Episode 1 of Secret Level transports us into the exhilarating realm of Dungeons & Dragons, where we find ourselves seated at the grand table of high fantasy, named "Queen's Cradle." Our journey begins with three intrepid adventurers, Ahokal, Tally, and Mora, stumbling upon a bizarre figure named Solon. His face, a canvas of intricate tattoos, is confined within the bars of a cage, where he's trapped in a torturous vortex of visions. With compassion and bravery, this trio rescues Solon from his dire predicament.
Solon reveals he was once a captive of the Cult of the Dragon, and with his liberation, the trio vows to escort him to Oriel, seeking a cure for his affliction. The tattoos branding his flesh signify him as a target for sacrifice, his fate sealed at the Well of the Dragon.
Plagued by visions, Solon reacts instinctively, plunging a blade into Mora's abdomen. Despite Ahokal and Tally's misgivings, Mora's miraculous healing powers restore her. As a token of gratitude, Mora bestows a trinket upon Solon, but their peace is shattered by the sudden onslaught of foes.
In a race against time, the group flees to Oriel's sanctuary, where they split tactics. Ahokal and Tally fend off the encroaching敌意, while Mora and Solon seek the intervention of the clerk, who is revealed to be a colossal dragon. The dragon, with a benevolent heart, vows to shield them from harm.
As the dark entity within Solon is devoured by the dragon's vast spirit, the battle continues outside. The trio outside battles valiantly, vanquishing the dark forces. The tattoos fade from Solon's visage, replaced by a serene quietness. However, their joy is short-lived as the darkness corrupts Oriel, transforming him into a fearsome, multi-headed dragon, ready to consume them all.
A colossal fireball arcs through the air, threatening to incinerate everything in its path. Solon steps forward, summoning every ounce of strength to deflect the fiery blast. With their backs against the wall, the adventurers stand united, ready to confront their most daunting challenge yet.