Sweet Tooth – Season 3 Episode 1

Published: Jun 12 2024

Episode 1 of Season 3 of "Sweet Tooth" kicks off in the vast, frozen landscapes of Alaska, hinting at a conclusion that will echo its distant origins. Onboard the H.M.S. Simpson, Captain Thacker appears to have succumbed to madness. He claims to have discovered a cure that will erase all illnesses, and he's eager to set a hasty course for England. However, his first-mate, Burke, disagrees vehemently, fearing that this "cure" could bring about the end of the world. Thacker appears to have uncovered something profound in a nearby cave, but its exact nature remains shrouded in mystery.

Sweet Tooth – Season 3 Episode 1 1

The scene shifts forward in time, to Birdie poring over a collection of documents and papers pinned to a wall. These are the same papers that were once scattered across Thacker's office. Meanwhile, Gus, Wendy, and the rest of their crew continue their journey toward Alaska. Jepp, cautious as ever, advocates sticking to the highways and proceeding safely, but Becky wonders if Canada will even allow them entry. With the Last Men gone, other dangers still lurk in the shadows, and the looming threat of the Doomsday strain, coupled with the approaching winter, casts a pall over their prospects.

The gang decides to take a detour at a local casino for a break. There, they stumble upon a flyer advertising a trip to Idaho. But before they can even entertain the thought of leaving, they must first stock up on supplies. Wendy and the other hybrids, with their heightened senses of smell, make a beeline for the kitchen. Unfortunately, their eagerness leads them into a trap, and they are trapped inside the pantry.

Fortunately, their confinement is only temporary. It turns out that the casino has been commandeered by a group of elderly folk who have been hunkered down since the Sick. They call themselves the Bingo Bandits and have taken over the place, content to while away their days playing games and generally messing around. They refuse to allow Gus and the others to stay or take their supplies.

Becky, furious, tries to negotiate with them for the food. But as the situation threatens to turn violent, Gus intervenes, proposing a game of roulette with the Bingo Bandits as a way to settle the dispute over the supplies. Jepp, shaking his head, remarks that this is perhaps the most challenging game in the entire casino. Unfortunately, Gus loses the bet, and as a result, he forfeits his last jar of syrup, which was the stake of the game.

One of the women, Bridget, pauses by the way and alerts them to a boat departing shortly from Nag's Reef, bound for Canada. She suggests they hustle over and catch it. However, in their absence, a mysterious figure appears at their doorstep, shrouded in darkness, leaving us in suspense.

Elsewhere, Gus and the group encounter an unexpected hitch as their gas runs out, forcing them to proceed on foot. Jepp's mood darkens, and Becky struggles to reach through his gruff exterior. Meanwhile, Gus and Wendy are startled by distant explosions, only to find themselves scrambling to flee an incoming avalanche.

Birdie, meanwhile, drowns her sorrows at the local bar with her friend Siana. She mentions the phone call and Gus's search for her, revealing her intention to meet him. But trouble looms. A stranger confronts her, insisting she follow him as his "boss" wishes to speak with her. As Birdie struggles to flee, she is struck by a tranquilizer dart, collapsing helplessly in the snow.

Elsewhere, Gus and the gang narrowly escape the avalanche, but Jepp is in a dire state. He despairs over their situation and suggests they turn back. Doubts cloud his mind, and he starts to lose faith in their mission. Fortunately, Gus manages to persuade him, and the group presses onward.

As the episode draws to a close, we shift our focus to Zhang, the antagonist from the end of season 2. She's at home with her two daughters, all three engrossed in a search for someone. As the elder daughter ventures out to investigate, we return to Gus and the gang. They stumble upon an abandoned building and decide to make it their shelter for the night. But their peace is short-lived. For who should appear but Dr. Singh, alive and eager to discuss Alaska.

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