Ted Lasso - Season 3 Episode 12

Published: Jul 05 2024

The curtains of the third season's final episode of Ted Lasso rise with the excited chatter of two commentators dissecting Richmond's stellar climb in the league. They have the title of Premier League dangling within reach; all that's left is to win their last encounter against West Ham, and if Manchester City falters against Liverpool, the crown is theirs.

Ted Lasso - Season 3 Episode 12 1

In the cozy kitchen of Rebecca, the television plays silently, and her eyes are glued to the screen as the commentators muse over Rupert's legal woes and marital troubles. Suddenly, Ted strides in, breaking the silence. He inquiries if Rebecca wishes to discuss 'it', and she dismisses him with a shake of her head.

Coach Beard and Jane soon follow, jesting about the raucous sounds emanating from Ted and Rebecca's room the night before. It transpires that a gas leak in the vicinity had forced them all to seek refuge at Rebecca's abode. It dawns on Rebecca that Ted's mention of 'it' was actually his intention to return home, permanently. And she's not quite ready to accept that reality.

The scene shifts to the locker room, where a mock trial is in full swing, with Isaac presiding as the judge. Nate now serves as an assistant kit man, while Sam, playing the role of treasurer, announces fines for tardiness and dozing off during team meditation sessions (a guilty Jamie). Nathan faces charges for missing numerous matches.

Keeley arrives at Richmond, her steps halted by the sight of Roy in the parking lot. As she enters the building, Roy watches, curious yet distant. Ted receives a text from Michelle, depicting Henry's excitement over his father's impending return. Coach Beard walks in, displaying his torn passport, a mischievous gift from Jane, who wishes to keep him rooted in the country. Trent joins them, presenting a draft of his nearly completed book.

The air is abuzz with chatter when Roy unexpectedly appears, querying the team on the mysteries of romantic interests. When they jest about bringing in the diamond dogs for advice, he resolutely refuses.

As Leslie and Keeley engaged Rebecca in conversation, it became apparent that she was not yet ready to contemplate the prospect of replacing Ted. Leslie revealed that the team's value had reached unprecedented heights, suggesting that Rebecca could fetch a handsome sum by selling a portion of it. Intrigued, Rebecca inquired about the potential value if she sold the entire team. Leslie's response was a staggering two billion.

During the final practice, Ted quietly instructed Roy to signal the end of the session, preferring to avoid any grandeur surrounding his last moments with the team. Yet, the moment was profound as music filled the air and the team performed 'So Long, Farewell for Ted' in a heartfelt tribute.

Keeley appeared in the coach's room, presenting Ted with a farewell gift. She then made an announcement to the team about a press conference and hastened her exit. Jamie caught up with her, excitedly sharing the news of a Nike shoot in Brazil and inviting her to join. She eagerly accepted. Roy, observing this exchange, later approached Jamie, offering to grab a beer.

At the pub, Rebecca engaged in a heart-to-heart with her mother, discussing the potential sale of the club. Her mother encouraged her to seize the opportunity and embark on a journey of exploration, even bringing up the subject of Tish, the psychic, though Rebecca dismissed her predictions. Unexpectedly, they discovered that their bill had been settled by three ardent Richmond fans, who expressed their profound gratitude for Rebecca's contributions to the team.

Trent was visibly agitated about Ted's reaction to his book, analyzing every subtle nuance as he witnessed Ted emit a slight chuckle at page 43. Roy and Jamie ventured out for a beer, where Roy expressed his pride in Jamie's growth. Acknowledging that Jamie harbored feelings for Keeley, Roy stressed the importance of their friendship. However, he asked Jamie to step aside gracefully, as he and Keeley were rekindling their relationship. This naturally sparked a heated argument, with Roy reminding Jamie of their one-night stand while Jamie retorted with the video he had created for him.

