Reasonable Doubt – Season 2 Episode 7

Published: Oct 18 2024

Episode 7 of Season 2 of "Reasonable Doubt" seamlessly resumes, where Lewis endeavors to unravel the truth to Jax about how Toni became pregnant. He confesses, sheepishly, that a lapse in judgment led to a forgotten condom, yet claims he wished to await DNA confirmation before revealing all. Jax, fuming, lambasts him for weeks of deceit, seeing his silence as a vindictive response to her dalliance with Damon. In a fit of rage, she banishes him from their home, grappling with the shocking realization that her husband might soon share parenthood with another woman. Lewis, in a compassionate gesture, messages her later, granting her the space to process the tumultuous turn of events.

Reasonable Doubt – Season 2 Episode 7 1

Jax's mind wanders back to the idyllic beginnings of her relationship with Lewis—a chance encounter at a minor car accident blossomed into a date, then love, and eventually, a life entwined.

As the dust settles, Corey discovers Krystal's diligent pursuit of her law license, prompting him to urge her to share this milestone with Jax. However, Krystal hesitates, sensing unease in Jax's demeanor. Corey, noticing Jax's distracted state, inquires if everything is alright, only to be reassured. He then divulges that Lucy intends to call Toni as her next witness, suggesting Jax handle the cross-examination, arguing that a woman confronting another in court carries less stigma than a man potentially accused of misogyny.

As the day wears on, Jax seeks a temporary reprieve from proceedings, requesting half a day's leave.

Meanwhile, Lucy confronts her own demons as her ex-husband, Peter, reemerges, disrupting her peace at the office. He persists in his delusional belief that their bond remains intact, begging for a second chance. When Lucy rebuffs his advances, he resorts to more drastic measures, serving her with a subpoena, determined to force his way back into her life.

Later, Jax and Lewis convene at their intimate therapy session, an arena where the latest twists and turns of their tumultuous relationship unfold. Jax confesses the depth of her struggles, confessing that she had placed her unwavering trust in Lewis, only to feel bitterly betrayed. The looming court battle with Toni further weighs heavily on her heart, fueling her frustration into poignant words that inadvertently ignite Lewis' own pent-up emotions. He retaliates, recalling her perilous affair with Damon that culminated in a near-death experience, and his unwavering support through the aftermath—a reminder that resonates with a sharp edge of truth.

The therapist, ever the voice of reason, urges them to delve within, contemplating the threshold question: Is it time to part ways or embark on a concerted effort to mend the broken pieces?

As Jax seeks solace among her closest friends over dinner, Sally's stern admonition rings clear—Jax must prioritize Shanelle's case above all else. Sally's own marital discord lingers, casting a shadow over her discomfort with Lewis' temporary residency under their roof.

Meanwhile, Chris, resolute in his stance, shuts the door on couples therapy, advising Lewis that his own happiness should not be sacrificed to appease others. This prompts Lewis to introspect, his mind wandering back to the challenges that plagued their intimacy post-parenthood. A bygone advice from Tucker resurfaces, suggesting they rekindle their spark through a foray into a sex club. Initially hesitant, Jax eventually relents, and the unconventional excursion serves as a catalyst for reigniting their passion.

However, as the weekend unfurls without Lewis by her side, Jax is consumed by melancholy, spending the days ensconced in her bed, tears her only companion. Emerging from this solitude, Jax recommits herself to the case at hand, partnering with Corey to strategize their next move with renewed focus and determination.

Furthermore, Jax engages in an intimate therapy session with their couples' counselor, who delicately inquires if she has ever basked in the warmth of unconditional love. The therapist speculates that Jax's apparent inability to forgive Lewis might stem from a lifetime devoid of such profound affection, particularly hinting that Jax herself might not have experienced it.

Within the courtroom's somber confines, Toni mounts the witness stand, attempting to cast Shanelle in a nefarious light—portraying her as a vengeful woman, frosty and unforgiving, whose icy demeanor emerged following the revelation of Toni's own illicit affair with Tucker. Yet, Jax shrewdly turns the tables, highlighting the hypocrisy in Toni's expectation of forgiveness from Shanelle, given her own betrayal. Furthermore, Jax masterfully extracts a damning admission from Toni, forcing her to confess on record that the paternity of her unborn child remains a mystery.

Exiting the courthouse, Shanelle's keen observation reveals Jax's inner turmoil. Confronting her friend, Jax confesses the stunning revelation: Toni's betrayal extends beyond her affair, for she too had been intimate with Lewis, raising the possibility that Lewis could be the father of Toni's child. Shanelle, ever empathetic, wraps Jax in a comforting embrace, striving to bolster her shaken spirit.

That evening, as fate would have it, Jax confronts Lewis at home, where he confirms Toni's pregnancy news, stunning Jax anew. The sudden arrival of their children for dinner interrupts her moment of shock, forcing Jax to compose herself. Yet, the weight of the revelation proves too heavy, and once the meal concludes, she retreats to the solitude of the bathroom, where tears of grief and confusion stream down her face. Lewis, attempting to soothe her, finds himself rebuffed as Jax's emotions overwhelm her, leading her to banish him from her moment of privacy and despair.

Returning to the confines of the office, Corey, Jax, and Krystal embark on a meticulous examination of the FBI's damning evidence against Evans. As Krystal reveals her aspirations to join the ranks of law school, Jax offers her unwavering encouragement, a beacon of support amidst her aspirations.

In a show of camaraderie, Jax gracefully offers to stay behind with Corey, delving into the labyrinthine files together. Sensing a need for assistance, she reaches out to Lewis, hoping he'd watch over the children, only to be met with resistance as he cites pressing professional commitments. A heated exchange ensues, and Jax, undeterred, turns to her mother for aid, a testament to her resilience.

Reflecting on the past, Lewis harbors a lingering sense that Jax lacks comprehension of his vocation's intricacies and wholehearted belief in his endeavors. During a solitary therapy session, he voices his grievance, feeling burdened by the unbalanced effort he exerts to salvage their marriage. The therapist, however, gently reminds him that Jax, too, strives relentlessly, urging Lewis to confront the pivotal question: Does he desire to be vindicated or cherished in matrimony?

The tension thickens between Corey and Jax as he confesses the weight of his other case, one that haunts him. Corey is wracked with guilt, recalling how he initially championed the wrong side, inadvertently setting the perpetrator free. The tragic sequence of events that ensued—the victim's reinjury and subsequent retaliatory murder by the hands of the woman herself, resulting in a life sentence—serves as a stark reminder of Corey's misstep.

Amidst a poignant kiss, Jax withdraws, her thoughts lingering on memories intertwined with Lewis, uncertain if their bond has truly reached its expiration date. Similar sentiments echo in Lewis' heart, as he finds solace at Chris's abode, contemplating their shared past.

The episode crescendos with Lewis' impulsive return home, his heart brimming with an unfettered and unconditional love he longs to confess. As he stands on the brink of departure, Jax's plea halts him in his tracks, her voice a gentle request for patience. In this moment, the fate of their relationship hangs delicately in the balance, promising a tale of redemption and renewed commitment yet to unfold.

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