Sight Unseen – Season 2 Episode 2

Published: Feb 19 2025

Sunny Patel (portrayed by Agam Darshi) is roused from her slumber by the insistent rap of a knocker at her door. Anxiety etched on her face, she navigates her way to the entrance, peers cautiously through the peephole, meticulously disengages the locks, and then cautiously swings the door open. The scene seamlessly transitions to her stepping into Tess Avery’s (Dolly Lewis) apartment, where she inadvertently knocks over a pencil holder, sending it clattering to the floor. As she boards an elevator and selects her desired floor, the car abruptly lurches to a halt, its cable seemingly snapping. Sunny is thrown off balance, her scream of terror echoing as she awakens from the nightmare, safe in her bed.

Sight Unseen – Season 2 Episode 2 1

Elsewhere, Remy Darrow (played by Miles Marthaller) jests with Jasmine Lim (Aadila Dosani) about his enjoyable time, inquiring after his parents. Jasmine replies that they will return home that very day and wanders off to attend to some chores, only to find someone slipping into her car and speeding away. She frantically tries to halt the driver's escape. Meanwhile, Remy suggests a trip for ice cream, oblivious to the unfolding drama.

Sunny confides in Tess Avery about her nightmarish vision of a bald man assaulting her. Tess postulates that the dream might stem from Sunny's apprehension about venturing beyond her apartment’s confines. Sunny admits to keeping quiet about the mysterious embers she keeps seeing. Leading Tess to Jake Campbell’s (Daniel Gillies) desk, Tess offers him a coffee, which he tastes with evident displeasure. Just then, Jake receives an Amber Alert about Remy’s abduction.

Upon arriving at the crime scene, Tess and Jake engage in a conversation about parenthood amidst the tension. Detective Leo Li (Tony Giroux) informs them that Remy Darrow was abducted while his parents were returning from a trip to Chili. As they watch the live footage, Sunny comments on the incongruity of a luxury vehicle in such a neighborhood. Leo reveals that there are no operational CCTV cameras in the vicinity and Remy’s phone signals are inactive. Jasmine recounts the events leading up to the abduction, mentioning that the Darrow family resides in North Delta, while she came here for cheaper fuel. Tess speculates that the perpetrator might have targeted the luxury vehicle rather than Remy himself.

Tess interrogates the mechanics (Frankie Francois and Justin Lacey) about whether they witnessed the carjacking. One mechanic steadfastly denies seeing anything, but Sunny remains skeptical. Tess issues a veiled threat of introducing him to a police officer, prompting him to reveal that Jasmine and Remy usually visit a particular greenhouse every few days, but this week, she had come daily. Jake’s sudden knocking at a door sends a man scrambling out of a window. Tess waits patiently until he approaches and strikes him, sending him crashing to the ground, where Jake promptly apprehends him.Leo tracks down the opulent automobile, yet Remy remains elusive. Jake, with a sense of urgency, declares, "Initiate the countdown." Sunny, puzzled, inquires about its significance. Tess, her voice laced with grim realism, explains that two hours into an abduction, the victim's chances of survival plummet to 40%. She asserts that this is a kidnapping, a calculated act, not a spontaneous carjacking.

At the Metro Police Department, Superintendent Bennett (Roger Cross), frustration evident in his tone, lambasts someone over the phone for failing to procure assistance. Leo and Tess confer via phone, with her postulating that the premeditated nature of the abduction is evident from the assailant's choice to abandon the luxury vehicle in a CCTV blind spot. Sunny notes the strategic proximity to major highways, facilitating a swift escape.

Meanwhile, Jake conducts an interview with Jasmine and her boyfriend, Dino (Martin Cochingco), within the confines of the police station. Tess informs Leo that Tim and Lisa Darrow (Niall Matter and Sara Canning respectively) have been intercepted at the airport. Sunny guides Tess towards the Darrow residence, its wooden gate marred by the graffiti "LIARS." Jake calls in to relay that Jasmine was en route to visit Dino with Remy, highlighting Dino's criminal background. Sunny alerts Tess to a lurking presence, heightening their vigilance.

Tess queries Ian Murphy (Luke Humphrey) and Rita (Lynn Griffith) about the gate vandalism. Rita fingers the general contractor, Paul Reinburg (Adil Zaidi), who was recently terminated. Ian corroborates Paul's hostility, citing an incident where their car was keyed, while also expressing admiration for Tim and Lisa. Shortly thereafter, Lisa echoes the blame on Paul and reveals plans to relocate due to Tim's promotion. Tim, a roadway designer, reveals they will reside in Santiago for a year before shifting to Lisbon. Their son, Remy, conceived through IVF, is their cherished "little miracle." Tim implores Tess to return Remy home. Sunny, noting Remy's phone signaling its location, finds their sincerity plausible.