Ted sat solitary in the vast stadium, until Rebecca's arrival broke the silence. She was eager to have a heart-to-heart, telling Ted that if he departed, she intended to sell the club. She pleaded with him, urging him to make this place his home, not just for himself but also for Henry. She even offered to sell 49% of the team's shares, ensuring Ted would become one of the most generously compensated coaches in the league. After all, he meant far more to the club than just a coach. However, Ted's decision was steadfast, and Rebecca reluctantly acquiesced. Their shared departure loomed ahead, Rebecca heading overseas.

Meanwhile, Jamie and Roy stumbled into Keeley's abode, bruised and battered, having fought over who deserved to be with her. They implored her to make a choice, but as expected, she summarily dismissed them from her abode. Left with little option, the pair opted to soothe their wounds with a meal of kebabs.

Ted caught Nate staring blankly at the empty space where the 'believe' poster once hung. Nate's composure broke, and he apologized profusely to Ted for his past transgressions. Ted, however, indicated that he had forgiven him long ago.

The day of the momentous match finally arrived. Michael, Colin's partner, retrieved a ticket that had been kept in reserve for him. In America, Henry and Michelle geared up for the game, though Jake's enthusiasm paled in comparison. Doctor Sharon also kept a watchful eye.

As the coaches debated the absurdity of the football leagues' naming conventions, Nate stepped in, wishing Ted and Beard the best of luck for their final game. Leslie noted that the reunion of this group felt strangely familiar. Then, to everyone's surprise, Roy inquired if he could be a diamond dog, and to his delight, he was accepted. Roy confessed that he had attempted to change over the past year, yet he felt he had fallen short. Ted, however, observed that Roy's request to be a diamond dog was a testament to how much he had indeed evolved. They discussed the imperfection of humanity, emphasizing the importance of seeking help and continuous improvement.

Elsewhere, Rupert stood on the precipice of losing his club due to accusations of sexual misconduct. Rebecca and Sassy encountered him before the match, and their sharp quips were well-deserved.

In the locker room, Will announced that Zava had sent a care package, including a letter of encouragement, some T-shirts, and a colossal avocado. Dani presented Van Damme with a superhero-like nose mask, apologizing for breaking his nose. Appropriately, Van Damme now requested to be called Zorro. Ted entered and, instead of his usual pep talk, showed the team a video, highlighting moments from the time he and Beard had joined. The emotional clips brought the team to tears as they emerged onto the field, Roy among them.

The match kicked off with high intensity. Zorro brilliantly defended a shot on goal, closely followed by near misses from Jamie and Dani. Suddenly, West Ham broke the deadlock with a well-executed goal. A series of pings on multiple phones alerted Ted to the fact that in a parallel match, Man City had just stolen a goal against Liverpool. Undeterred, West Ham struck again, extending their lead.

At halftime, Ted addressed his team with heartfelt words. He expressed his pride in coaching them and witnessing their growth. He spoke from the heart, telling them to trust themselves and give their all in the second half. As he finished, Sam revealed a yellow fragment of the 'believe' poster, torn in half. Gradually, other players joined in, piecing the poster together until it was whole once again. "There it is," Ted said, pointing to the number four on the poster.

The second half commenced with Richmond rejuvenated. After a string of close calls, Jamie finally broke the deadlock with a clinical finish. West Ham players tightened their marking, leaving Richmond with a penalty opportunity. Jamie passed the ball to Dani, who in turn handed it to Isaac, who seemed hesitant. The coaches watched with bated breath, fingers crossed. The ball soared over the crossbar, but the referee's keen eye spotted a tiny hole in the net. Isaac's shot had sneaked through, and it was a goal!

As the ground crew replaced the net, Rupert approached his team manager, demanding that Jamie be substituted. When the manager refused, Rupert lost his temper, shoving him aside and causing a commotion. Richmond fans turned their ire on Rupert as he retreated.

The game resumed with West Ham scoring another goal, but Ted's laughter revealed the truth - it was offside. With a minute remaining, a foul from West Ham awarded Richmond a free kick. As the coaches huddled to devise a strategy, Ted beckoned Nate over and gestured something to the team. They nodded, understanding his intentions perfectly.

