Tell Me Lies – Season 2 Episode 7

Published: Oct 11 2024

Episode 7 of Tell Me Lies Season 2 unfolds with a jarring awakening for Stephen, his expression a canvas of shock. Back in their dormitory sanctuary, Pippa pores over photographs of Diana from the Thanksgiving soirée, a night marred by disaster. To Bree and Lucy, she confides her frustration at the lack of reconciliation with Diana since that fateful evening. Lucy, with a touch of cynicism, remarks that Leo's nature differs vastly from Stephen's, implying he wouldn't readily extend forgiveness.

Tell Me Lies – Season 2 Episode 7 1

In a hushed aside, Bree confides in Lucy her trepidation about attending Marianne's Christmas festivities, the prospect of encountering Oliver in her host's company looming large.

Elsewhere, Wrigley's perseverance leads him to the football coach's door, seeking reinstatement. However, his pleas fall on deaf ears as the coach chastises his lack of dedication since the injury, dooming his hopes. Deflated, Wrigley retreats, aborting a call to Drew before dialing Pippa's number, eager for a distraction.

In a private tête-à-tête, Bree and Oliver's conversation at his office revolves around Marianne's impending Christmas bash. Oliver, with a gentle nudge, encourages Bree's attendance, sweetening the deal with a thoughtful gift of a camera that elicits a genuine smile from her. Their bond deepens as they succumb to a passionate embrace amidst the office's solemnity.

As night descends, Diana and Stephen's dinner takes a tumultuous turn, their conversation escalating into an argument over Diana's confrontation with her father. Stephen's words cut deep, labeling her selfish for abandoning her father's influence and financial support that could pave their way. The revelation that her father has blocked her credit cards stuns Diana, while Stephen's frustration is palpable as he settles the bill.

At the Christmas party, Lucy and Bree navigate the social landscape, Bree's discomfort palpable in Marianne's presence. She sports earrings favored by Oliver, and their furtive glances betray a silent romance brewing beneath the festive facade.

Meanwhile, Stephen finds solace in Evan's apartment, where the latter is embroiled in a digital hunt for the mystery man with whom Bree has been entangled. Diana's calls go unanswered as Stephen vents his anger towards her, offering to assist Evan in unraveling the truth behind Bree's secret liaisons.

And in a dormitory corner, Pippa and Wrigley find solace in each other's company, spending the evening in quiet companionship, a respite from the complexities swirling around them.

The pair had a heartfelt chat, with Pippa trying to cheer Wrigley up. The pair ended up in bed when Pippa revealed she had tried sleeping with women to explore her sexuality. She asked Wrigley to keep the matter private as she had not shared the information with any of her friends. At the party, Lucy spots Bree making romantic glances at Oliver and begins to worry about her.

She met Katie, a girl who accused Lydia's brother, Chris, of drugging and sexually assaulting her. Lucy tries to make small talk with Katie when Marianne and Oliver join in. Lucy is rude to Oliver, who tries to avoid him. Marianne then told Lucy how she had made great progress during the last school year.

Meanwhile, Oliver asks Bree to wipe off her lipstick and meets her in the laundry room. The two have sex in the laundry room, after which Oliver hands Bree a cloth to clean herself with. Bree suddenly wakes up when she sees that the piece of fabric is Marianne's camisole. Oliver tells her to calm down and leaves the room. She tried to calm down and left the laundry room.

Bree engages in a heartfelt conversation with Lucy, outlining her yearning for a family and a steadfast companion to lean on. However, Lucy's response is tinged with solemnity, insisting that Oliver's loyalty to his wife remains steadfast, leaving no room for Bree's aspirations. Overwhelmed by the burden of her own secret affair, Lucy voices her concerns for Bree's future, fraught with uncertainty.

As Lucy jogs along, fate intertwines her path with Stephen's. He attempts to initiate a polite, lighthearted exchange, but Lucy is taken aback by the unexpected shift in his demeanor. She can't help but recall their tumultuous past, where they were both far from paragons of virtue. Rather than retaliate, Stephen unexpectedly displays empathy, acknowledging Lucy's recent heartbreak with Leo.

Lucy eventually makes her way back to her dormitory, only to be jolted by a phone call from Lydia. The information Lydia divulges leaves Lucy reeling in shock. Desperate for solace and clarity, Lucy seeks out Pippa, confiding in her about Caitie's decision to drop the sexual assault charges against Chris. Pippa's countenance betrays her anxiety, fearing the public's perception of Caitie as a liar. She confides in Lucy, sharing fragments of her own hazy memories from that fateful night, recalling snippets of Chris's actions. However, Pippa laments her inability to intervene, for her own memories of that evening are but fleeting shadows.

Stephen storms back to his dormitory, where a heated confrontation ensues with Wrigley. Wrigley's mind races, wondering if his past liaison with Diana years prior has stirred up Stephen's ire. Stephen attempts to lash out viciously, spewing venomous remarks aimed at Wrigley, who, unfazed, dismisses the insults and departs.

Later that evening, the vibrant energy of a party fills the air as Lucy and Bree mingle, only to be joined by Diana and Molly's arrival. The group's chatter is abruptly interrupted by the topic of Caitie's rape accusation. Lucy's indignation boils over when the males dismissively label Caitie a liar. In a bold, yet calculated move, Lucy fabricates a tale of her own sexual assault by Chris, narrating a fictional encounter with Pippa's voice and experiences. Molly, a stalwart member of the student council, is deeply disturbed and vows to investigate further.

Pippa, however, is left reeling from Lucy's revelation. Diana, sensing Pippa's distress, attempts a comforting approach, but her efforts are interrupted by Wrigley's entrance, who inadvertently reveals Pippa's romantic leanings towards women, incensing her. Diana, perplexed by the turn of events, withdraws from the party to confront Lucy over her deceitful act.

Lucy's emotions are raw as she confesses to Diana that even if Pippa had spoken up, Chris would have escaped accountability. The following morning, a remorseful Wrigley seeks out Pippa, tears streaming down his face, lamenting his role in unraveling not just his own life but Drew's as well. Pippa, with a gentle touch, listens intently as Wrigley bares his soul, sharing the depths of his mental struggles. She embraces him, offering solace and a promise to help mend the pieces.

Meanwhile, Lucy's world shatters when she receives a seething voicemail from Lydia. Her friend's voice is laced with anger and betrayal, announcing the end of their friendship. Diana, determined to mend fences, finds Stephen sequestered in his dorm room and offers a heartfelt apology. Stephen, however, remains resolute, declaring his disillusionment with her before succumbing to an impulsive kiss.

Stephen, acutely aware of Diana's trepidation towards him, hesitantly inquires whether her affection would endure if she were to uncover the multitude of misdeeds he's committed. Diana, with unwavering conviction, assures Stephen that she sees beyond his faults, believing he is not inherently evil. Yet, Stephen's self-awareness awakens, prompting him to abruptly depart, making his way towards Lucy's dormitory.

In a heartfelt confession, Stephen declares to Lucy that they are each other's perfect match, bound by a love that transcends their checkered pasts and flawed deeds. Their bond, rooted in understanding and acceptance, stands as a testament to the power of unconditional affection.

Meanwhile, in a classroom setting, Bree's attention is captured by a surprising sight: Marianne gracefully enters, adorned with the very earring that had inadvertently been left behind in the laundry room. This unexpected reunion of the earring and its rightful owner serves as a subtle yet poignant moment.

As the episode draws to a close, Stephen's voice echoes with sincerity as he professes his enduring love for Lucy, the words lingering in the air as she gently closes the door, sealing them within the intimate confines of her room, their bond deepening amidst the privacy of the moment.

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