Tom, under his genuine identity, rents a stunning palazzo in Venice and promptly notifies the Venetian police of his well-being. When Ravini arrives to conduct an interview, Tom manages to cleverly conceal his true identity. The high society of Venice welcomes him with open arms, their curiosity piqued by the enigmatic Dickie, who has been labeled by the press as the "fugitive playboy."
Marge joins him, and together they attend a glamorous party thrown by the illustrious Pegeen Guggenheim. Meanwhile, Herbert arrives in Italy and embraces the narrative that a disheartened Dickie, overwhelmed by his failures as an artist and entangled in the tragedy of Freddie's death, had taken his own life.
Marge sends Ravini a copy of her book on Atrani, unaware of the shock it will cause him. Upon seeing her photograph of the authentic Dickie Greenleaf, Ravini is stunned, the realization of the truth dawning on him.