As the curtains rise on this installment of "Ten Pound Poms," Terry Roberts (Warren Brown), cradling Kevin in his arms, stands witness to the frenetic efforts of emergency personnel attending to Julie and Christine. With a determined stride, Terry heads to the hospital to inquire about Julie (Wylder Holiday) and her mother, invoking his role as the father to gain access to them. Christine informs Terry that Julie is still breathing, yet the impending hour or two holds paramount significance; carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected to be the culprit.Christine lays the blame squarely on Benny Bates, noting this isn't the first such incident.
Back at their abode, Annie Roberts (Faye Marsay) expresses concern for Terry. Amidst heartfelt conversations with Annie and Peter (Finn Treacy), Terry harbors doubts about Benny's willingness to invest in property maintenance. His thoughts drift to the potential consequences had he chosen to stay away. Pattie (Hattie Hook) commends Terry for his bravery and resilience, reminiscing about his valor in battling the Germans.
Elsewhere, Kate Thorne (Michelle Keegan) engages in discourse with Lynne (Suzann James), who confesses that Mr. Matthews has balked at pursuing the story further. Lynne, ever the optimist, asserts that a compelling narrative such as theirs will find a publisher eventually. As a journalist, she underscores the importance of corroborating facts and seeks additional testimonies or an insider's perspective from within the Church. She expresses confidence in facilitating this, urging Kate to entrust her with the tale.
In a separate scenario, Marlene Chase (Cheree Cassidy) and Donald Chase (Grant Lyndon) await the conclusion of a book-related matter, only to discover their financial position is in the black. Donald reveals that he and Freda are expecting another child, prompting their desire for a spacious home in Tasmania. When Marlene refuses to sell the share, Donald proposes she could buy his share instead. However, the financial burden proves too great for Marlene and Annie. Annie suggests Donald take the profits while they manage the property, but Marlene vows to explore other options. Outside, she confides in Annie her plan to throw a lavish party, hoping never to lay eyes on Donald's smug visage again. Recognizing Annie's own domestic strife, Marlene mentions a women's group Annie was invited to join, hinting at potential assistance from Isabel, an investment firm employee.
Terry's hospital visit leads him to Benny, who stands alongside Christine and the children, vowing such an incident will never recur in his properties. He assures Christine of alternative accommodation by day's end. Privately, Benny attempts to bribe Terry with money, acknowledging his debt. Terry stresses the urgent need for comprehensive repairs, to which Benny agrees, starting with Christine's place. However, Benny tasks Terry with a new project in the west the following day.
After Benny's departure, Christine steadfastly refuses to return to the property, recounting another tenant's mysterious death attributed to Benny. The circumstances surrounding her demise seemed suspicious, yet were dismissed without proper investigation. Christine's trust in Benny is shattered, rendering a return impossible.
Meanwhile, Ron Mahoney (Rob Collins) and Maggie Skinner (Maya Stange) toil away on a hut, with Ron confessing that his actions could brand him a traitor among his peers if discovered.
If Terry were seen with a white woman, he would forfeit his privileges. Desperate, Terry approaches JJ Walker, alias Stephen Curry, and humbly requests a hut for temporary refuge. JJ, unable to comply, cites the lack of available accommodation. Terry persists, pleading that it's only for a matter of days until he finds a permanent solution. Relenting, JJ agrees to lend a helping hand, stipulating that they keep this from his mother. The only unoccupied hut, however, serves as a repository for all manner of broken debris. JJ offers it conditionally, stating that Terry must assist in clearing it out if Christine wishes to stay.
Peter, who chances upon their endeavor, volunteers to join them, lending his muscle to the clean-up. Later, JJ nudges Peter to seize the moment and engage with the girl he harbors feelings for. Meanwhile, Terry fetches Christine and the children from the hospital, escorting them to their makeshift home. Christine expresses her gratitude to Terry, just before Annie interjects, formally introducing herself to Christine. As night descends, Terry and Annie engage in a heart-to-heart about family matters.
Elsewhere, Sheila Anderson (Emma Hamilton) grows apprehensive upon spying Bill and the girls outdoors. JJ, alert to her concerns, urges her to stay inconspicuous while he steps out to confront Bill. Bill acknowledges his deeds and vows to make amends to JJ. JJ reminds him of his trespass, yet Bill remains defiant. Ray Skinner (Sam Delich), sensing Bill's turmoil, offers a beer, suggesting that sometimes people are happier apart despite clinging to their marriages. Bill counters that divorce is perceived as failure, while Ray professes his belief in living for one's own happiness. Bill, now resolved, asserts that one can attain their desires if they desire fiercely enough.
In a private moment, Benny speaks with Terry, revealing that despite Christine's absence, he still charges her rent. Benny defends his stance, professing care for his tenants yet lamenting how some squander their rent money. He encourages Terry to succeed, revealing a genuine interest in his well-being. Elsewhere, Annie and Marlene reconnect with Isabel, who introduces them to her employers. Clive (Luke Ford) delves deeper into the business, while Annie pitches for a partnership to propel the company forward. Clive responds by stating their preference for an experienced leader before considering any offers. Marlene, offended, storms out with Annie.
Kate visits Robbie Carter (Nic English), and they converse about Christmas and the upcoming Not Christmas Party. Kate reveals that a journalist is keen on Michael's story and seeks a contact from the charity that fosters these children. Robbie, hesitant to divulge more, suggests she attend the party. Benny tours Terry through his properties, hinting at a mining operation nearby, intending to rent homes to the miners. They're surprised to find Stanley (Nicholas Hope) still lingering. Stanley vows to stay put, prompting Benny to instruct Terry to evict him. Terry, caught in the middle, wonders if there's any alternative for Stanley.
