The episode kicks off with a disoriented Malcolm Kidd (Stuart Campbell), his gun trained menacingly on Detective Inspector Ruth Calder (Ashley Jensen). In a disjointed monologue, she reveals her intention to quit the Metropolitan Police and return to the tranquil yet enigmatic landscapes of Shetland. Under his intense scrutiny, she offers to cover his deceased brother, Andrew Kidd, with a sheet. He directs her to where she can find one, and with trembling hands, she drapes it over the inert form.
Malcolm's impatience grows as he vents his frustration over the police's delay in bringing Eleanor Douglas (Christina Gordon) to the scene. Calder assures him that arrangements take time, urging him to stay composed. However, his agitation peaks when he cocks his rifle and takes aim at her, just as DI Tosh McIntosh's (Alison O’Donnell) call interrupts, informing her that Eleanor remains unlocated and that they have authorization to use firearms.
Strategically positioned, a tactical team encircles the house from the rear. Upon learning that Eleanor isn't outside, Malcolm's agitation spikes, prompting him to step dangerously close to the window. Calder, leaping to her feet, frantically gestures for him to move away. With his gun now drawn, he demands the truth from her. She reluctantly admits that Eleanor isn't coming due to the police's concerns for her safety. Malcolm professes his undying love for her, insisting he would never harm her. In a bid to defuse the situation, Calder urges him to surrender, promising to facilitate a meeting with Eleanor. Initially agreeing, his resolve crumbles instantly upon the ring of her phone. Blaming Bergen for his plight, he pulls the trigger.
Tosh and the tactical team storm the house to find Calder miraculously alive, while Malcolm lies sprawled on the floor. In a moment of surreal normalcy, Calder quips about her lipstick, eliciting a chuckle from Tosh.
Malcolm is scheduled for a psychological evaluation prior to interrogation. Tosh chastises Calder for needlessly endangering herself, to which Calder replies, mistaking the situation for a welfare check. Tosh corrects her, emphasizing that such duties fall to uniformed officers, before compliments on her appearance and extends an invitation to a party, which Calder politely declines.
Upon Tosh's arrival at the party, the revelry is in full bloom. Donnie Russell (Angus Miller) guides her to the bar for a drink, where she briefly exchanges words with Ian Bett (Robert Jack) before joining Tara Kirk (Nalini Chetty) and Frank Kirk (Richard Thomson). Annie Bett (Sarah MacGillivray) shares with Tosh her fondness for Andrew and describes Malcolm as perpetually tense but harmless. Noticing Ian's intense stare, Annie excuses herself to converse with him. Meanwhile, Tosh witnesses Ian seemingly losing his temper with Annie.
Elsewhere, Calder confides in DC Sandy Wilson (Steven Robertson) that Malcolm never disclosed his motive for killing Andrew but did mention Bergen. Sandy speculates that Malcolm might have traveled to Norway during his ferry work. Declining his offer of companionship, Calder steps into her home with a sigh of relief.
At the party, Tosh spots Noah Bett (Jacob Ferguson) observing Annie and Ian's heated exchange through a window, who informs her of their impending separation. Tosh apologizes, and Annie, seeking comfort, embraces Noah and asks Tosh to escort them to their car. Ian, meanwhile, indulges heavily in alcohol. Annie requests Tosh to meet her the following morning at the Harris residence where she's staying.
Reverend Alan Calder, portrayed by Steven Miller, sternly reprimanded Calder for keeping him in the dark about the incident involving Malcolm. She, however, assured him that she was fine. Alan lamented the fact that Amma had deserted him without any clarification. Soon after, Sergeant Billy McCabe, played by Lewis Howden, rang to summon her to the police station. Reluctantly, Alan agreed to escort her.
Upon their arrival, Billy greeted her warmly, relieved to see her unharmed. Harry Lamont, played by Tibu Fortes, broke the news to her that Malcolm had agreed to pen a comprehensive confession for false imprisonment and murder. She inquired why Malcolm's lawyer wasn't pushing for culpable homicide instead. Harry revealed that Malcolm had been quite resolute in his decision.
