Red Swan – K-drama Episode 10

Published: Sep 09 2024

Our gripping recap of Episode 10 of "Red Swan" kicks off with the stunning arrest of Chairwoman Park, her eyes wide with disbelief as Mr. Han stands idly by, watching her wrists get shackled with cold steel. As she's dragged away, she unleashes a torrent of curses upon him and the relentless prosecutors.

Elsewhere, Do-yoon meticulously briefs Wan-soo on his meticulous plan to bring Mr. Han to justice. Returning to the lavish mansion, he finds the prosecutors already at work, ransacking Mr. Han's abode and carting away the safe. Amidst the chaos, he spots So-dam attempting a hasty escape, sparking a fierce, adrenaline-fueled chase and battle. This time, however, Do-yoon emerges victorious, handing her over to the waiting police with a triumphant air. Later, he confronts Mr. Han with a stark warning of his impending downfall, but the latter remains eerily composed, his true intentions shrouded in mystery.

Red Swan – K-drama Episode 10 1

Unbeknownst to all, Mr. Han harbors a sinister secret—the bloodstained gold bar used by Yong-min to end Chairman Duo's life. He visits Chairwoman Park in the prosecutor's office, wielding the bar as a weapon of blackmail, forcing her to shoulder the blame. He threatens to expose their illicit affair and the son it bore, who ultimately took her husband's life. He appeals to her maternal instincts, urging her to protect Yong-min at any cost.

Terrified that the truth might unravel the fragile fabric of her life and endanger Hwain, Chairwoman Park capitulates, confessing to Wan-soo's attempted murder and ordering So-dam to carry it out. The revelation of Mr. Han's true colors leaves her reeling, but the die is already cast.

Ji-hyeon, seeking solace, pleads for a divorce, only to be met with Mr. Han's cold refusal. He storms out, his anger seething, and speeds to his mother's abode. There, he banishes the servants and lays hands on a gun, his mind set on a path of vengeance. Mr. Han, alerted by the commotion, contacts Ms. Byeon, who informs him of Yong-min's rage-fueled rampage.

Racing to intervene, Mr. Han hesitates to stop Yong-min from harming Yong-guk, but Yong-guk's insults ignite a fire within him. Seizing the moment, Mr. Han wrests the gun from Yong-min, only for Yong-guk to retaliate. As the struggle intensifies, Yong-min, desperate to save his father, snatches the weapon and pulls the trigger, ending Yong-guk's life in a single, devastating shot.

Wan-soo, having heard the first gunshot as she made her way out, rushes back in to find Yong-min standing over his fallen brother, gun in hand. She rushes to Yong-guk's side, the scene etched in horror and heartbreak.

Tragically, Yong-guk's life came to an end mere moments after he confessed his heartfelt love for Wan-soo and tendered his sincere apologies. Throughout his final days, Yong-guk valiantly sought to atone for his past misdeeds. He confronted Ta-era, offering her financial recompense to sever all ties, leaving no ambiguity about his affection for Wan-soo. Ta-era, though devastated by the revelation, found solace in the knowledge that she could finally move forward, unencumbered by regret.

Following Yong-guk's passing, Mr. Han and Yong-min conspired to erase any trace of the incident from the surveillance footage. Mr. Han falsely accused Wan-soo of Yong-guk's murder, instructing Yong-min to go into hiding. Yet, fate intervened as Do-yoon arrived at the crucial juncture, when Wan-soo was being unjustly detained for questioning. She poured out her heart to him, and he promptly rallied the staff to locate and apprehend Yong-min. Thorough police investigations, including tests for gunpowder residue on both Wan-soo and Yong-min, conclusively proved Wan-soo's innocence, leading to her release.

Undeterred, Wan-soo sought out Chairwoman Park, imploring her with all her might not to succumb to Mr. Han's sinister threats. Meanwhile, Do-yoon shrewdly utilized footage depicting Hyun-soo delivering ledgers to Mr. Han, unmasking him as the true mastermind behind the nefarious schemes. Overwhelming evidence discovered within the safe and other incriminating details sealed Mr. Han's fate, resulting in his arrest. This pivotal development freed Chairwoman Park from suspicion, though she remains under probation pending further investigation, her reputation gradually restored.

She embarks on a poignant visit to Yong-min in the confines of prison, extending a heartfelt forgiveness that transcends their differences. Amidst the solemnity, she imparts a grave warning, cautioning him against the treacherous Mr. Han, who clings to the incriminating golden bar drenched in blood. Yong-min, consumed by rage, misplaces that golden bar and unleashes a violent fury upon his father within the prison walls. Guards swiftly intervene, preventing a tragic end, yet it becomes evident that Yong-min's descent into darkness is irrevocable.

Having brought closure to the intricate case, Do-yoon tenderly resigns from his role as Wan-soo's steadfast bodyguard, recognizing the need for both of them to embark on individual journeys of healing and reflection. He returns to his roots as a police officer, while Wan-soo devotes herself wholeheartedly to the foundation's noble cause.

Meanwhile, Chairwoman Park, her resolve unwavering, agrees to abide by Chairman Du-o's last wishes. She gracefully authorizes Wan-soo to harness the funds for the betterment of society through the foundation's endeavors and initiates the process of electing a new leader for the board of directors.

A year later, under the gentle glow of renewed hope, Do-yoon and Wan-soo's paths cross once more, before Wan-soo embarks on a charitable mission to Tanzania. This time, Do-yoon, driven by an unspoken bond, chooses to accompany her as a fellow volunteer, his heart as resolute as ever. Though the story leaves us with an open-ended tapestry of possibilities, let us cherish the thought that amidst life's uncertainties, they ultimately find their way back to each other, their love triumphant over all obstacles.

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