Stanley reminisces about his past, where he proudly supported a family and toiled tirelessly throughout his life, only to find himself in his present, unenviable circumstances. Meanwhile, Ron attends a gathering where the air is thick with whispers of demanding justice. Benny is behind the wheel, chauffeuring Terry back, their conversation interrupted by Terry's inquiries about prior incidents akin to the carbon monoxide scare. Benny, steadfast in his denial, assures Terry that such an occurrence is unprecedented and will remain so. Terry's frustration mounts, causing him to repeatedly turn off the music. Benny halts the vehicle abruptly, demanding to know if Terry harbors any grievances. Terry accuses Benny of deceit, prompting a fierce warning: another accusation would result in Terry being forcibly ejected from the car. Benny's insistence falls on deaf ears, and in a fit of anger, he orders Terry to disembark. Terry, pleading for mercy, is still abandoned by Benny, who speeds off into the night.
Elsewhere, Kate socializes with Robbie amidst the liveliness of the party. Jack, seizing the microphone, addresses the assembled crowd, initiating a game centered around trust in one's spouse. The prize? A dream trip to the Gold Coast. Terry, a solitary figure, takes a brief respite from the festivities. Amidst the revelry, Jack stumbles, narrowly averting injury, mentioning that they anticipate the arrival of children from Britain the following day. Kate's curiosity piqued, she seeks Jack out for clarification. He reveals that these children require extensive processing and often end up at St. Andrew’s, though other destinations are possible. Jack's reluctance to divulge more leads him to depart shortly after.
Annie awakens to find herself alone, while Terry, having wandered far from his path, awakens beside the road, confronted by the sight of a snake slithering towards him. The reptile strikes, and Terry is bitten. Inside, Annie and Kate await their meal, Annie expressing concern not only for Terry but also for the family he recently housed. Mrs. Walker enters the cafeteria, griping about the lengthy queue. Meanwhile, Terry struggles to stay on his feet as a vehicle approaches, its occupants rushing to his aid.
Annie engages Mrs. Walker in conversation, hinting at a potential investment in Wilson’s store. Mrs. Walker, skeptical of Marlene's organizational skills, suggests that the trio, united by a common goal, could revitalize the business. Annie counters Mrs. Walker's past controversies, emphasizing the necessity of challenging the status quo for positive change. Mrs. Walker, interested but conditional, expresses her desire for a controlling stake, provided Marlene does not lead the venture.
The Good Samaritans struggle to keep Terry conscious, querying him about the snake. Terry, describing its white mouth, receives a mixture of mirth and reassurance from his rescuers; though he'll suffer temporarily, his life is not in mortal danger. Elsewhere, Jack instructs Robbie to summon his sponsored wife to their location immediately. Peter confides in Pattie his aspirations to improve at football, receiving gentle advice not to strive for an identity that isn't truly his.
Pattie urges him to be honest with Birdie, while Robbie informs Kate of his ignorance regarding the matter, feigning cluelessness. Jack interrogates them about their engagement status, drawing attention to Kate's immigration form that claims she is betrothed to Robert Carter. He reveals receiving a call from a Sydney Enquirer reporter inquiring about orphaned boys, mirroring Kate's inquiries. Kate attempts to clarify, but Jack is already aware of Michael Thorne's involvement. He mentions the mysterious disappearance of Thorne's file contents and ponders whether to terminate Robbie on the spot. Kate hastily takes full responsibility for the file theft and associated happenings, vowing to end it all there. Jack stresses that the children are better off where they are, leaving Kate distressed and storming off. Jack dismisses Robbie, who then confronts Kate outside.
JJ notices Birdie's absence from Peter's company and accuses Peter of swiping beers from his hut to enhance his image. Birdie, observing the scene, loudly reprimands Peter, urging him to share next time. JJ confides in Sheila, who confesses her longing for her daughters. JJ speculates whether Bill even visits them, to which Sheila responds that they prefer being there due to their friendships. Their conversation drifts to how Bill acquired the funds for the house so swiftly, prompting JJ to reveal he once witnessed a suspicious exchange between Bill and Ivan Cartwright, shortly before Bill was assaulted at work. Ivan handed Bill a mysterious package, and Sheila seems to piece it together.
Christine checks on Terry upon his return, while Annie watches them retreat indoors. Terry admits Benny is self-serving, and Annie joins them, learning about the snake bite ordeal. Pattie applies makeup, entrusting Peter with Mary's care as she heads to Marlene's party. Peter, concerned about feeding Mary, is reassured by Pattie. However, as soon as she departs, Mary begins to wail.
Robbie visits Kate, who explains her hope that approaching the magazine might aid others. Robbie reminds her of her life before they met, cautioning that if she allows this to consume her, she'll overlook all the goodness around her. Kate desires to move forward but feels haunted by the past, believing she betrays Michael by doing so. Robbie warns her that she risks ruining her life if she can't let go. Kate hesitates, not wanting to hurt Robbie, whom she deeply values. Lynne phones David Robinson about his adopted son, while Terry assures Annie he's fine.
Pattie arrives at the party, shortly followed by Annie with the baby. Marlene excites Annie about the lively scene, but Annie is reluctant to have Pattie there. She hands Marlene the baby to search for Pattie and take her home. Mary awakens as Annie confronts Pattie, calling her decisions irresponsible but defending her to Mrs. Walker. Pattie, in turn, questions Annie about her affair with Harry Brewis while Terry was at war, reminding her of her own imperfections.