Meanwhile, Tosh arrived at the Harris residence only to find Tara missing. Patrick Harris, portrayed by Ross Anderson, grumbled about Annie's extended stay there instead of being with Tosh. John Harris, also played by Ross Anderson but distinguishing as a different character, informed her that Annie and Noah's beds were still untouched. Patrick and Fergus Harris, portrayed by Macleod Stephen, denied seeing them the previous night or their car outside when they had left before dawn. Annie wasn't responding to her phone calls. John was surprised to learn that Tosh was a police officer.
While driving the route Annie might have taken the previous night, Tosh notified Donnie, who agreed to contact Ian. At the police station, Calder attempted to persuade Malcolm to reconsider his confession. He admitted to killing Andrew but remained tight-lipped about the motive. She offered to facilitate a visit with Eleanor, but he remained steadfast in his decision. She then requested Billy to bring Eleanor in.
Tosh located Ian's vehicle outside the venue. She declined a call from Donnie, who informed her that Ian wasn't answering his phone and had been heavily intoxicated the previous night. Donnie added that he and Frank had hailed a taxi for Ian.
Back at the police station, Eleanor, sobbing, confessed to having an affair with Andrew and dreaded that everyone would blame her. Calder inquired if she knew anything about Bergen, to which Eleanor shook her head. Calder briefed Tosh on the case. Tosh, in turn, shared with Calder about Annie and Ian's separation. Calder revealed that Amma had requested a divorce from Alan.
Elsewhere, Alan arrived at the shelter to learn that Lisa Friel, portrayed by Ian Hart, had accused the staff of theft, smashed the door glass, and left. Ailsa Forbes, played by Liz Ewing, and Housing Officer Michael Stack, portrayed by Andrew John Tait, explained the sequence of events. Alan apologized, insisted on covering the damage costs, and earnestly pleaded for another chance for Lisa. Ailsa reluctantly agreed. Later, Alan found Lisa in a caravan with Campervan Angus Wallace, portrayed by Jimmy Yuill. She refused to return to the shelter, stating that they were heading to Nesting.
Upon their arrival at the Bett residence, Calder and Tosh were confronted with a scene of disarray—the front door smashed and Professor Euan Rossi of Oxford (played by Ian Hart) hiding away upstairs. Rossi, fresh from his journey from London, claimed to have stumbled upon the ruined entrance upon his arrival. Calder promptly broke the news to him: Annie and Noah were missing. A voicemail from Annie, received by Calder at 1:16 am, echoed her plea for assistance amidst distress. Sandy speculated that nothing appeared to have been stolen, prompting Calder and Tosh to issue a Be On the Lookout (BOLO) alert for Annie, Noah, and Ian.
Moments later, Tosh updated the Harris family, with Patrick asserting that Ian had gone mad ever since Annie ended their relationship. John attempted to silence him, but Patrick persisted, insisting Ian's involvement. Fergus revealed that Ian had been intoxicated when he visited on Thursday night, while John reassured them of Annie's safety under his roof. Calder stumbled upon Annie’s notepad, filled with intricate math problems, and admitted his lingering dislike for Ian.
Meanwhile, Hector Fulton (Harry Ward) was engrossed in his work when he glanced up to behold Noah, smeared in blood. Calder and Tosh swiftly arrived on the scene, where PC Alex Grant (Conor McCarry) informed them that, although unharmed, Noah was eerily silent. Paramedic Felix (Leeroy Boone) concurred, diagnosing Noah with shock, yet still, he remained mute. Calder detected what seemed like plaster dust clinging to Noah's shoes, and Hector mentioned the ongoing construction of a croft a few miles down the road.
As they headed towards the croft, Calder inquired about Tosh's well-being in tackling the case, to which she reassured her with confidence. While searching the Bett house, Calder uncovered something significant and alerted Tosh.
At the hospital, PC Lorna Burns (Eubha Akilade) and Grant were gathering Noah’s clothes as evidence, but Noah grew increasingly agitated. The scene shifted to the croft, where Annie's lifeless form lay sprawled on the floor, sending Tosh into a state of despair as she radioed in the grim discovery. Upstairs, they found Anton Bergen (also portrayed by Leeroy Boone), deceased. The episode concluded on this harrowing note.