Star Wars: The Bad Batch, episode 7, ignites amidst the smoldering ruins of Rex's concealed stronghold, where the Imperial clone assassin emerges, hobbling from the debris, a sinister figure amidst the chaos. The Bad Batch and their fellow clones navigate the treacherous terrain, seeking a path to safety. Commander Wolffe, grief-stricken by the loss of their 'rebellious brethren,' assumes command, yet the assassin defies his authority, hellbent on capturing Omega.
Omega and her companions reach a hidden escape pod within the base's depths, only to have their hopes dashed as the assassin disables its engines, sending them crashing into the verdant jungle below. Wolffe chastises the assassin for jeopardizing Omega's life, emphasizing her vitality to their cause. Crosshair ensures Omega's well-being amidst the encroaching attack shuttles, his loyalty unwavering.
Howser observes Crosshair's transformation, a bond forged over shared sentiments of loyalty and a sense of disposability within the Empire's machinations. As Imperial clones tighten their grip, the group finds themselves embroiled in a fierce battle, shrouded by the veil of smoke grenades. Crosshair and the assassin engage in a deadly sniper duel, their paths converging in a raging river, where they grapple in hand-to-hand combat amidst the churning waters. The assassin nearly claims victory, drowning Crosshair, but Howser arrives as a beacon of hope, pulling him to safety.
Trapped on a cliffside, the gang faces an impossible standoff against the relentless Imperial clones. In this dire moment, Rex and Wolffe's unexpected reunion stirs emotions. Rex lays bare the atrocities of the Empire's clone experiments, imploring Wolffe to see the error of his ways and join forces in liberating their brethren. Echo's timely arrival on his ship offers an escape, and Wolffe, moved by Rex's words, allows the group to flee.
The assassin, despite his fall down the waterfall, emerges alive, a testament to his resilience. Hunter's despair echoes the bleakness of their struggle, but Rex reminds him of their purpose: to uncover the Empire's sinister motives behind Omega. The stage is set for a battle of wits and will, as the Bad Batch embarks on a perilous journey to save not just Omega, but the very soul of their kind.