Romance in the House – K-drama Episode 3

Published: Sep 06 2024

Episode 3 of "Romance in the House" kicks off with a vibrant scene, where Tae-pyeong captivates an audience of children with his mastery of tae-kwon-do. His signature kick, the very one that sent Mi-rae's father flying, not only showcases his knightly prowess but also underscores his formidable strength, earning him accolades from the ladies.

Romance in the House – K-drama Episode 3 1

At the workplace, Mi-rae pulls Tae-pyeong aside, her voice laced with urgency as she implores him to keep their encounter outside the Mart a secret. Her threat of his job on the line is tempered by a mischievous grin, acknowledging the satisfaction of witnessing him deliver that decisive kick to Moo-jin's face.

Meanwhile, Ae-yeon's decision to stay rooted in the villa, rather than relocate, casts a shadow over Mi-rae's mood. The revelation sparks a heated discussion between mother and daughter, with Mi-rae suggesting another loan as a solution, only to be met with the grim reality of their already crippling debt. Mi-rae's suspicions about her mother's motives, fueled by Tae-pyeong's wealth, are swiftly quelled as Ae-yeon firmly asserts her independence from such influences.

Mi-rae's confrontation with her father is fraught with emotion. His refusal to relinquish his wedding ring, coupled with his brazen attempt to rekindle their relationship, leaves Mi-rae reeling in shock and confusion. Moo-jin's overconfidence in winning Ae-yeon's heart propels him to propose a risky wager—the entirety of her alimony, a sum that, with interest and inflation, now equates to the villa's ownership.

The stakes are set for the next four weeks, and the bet is sealed with legal binding the very next day. Amidst this turmoil, Mi-rae shoulders the burden of the monthly rent, her pride intact as she navigates the complexities of her family's finances and emotions.

A pivotal flashback from Episode 2, previously unexplored, sheds light on Mi-rae's harrowing encounter with her father in the midst of a loan shark's wrath. Witnessing the restaurant in ruins, Mi-rae's anger boiled over, compelling her father to swear off from her life forever. His subsequent breach of this promise, by acquiring the villa, serves as a potent reminder of the depth of her resentment and fury towards him.

Amidst the unfolding drama, a parallel narrative weaves its way, centered around Choi Dong-jin, a semi-basement dweller in the villa. He harbors a deep mistrust towards Moo-jin, which intensifies every time Moo-jin's presence looms in the apartment complex. Dong-jin's paranoia reaches new heights after witnessing Moo-jin's late-night encounter with the landlord, just before the devastating fire. He demands a change of locks, his suspicions fueled by the unsettling coincidence.

Lee Jeong-hyeok, already a skeptic of Moo-jin's character, eagerly embraces this narrative, rallying the other tenants into a frenzy of speculation. Rumors spread like wildfire, speculating on Moo-jin's past—was he incarcerated? An ex-con perhaps? Meanwhile, Moo-jin's mysterious rooftop rituals and his unannounced visit to a tofu restaurant only add fuel to the fire of suspicion.

The collective paranoia reaches a fever pitch, casting even Ae-yeon and the children under a suspicious cloud, as if they too were complicit in some twisted "murder cover-up." As the residents spin their theories, Moo-jin initiates his own plan to charm Ae-yeon, but his initial attempt falters miserably. Undaunted, he switches tactics.

Moo-jin engages Hyeon-jae in a heart-to-heart, uncovering the family's hardships and emphasizing Mi-rae's lack of a love life and Ae-yeon's department store job. In a show of generosity, he slaps down his credit card, offering financial assistance. Hyeon-jae accepts eagerly, but outside, their encounter with the old landlord triggers a jolt of unease; this man, who once pursued Ae-yeon relentlessly and even attempted to break into their home while inebriated, haunts their memories.

Moo-jin's frustration mounts as he realizes he's not only earning enemies within the villa but also Jeong-in's disapproval. Meanwhile, at work, a bombshell revelation shakes Mi-rae's world as she overhears a conversation between the CEO and Tae-pyeong—the CEO is none other than Tae-pyeong's father. They fear Mi-rae will expose the truth, but she vows to keep their secret, at least for now.

Contrastingly, the villa residents' voices grow louder, their conviction solidifying that Moo-jin is an arsonist and the culprit behind the landlord's death. The tension thickens, setting the stage for a dramatic unraveling of secrets and truths.

As Hwang Jin-hee, the doting kindergarten mother, approaches Ae-yeon at her workplace, Moo-jin's patience has reached its limit. He springs into action, only to be met with the blunt reminder from Mi-rae that he is a stranger, not their father—a sentiment rooted deeply in his troubled past that has cast a shadow of destruction and despair over their lives. Recall the snack bar, reduced to rubble by the loan sharks' wrath? It was Moo-jin's involvement that sealed its fate.

After enduring a scolding at work, the girls trudge home, leaving Moo-jin to drown in his sorrows, guzzling shots of soju. Into this melancholic scene steps Hyeon-jae, armed with a pseudo-lie detector, attempting to inject some humor into the situation, albeit awkwardly.

The dawn brings a fresh start for Moo-jin, who vows to Ae-yeon over the phone that her troubles will cease. He marches into the police station, offering crucial testimony about the fire, his words igniting a spark of hope in their investigation.

Subsequently, Moo-jin rallies the residents, laying his cards on the table. He displays his matches, confessing his failed attempt to persuade the landlord to sell him the property. His impassioned speech, addressing the harassment Ae-yeon endured, sways the crowd to his side. In a gesture of camaraderie, he treats them all to drinks, ensuring their defenses are lowered. Amidst the revelry, Moo-jin discreetly messages Mi-rae, his resolve unwavering: he refuses to back down and will persist in his endeavors.

The final scene revisits the confrontation with the lecherous landlord, Moo-jin intercepting him mid-predation in a restaurant. His eyes blazing with determination, he issues a chilling ultimatum—a threat to eliminate the threat should he dare to venture back into their neighborhood.

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