Jake halts a minivan, instructing the driver (Emma Rendell) to exit and requesting the passenger, Harper (Ever Ferris), to surrender a phone. Later, at the precinct, Bennett reveals that the Darrow family was shopping near the luxury vehicle's discovery site. They were at a diner when Remy was spirited away, the abductor slipping his phone into one of their bags. A ransom demand arrives via email, Remy's voice greeting his parents before a distorted voice demands two million dollars.

Tess and Sunny dispatch the ransom audio and voice recordings of interviewed individuals to Matt Alleyne (Jarod Joseph). Swiftly, Jake and Tess interrogate Paul about Remy's plight. Paul vehemently denies gate vandalism and kidnapping, and Sunny senses his sincerity. He alleges termination due to Lisa's infatuation with him and utters a chilling remark about some individuals undeserving their children.Tess confessed to Sunny, her guilt-laden eyes reflecting her blame for her parents' unhappiness. As Matt cleared the static from the ransom audio, the clinking of glasses echoed through the speakers, sending a chill down their spines. Tess acknowledged her debt to the unseen figure, who demanded only Remy's safe return.

Moments later, Tess inquired about Remy's perception of Chile, turning to Lisa for answers. Lisa painted a picture of adventure, but Sunny detected a hint of reluctance beneath her forced enthusiasm. Lisa insisted that her marriage to Tim was solid, having rebuffed Paul's unwanted advances. When Tess pressed her on why she hadn't told Tim, Lisa replied softly, fearing his impulsive nature. Tess countered, mentioning the two million ransom and Tim's substantial income, while Sunny attempted to mediate, albeit unsuccessfully.

Lisa emphasized Remy's paramount importance, but Tess wasn't swayed, demanding the names of all Lisa's partners. Sunny warned Tess of Lisa's fragile state, but Tess was relentless, citing statistics about parental abduction. Sunny reminded her that Lisa and Tim were abroad when Remy was taken, yet the argument persisted until Tess offered a half-hearted apology.

The clinking of Ian's wind chimes mirrored the ransom audio, sparking a sense of urgency. Tess, impatient, nearly burst into the house before Sunny reminded her to wait for Jake. The upstairs remained eerily empty, and Sunny's flashback of a bald man forcibly entering her apartment sent a shiver down her spine. The neighbor's screensaver, adorned with Remy's photographs, added to the poignant scene.

Noticing a marina sticker on Ian's vehicle, Tess speculated he might have taken his boat out. She swiftly dispatched a photo of Ian's car and boat to Bennett, while Leo confirmed the boat's absence from its usual slip. Studying a map, Sunny identified two slipways, one located 20 kilometers away. As they approached Ian's vehicle, floating embers illuminated the scene, heightening the tension.

Tess reported the sighting to dispatch while Ian, evasive and erratic, navigated onto a logging road. Tess confronted him over the phone, questioning his intentions regarding Remy. Ian claimed innocence, saying he had Remy's blessing for a fishing trip, orchestrated by parental consent. Sunny discovered a DNA kit in the footage of Ian's house, piecing together the puzzle.

Tess pressed Ian on how long he had known about his fatherhood. He confessed to a one-time encounter, denying any paternal aspirations until he laid eyes on Remy. Panic set in when he learned of Lisa and Tim's impending move. Tess suggested fighting for custody, but Ian's sudden maneuver towards the river cut her short. Jake pulled up behind him, urging Ian to release Remy.

Ian emerged, gently lifting Remy from the car. As Jake led Remy to safety, Ian expressed his genuine fondness for their time together, earning a heartfelt "me too" from Remy. Lisa and Tim rushed to embrace their son, tears of relief streaming down their faces. Tess approached Tim, ready to reveal Ian's motive, but Tim's words about Remy teaching him what truly matters stopped her short. He turned away, eager to immerse himself in his family's embrace once more.

Tess expresses her heartfelt gratitude to Matt for making a significant impact on their situation. Intrigued, he inquiries about her troubles. She reveals that Ian left for legitimate reasons, contrasting sharply with her father's actions. As he offers her a comforting embrace, she notices he's wearing his "special occasion" sweater and cologne. Desperate for answers, she implores him to divulge the name of the woman. Instead, he gently guides her toward the exit. Later, Tess leaves a voicemail for Sunny, apologizing and hinting at possible PTSD struggles. Taking the hint, Sunny enrolls in an online self-defense course taught by Danielle Salmon. Meanwhile, at the police department, Bennett fields a call from Agent Mitchell, who warns that the investigation is far from over. Bennett reassuringly informs him that there's no reason for suspension, assuring him that Jake is diligently working on the report. As if on cue, Tess arrives with a steaming cup of coffee for Jake, adding a touch of warmth amidst the tension.

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