Queen Woo – K-drama Episode 4

Published: Sep 13 2024

The fourth episode of "Queen Woo" commences with a poignant flashback, transporting us to a pivotal moment 18 years prior, where the late king summoned his sons to his deathbed, marking the maiden visit of Queen Woo to the palace's hallowed halls. As Mil-woo warmly greeted and guided them towards the king's chambers, where anticipation hung thick as fog, the king's fateful pronouncement resounded—Go Na-mu, the chosen heir.

Queen Woo – K-drama Episode 4 1

The revelation sent shockwaves through the court, none more tumultuous than the reaction of Pa-eui, whose countenance betrayed a maelstrom of disbelief and ambition thwarted. In hindsight, the king's wisdom shone through; he foresaw that only Go Na-mu possessed the prowess to reclaim the lands usurped by the Han Dynasty. Moreover, he was privy to the clandestine alliance between Pa-eui and the Hae Clan, their machinations aimed at usurping the throne for their own gain.

Following the solemn declaration, a grand ceremony ensued, solidifying Go Na-mu's ascension to the throne amidst the whispers of discontent. Unsurprisingly, Pa-eui, fueled by jealousy and malice, plotted against the new king, yet his schemes proved futile.

Elsewhere, in the confines of his palace, Bal-ki plotted his next nefarious move, his eyes glinting with cunning. Chang-heon, ever the voice of caution, counseled prudence, reminding Bal-ki of the complications that arose from his existing union with a Jwa family bride. Yet, Bal-ki's ambition knew no bounds; he resolved to eliminate his wife and her attendants, his justification a twisted logic—her family's relative weakness would pave an unhindered path to Queen Woo's hand in marriage. In a despicable display of power, he tasked Chang-heon with rallying the mounted warriors of the north to his side.

Meanwhile, Myeong-rim, his malice unchecked, dispatched a second wave of assassins, their target: the queen herself. Her demise was a necessity he was willing to cross any line to ensure, lest she return to the palace's safety. Within the palace walls, tensions mounted as guards relentlessly searched the maids' quarters, their every move a quest for incriminating evidence.

Mi-ryu, ever vigilant, detected the subtle discrepancies in Sa-bi's behavior, particularly his surreptitious visits to Woo-sun's chambers. This piqued his suspicion, prompting him to alert Eul Pa-so, who, in turn, reached out to Yeon-bi of the Jolbon Authority, sharing the grim news of the king's passing and entreating her aid in safeguarding the queen's life. As the web of intrigue tightened its grip, every move became a calculated step in a dance of power and survival.

Queen Woo and her loyal entourage paused their journey, contemplating their next strategic move. A pivotal choice loomed: should they retrace their steps to the palace or embark on a visit to another prince? Seizing the moment, Mo-chi, ever the opportunist, boldly requested a substantial increase in his remuneration, his heart soaring when the queen graciously agreed to double his fee. Woo-su, her concerned sibling, attempted to steer her away from venturing to another prince's domain, but Queen Woo's resolve was unwavering.

Their tranquility was abruptly shattered as the relentless Myeong-rim assassins and the formidable White Tiger warriors closed in on them. In a swift display of combat prowess, the White Tigers eliminated the Myeong-rim threat, yet they fell short of capturing the elusive queen. Intrigued and perhaps even touched, the White Tiger leader observed Queen Woo shielding Mo-chi with her own body, prompting a strategic retreat. Recognizing the relentless pursuit, Queen Woo shrewdly convinced Mu-gol to alter their course, a decision fraught with peril should they be intercepted, as it would lead them into a dead end.

Meanwhile, the victorious mounted warriors, led by Go Na-mu, returned home triumphant. Their reception was one of jubilation, as they were feted with festivities that lasted through the night, celebrating their hard-won victory. Go Na-mu, ever vigilant, had entrusted the protection of the Northern region to one of his trusted younger brothers.

As fate would have it, a new twist emerged when Yeon-bi stormed Myeong-rim's abode, demanding he call off his assassination attempt. Myeong-rim's defiance met with swift and merciless consequences as Yeon-bi took his life without hesitation. She then pressed the next heir to halt the assassination, only to be met with news that the operation had failed once more. Delighted by Queen Woo's survival, Yeon-bi compelled the family to swear allegiance to her. Seeking answers, she pressed for the identity of their spy, but this secret died with Myeong-rim, the sole keeper of that knowledge. Yeon-bi dispatched a message to Eul Pa-so, informing him of the queen's survival, though Mi-ryu intercepted the partially charred note after Eul Pa-so dismissed it with disdain.

Within the palace walls, Sa-bi's realization dawned upon her as she delved into Woo-sun's chambers. Conducting a divination ritual to glimpse the future of the king and queen, she was startled by a prophecy vastly different from what she had foreseen before. A jarring revelation struck her—she had been mistaken. Woo-sun was never destined to be queen. This time, her visions revealed Queen Woo, gazing intently at the crows perched atop the throne, her presence commanding and ominous.

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