Episode 1 kicks off 51 hours hence, where Donald 'Fitz' Fitzpatrick (portrayed by Allan Hawco) is hastily conveyed to the Emergency Room on a stretcher, the victim of a gunshot wound. Flashing back 51 hours, a local news broadcast captures the moment Robert O'Brien (played by Eric Johnson) is apprehended by Fitz outside a school. The footage reveals a deep-seated animosity between the two men, exacerbated by the fact that Robert is romantically involved with Fitz’s estranged wife, Meredith Fitzpatrick (Vanessa Matsui).
Shortly thereafter, Fitz finds himself entangled in a phone conversation with Meredith, who can scarcely contain her resentment towards him for embarrassing Robert in front of their children. However, this contentious exchange is abruptly cut short by Robert's unwelcome arrival.
As Fitz embarks on his journey to France, Genevieve 'Arch' Archambault (Josephine Jobert) chances upon a stray dog and sets off to meet him and Marcus Villeneuve (Benz Antoine) at the docks. From the outset, Arch is less than thrilled about Fitz joining their team, and his bout of seasickness only serves to exacerbate her misgivings.
Upon their arrival, Marcus and Arch escort Fitz to his new workspace, during which he unveils the reasons behind his exile to France. The trio then proceeds to the station, where they find Sean Gallagher (James Purefoy) and Gabriella/Gabby Kennedy (Fiona Highet) in handcuffs, embroiled in a contentious dispute over land rights. Marcus swiftly releases them, sending them on their way, but not before Gallagher catches sight of a news clip depicting Fitz's arrest of Robert. Gallagher mocks Fitz over Robert's affair with his ex-wife, adding fuel to an already tense atmosphere.
With Gallagher and Gabby out of the picture, Marcus introduces Fitz to the rest of the team and tasks Arch with escorting him to investigate the vandalism that Gallagher had claimed on his property. The stage is now set for a series of intertwined narratives and unraveling mysteries.
As they make their way towards the island, Arch elaborates on the complex Gabby-Gallagher saga to Fitz. Gallagher has been aggressively acquiring properties across the region, but Gabby had beaten him to the punch, securing a church and a handful of houses. Upon arriving at the church, they are confronted not only by vandalized bee hives but also by the grim discovery of Gabby's lifeless body. Monica McEvoy, alias Libby Osler, was the first to stumble upon the deceased shortly after Gabby's return from the precinct.
Arch and Fitz delve deeper into the examination of the body, while Marcus interrogates Gallagher, who presents a solid alibi for the time frame of Gabby's murder. Despite the scene being orchestrated to resemble a suicide, Arch swiftly discards this possibility. Just as they are immersed in their investigation, a young girl bolts out of the church and leaps into the comforting embrace of Max Verlice, played by Kirs Holden-Ried. This young girl is revealed to be his daughter, Jenny. Arch joins their conversation, and together, they learn that with Gabby's demise, Monica has ascended to the position of leadership.
Back at the station, the team uncovers Gabby's history of protesting against pipelines, fracking, and climate change. Additionally, it comes to light that she spent some time in possession proceedings before acquiring the property two years prior. After succinctly outlining the suspects and their respective alibis, Arch and Fitz set off to meet with the coroner, Emmanuelle (Lara Arabian). During their exchange, Arch learns that Fitz is fluent in French. The coroner confirms that Gabby's death was indeed a murder, noting that the gun found at the scene had its firing pin removed, adding another layer of mystery to the already perplexing case.
Later that evening, after Arch safely deposits Fitz at his hotel, her phone buzzes to life with a call from Veda Gonsalves (Ayesha Mansur Gonsalves), imparting crucial information regarding Fitz. Simultaneously, Fitz embarks on a personal sleuthing mission about Arch, scouring through her social media profile. Exhausted from his endeavor, he drifts off to sleep only to awaken in his boxers, mesmerized to find himself stranded in the middle of the street, narrowly escaping a potential collision with a speeding vehicle.
The subsequent morning at the precinct, it is Fitz’s insight that prompts the team to track down the owner of the Mouser, despite its irrelevance as the murder weapon. Their hope lingers on the possibility that this lead might unravel the mystery behind the staged suicide. Meanwhile, ballistics reports on the other confiscated weapons at the compound reveal they haven't been discharged lately. Patty Montclair-Ito (Erika Prevost) enriches the team's understanding by disclosing that Max Verlice, formerly Vernon Myers, altered his identity due to a California assault conviction, carrying two active restraining orders from his ex-wives. His current spouse, Daniella Oldring (Michelle Monteith), who resides with him at the compound, mourns the loss of a son from a previous marriage, prompting Patty to delve into the circumstances surrounding the child's demise. Additionally, Patty reveals that Monica had recently acquired a Mouser from an antique firearms website.
When Monica is summoned for questioning, she maintains that the firearm belonged to her grandfather and that its acquisition was a years-long quest. As for inheriting the compound, she portrays it more as a liability than a blessing, emphasizing Gabby's instrumental role in managing the estate. She implicates Gallagher by recounting his numerous offers to purchase the land, all of which Gabby steadfastly refused.
Marcus reveals to Fitz and Arch that Gallagher has come clean with him about the offers, supported by CCTV footage proving his alibi – he hadn't revisited the island since departing the police station. When Fitz suggests that Gallagher might have hired someone to eliminate Gabby, Marcus dismisses it as a wild stretch. With Gallagher and Monica temporarily off the hook, Fitz and Arch return to the church to recreate the murder scene. There, they not only discover the bullet but also face an unexpected attack from Verlice, leading to an even more startling revelation: the compound was secretly dealing Oxy. Soon after, Jenny arrives armed, prompting Arch to confront her. In the midst of the chaos, Fitz is shot. Arch compares the casing of the murder bullet to the one that injured Fitz, finding a match.
Upon his return to the station, Fitz receives a standing ovation. Before he and Arch can process Verlice's confession to the murder, Patty shares that Daniella's son had passed away while attending university. Both Fitz and Arch are skeptical of Verlice's sudden confession, given his earlier plea of innocence at the church, but their debate is cut short by Daniella's arrival. While Arch ponders Verlice's motives for confessing, Fitz engages Daniella in conversation.
Marcus isn't pleased to learn that Arch is questioning Verlice again but refrains from intervening. Elsewhere, Daniella vows for the innocence of her daughter and husband while承认 knowing about the drug operation. Observing the purple ribbon on her purse, Fitz realizes that her son succumbed to addiction. This revelation prompts him to coax a confession out of Daniella; she admitted to killing Gabby after she refused to dismantle the drug operation. Verlice had assisted her in framing Monica.
Later that evening, Marcus officially welcomes Fitz to the team by treating him and the rest of the squad to drinks. As Arch escorts Fitz back to his hotel, Marcus is abducted and brutalized by Gallagher. The episode concludes with Gallagher posing a question to Marcus, inquiring if he will be a loyal soldier.