Sam steps up to take the free kick, but cunningly redirects it to Dixon. They cleverly utilize Jamie as a distraction, leaving Sam unguarded. The ball gracefully finds its way back to Sam's feet, and with a deft touch, they secure the goal! The meticulously planned strategy is revealed to be Nate's masterful play. The referee's whistle pierces the air, signaling Richmond's triumphant victory. The celebration erupts, and amidst the jubilant frenzy, fans spill onto the pitch, including Michael, who Colin affectionately kisses without hesitation. Ted dances joyfully with his teammates, embracing the moment on the verdant grass.

Scanning the news reports, Ted learns of Rebecca's decision to sell 49% of the club to its devoted fans. Standing at the airport, he buys a newspaper and a comic book, only to be reunited with the same avid football fan he encountered on his initial journey to the UK. The fan reminisces about Richmond's narrow second-place finish, conceding the title to Man City, and then snaps a selfie with Ted before bidding him farewell.

Ted's gaze falls upon Rebecca, who has patiently waited for him with a ticket in hand, intent on bidding him a proper adieu. Ted notes her decision to retain partial ownership of the club, and she confesses her desire to remain with her newfound family. Their mutual gratitude flows freely, and further words seem redundant. They embrace warmly, and Ted continues his journey.

As the plane takes flight, Ted turns to Beard and muses on the whirlwind of events. Beard removes his glasses, revealing tears streaming down his face. He confesses his reluctance to return home, professing his love for Jane and his desire to stay by her side. However, the thought of leaving Ted behind filled him with dread. Ted reassures Beard, urging him to follow his heart's desire. Beard, overcome with emotion, declares his love for Ted and then dramatically simulates appendicitis pain, screaming loudly. The flight attendants swiftly intervene, escorting him off the plane.

Outside the airport, Rebecca notices a little girl stumble and rushes to her aid, lifting her gently to her feet. The girl's father turns out to be the same charming gentleman she encountered in Amsterdam. They greet each other warmly, and Rebecca finally introduces herself to him.

As Ted unwrapped Keeley's thoughtful gift, he was delighted to discover a Richmond snow globe, a symbol of their shared love for the game. Trent, on the other hand, stumbled upon Beard's copy of his book, its pages adorned with numerous Post-it notes. Ted's solitary note stood out, suggesting a change in the title of his book, "The Lasso Way," emphasizing that it had never truly been about him alone.

Keeley's business flourished, leading Rebecca to appoint Roy as the fresh-faced manager of AFC Richmond. Nate basked in the warmth of his newfound happiness with Jade, while Sam secured a spot on Nigeria's World Cup football team. Even Jamie found a bond with his father, a heartwarming sight indeed.

The entire team, including Rebecca's new partner, gathered for a lively barbecue, their laughter and camaraderie filling the air. Mae and three die-hard Richmond fans proudly held their share certificates, symbolizing their unwavering support. Trent, too, found success, selling his revised book now titled "The Richmond Way."

Keeley, with a sparkle in her eye, proposed to Rebecca the idea of starting a women's team, a bold step forward for the club. Roy embarked on a journey of self-discovery, attending therapy sessions with Sharon. Beard, Roy, and Nate united, hanging up the "believe" poster, now a patchwork of hope and togetherness. Not only did Beard and Jane tie the knot, but they also eagerly awaited the arrival of a new member to their family.

Ted, having reached the heart of Kansas, was greeted with warmth and affection by Henry. Michelle, too, was present, her smile as bright as the sun. As Ted coached Henry and his team on the soccer field, he encouraged Henry with every missed goal, never letting him lose sight of his potential. Michelle cheered Henry on from the stands, her voice ringing out with pride, while Jake remained conspicuously absent. Yet, Ted's smile remained as wide as the prairie itself, a testament to the joy and fulfillment he found in his new life.

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