home.
The entire family gathers, and from Deputy Sheriff Joy, they learn that the FBI has ceased their search for Rebecca. Now, Royal's mind is consumed with the mysterious hole. After hastily concealing it, he hurries to find Autumn and cautions her to be vigilant.
Instead, Autumn broaches the topic of selling the ranch, even offering a generous sum of six million to relieve him of its burden. There's a distinct air of unease surrounding her, as if she knows something Royal is keeping hidden. "Do you have any secrets you'd like to share?" she probes, a mischievous smile playing across her face. It appears warm on the surface, but beneath, there are layers of deceit.
Rhett, too, grapples with his own issues. He's disheartened by his father's outdated farming practices and fears the commercialization of the industry. He laments the family's decision not to sell the ranch ten years ago, believing it's trapped them in a rut, all because of Rebecca's disappearance.
These woes are exacerbated by a rapidly escalating land dispute. One fateful night, Trevor Tillerson gets into a violent altercation with Perry Abbott. Perry brutally beats Trevor outside, leaving him a mangled pulp, ultimately killing him. In a haste to cover up the crime, Perry drops Trevor's belt buckle.
Rhett drives with Perry, Trevor's lifeless body in the truck's rear, as they make their way back to the ranch. Royal, understandably outraged, yet determined to contain the situation, works with his sons to dispose of the body, burning the bloodied clothes. Meanwhile, Perry must deal with Trevor's brothers, Billy and Luke, who are hellbent on finding their missing sibling.
And where does he find himself? Royal rides off into the distance, accompanied by Trevor, their destination: that enigmatic abyss. It doesn't escape the Tillerson's notice, and soon they set out in pursuit of Royal's trail. Yet, amidst their chase, he dumps Trevor's lifeless body into the depths of that mysterious chasm.
A blinding light pierces the darkness, revealing Autumn's arrival, armed with a flashlight. Her eyes widen in disbelief as she witnesses Royal disposing of Trevor's body. Shocked, she mutters about the Greek deity Kronos. It seems this hole is a rift, a tear between the heavens and the earth. Autumn vows to keep this secret... only before she shoves Royal into the abyss herself.