Swamp Thing – Season 1 Episode 10

Published: Jul 23 2024

The Swamp Thing's concluding chapter serves as a stark reminder of why we should steer clear of cliffhanger endings for shows with an uncertain fate. Upon the disheartening revelation that DC Universe's captivating horror anthology would bid farewell after just one season, Swamp Thing's destiny was cast into turmoil, even from its second episode, leaving fans clinging to the hope of a satisfying, self-contained finale. While the show manages to deliver a satisfying curtain call, it unfortunately falters in resolving any of the intricate plotlines woven throughout the season, leaving doors wide open for a second season that, at the time of this writing, seems like a distant dream.

Swamp Thing – Season 1 Episode 10 1

As Alec grapples with the truth behind his origin, he questions the very fabric of his existence, only to be propelled by a burning desire to protect Abby. He retreats into the depths of the murky swamp, leaving Abby to learn from Liz that Maria has been confined to a mental institution. This fleeting glimpse of the comic book's Blue Devil hints at a brewing subplot, as he gears up and marches towards the swamp, later clashing with Swamp Thing and setting the stage for an intriguing dynamic that will never be explored in future episodes.

Woodrue binds his wife and immerses himself in his macabre experiments, attempting to cure her with the creature's innards. As she stares into the abyss, Woodrue is consumed by his work, tasting the roots meant to nourish his wife but instead convulsing on the ground. Thankfully, Abby arrives and pleads with him to desist, but he ignores her, cornering her in his home. The police intervene, arresting him and saving his wife from a dire fate.

Meanwhile, a specialized army team tracks Swamp Thing's footprints in the mud, but soon become the hunted as he eliminates them one by one. He spares one soldier, instructing him to relay a message to the rest: to leave him be. Madame Xanadu appears before Maria in her room, promising solace but warning of a price Avery's wife must pay. Before we learn the cost, Avery approaches Lucilia, offering her a new beginning if she joins him. She refuses, leading Avery to attack her in her car, stabbing the respected woman in the stomach. As the car slowly sinks into the swamp, Lucilia is left to a grisly fate of drowning, while Avery watches with satisfaction.

Back in the swamp, Swamp Thing realizes he's not alone as Blue Devil arrives, and the two engage in conversation. This prompts Abby to return to Alex's lab, reassuring him that he is not the malevolent creature he envisioned himself to be. As he steps out onto the balcony to reflect on her words, the episode concludes with Abby and Swampy resolving to face the challenges together.

Despite its distinct style and well-crafted horror elements, it's heartbreaking to realize that this is the final chapter of Swamp Thing. Unless another network decides to pick it up, of course. As a conclusion to an already announced cancellation, the finale fails to address the lingering questions and leaves most of the characters in limbo. Avery remains a free man, Woodrue presumably headed to an asylum, and Blue Devil's intentions remain a mystery. It's a shame, indeed, as the series has been consistently high-quality, capturing the essence of its comic book counterpart. Nevertheless, Swamp Thing bows out with a lackluster finale, too focused on paving the way for the future rather than providing a definitive end to a beloved show.

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