In the bustling city of Chicago, Eleven tracks down Kali, the mysterious girl whose image lingers in Terry's hazy memories. Kali, possessing the uncanny ability to create illusions, leads a rebellious gang of misfits, seeking vengeance against those who have wronged them. She mentors Eleven, teaching her to harness her anger and transform it into powerful forces.
Armed with her newly honed abilities, Eleven locates Ray, the laboratory technician responsible for the tortuous shock therapy inflicted upon Terry. With stealth and determination, the gang breaches into his apartment. Ray reveals a startling revelation - Brenner is still alive. He offers to guide Kali and Eleven to their nemesis, but their distrust is immeasurable. Kali tempts Eleven to end Ray's life, but when Eleven discovers he has two innocent daughters, she halts the killing and shields him from Kali's wrath.
Returning to their secluded hideout, Kali conjures a haunting vision of Brenner, urging Eleven to avenge their mother's death. As the vision fades, Eleven's thoughts turn to Mike and Hopper, sensing their peril. While Kali and her gang flee from the clutches of the police, Eleven rushes back to Hawkins, determined to save those she cares about most.