Perfect Family – K-drama Episode 2

Published: Sep 05 2024

Episode 2 of "Perfect Family" unfolds with a poignant reminder from Soo-yeon, who haunts Sun-hui with the memory of the devastating fire that upended her life. Sun-hui, startled by the revelation that she was the unwitting cause, expresses disbelief, believing Soo-yeon had already embarked on a new chapter with her adoptive family before the fateful night. She offers a heartfelt apology, but Soo-yeon's resolve is unyielding; she vows to reclaim what she believes is rightfully hers.

Perfect Family – K-drama Episode 2 1

As the night drags on, Sun-hui's conscience weighs heavily, her mind replaying the harm her negligence inflicted upon Soo-yeon. Seeking solace, she heeds her father's counsel and pens a letter of apology, leaving it on her desk the following morning. Soo-yeon stumbles upon this gesture amidst the solitude of the rooftop, her heart softening as she reads the words of contrition.

Just as the moment turns tender, two vindictive classmates appear, seeking to recruit Soo-yeon into their malicious plan against Sun-hui. But Soo-yeon, fueled by a newfound strength, repels their advances with a fierce display of self-defense, warning them to stay far from Sun-hui. Returning to class, she acknowledges Sun-hui's apology with gratitude, filling Sun-hui's heart with joy as she heads home.

However, Soo-yeon's journey is not yet clear of obstacles. On her way, she encounters a gang of boys, allies of her former tormentors, who mercilessly attack her in a deserted alley. Just when all seems lost, Kyeong-ho arrives like a beacon of hope, intervening and delivering swift justice to the bullies. He warns of exposing their female accomplices, sending them scurrying away. As Hyun-woo alerts them to the police's imminent arrival, Kyeong-ho seizes Soo-yeon's hand, leading her to safety.

Arriving at Soo-yeon's doorstep, Kyeong-ho and Hyun-woo ensure her safety before departing, leaving Soo-yeon deeply moved by their selflessness. The next day, as she witnesses Kyeong-ho and Sun-hui sharing a photographic moment, Soo-yeon offers to capture the scene, even requesting a solo photo with Kyeong-ho, a testament to the unexpected bond forged amidst adversity.

That evening, Sun-hui cordially extended an invitation to Soo-yeon for a dinner soirée at her abode, revealing a world of unparalleled luxury and the tender embrace of doting parents. Soo-yeon, taken aback by the disparity in their lifestyles, retreated home later, her discomfort etched on every feature.

The following dawn, as Soo-yeon dutifully emptied the classroom's waste bin, her ears inadvertently caught the hushed whispers of Kyeong-ho and Hyun-woo. Hyun-woo, his tone beseeching, urged Kyeong-ho to abandon his plans of courting Sun-hui, citing her preoccupation with studies. Instead, he cunningly suggested that Kyeong-ho pursue Soo-yeon, who, unbeknownst to him, harbored sentiments for him. Kyeong-ho recoiled at the suggestion, dismissing Soo-yeon's feelings and reaffirming his intention to ask Sun-hui out that very day.

Soo-yeon, overhearing this exchange, was consumed by a tumult of emotions, rushing back to class to confront Sun-hui with a fiery outburst, accusing her of betrayal as a friend. She insisted that Sun-hui accompany her home after school, seeking solace amidst the turmoil.

As the school bell chimed, signaling the end of the day, Kyeong-ho approached Sun-hui with a request to walk her home, only to be met with a firm refusal. Sun-hui explained her need to attend extra classes, ultimately choosing to leave with Soo-yeon. Later, Soo-yeon escorted Sun-hui home before making her way to confront Kyeong-ho.

Meanwhile, Sun-hui, realizing she had inadvertently borrowed Soo-yeon's workbook, hastened to return it. Arriving at Kyeong-ho's residence, she was startled by the sound of chaos emanating from within. Her curiosity piqued, she ventured in, only to stumble upon a shocking scene: Soo-yeon, her eyes ablaze with fury, plunging a knife into Kyeong-ho's chest, his life slipping away in the living room's grim silence.

That night, Sun-hui returned home, her confession to her mother, Eun-joo, weighted with gravity. She disclosed the tragic turn of events, revealing that she had left behind her phone and Soo-yeon's workbook as evidence of her presence. Eun-joo, her voice laced with concern, questioned Sun-hui's certainty and inquired about the presence of any witnesses to this unspeakable act.

Sun-hui confesses to her mother her intention to surrender for her involvement in the crime, yet Eun-joo firmly redirects her, assigning a mundane task of cleaning. As a ruse, she prepares Sun-hui a glass of milk, subtly adulterated with a sedative, ensuring her a deep slumber.

The dawn breaks, and Sun-hui awakens to a peculiar sight: her phone and study workbook neatly arranged on her desk, as if nothing untoward had transpired the previous night. Descending the stairs, she encounters Eun-joo and Jin-hyeok engaging in their usual lighthearted banter, setting the table for breakfast with a familiarity that clashes with Sun-hui's troubled mind.

Her curiosity piqued, Sun-hui's gaze is inexorably drawn to the television blaring with news. The report shatters the morning's tranquility, revealing that Kyeong-ho's home has been consumed by flames, a tragedy that claimed the lives of his entire family. Simultaneously, Detectives Dong-ho and Sung-woo meticulously inspect the charred remnants, Sung-woo hypothesizing that a combination of cigarettes and paint thinner, the latter a commonplace item due to Kyeong-ho's father's profession as a painter, fueled the inferno.

Amidst the somber scene, Dong-ho's keen eye catches Soo-yeon, a figure in school uniform amidst the onlookers. This unexpected sight prompts him to task Sung-woo with delving into Kyeong-ho's social circle. The episode draws to a close with a poignant flashback, recalling Eun-joo and Jin-hyeok's visit to the orphanage, their gentle plea echoing through time, beseeching Sun-hui to join their family once more.

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