Territory – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Mar 14 2025

As the curtain falls on the final chapter of "Territory," Emily (Anna Torv) sits in solitude, her thoughts drifting to the fate of Susie (Philippa Northeast), now entombed in the earth. Colin (Robert Taylor) and Graham (Michael Dorman) intercept Emily, urging her restraint as she aims her gun at a helpless creature. Relenting, she departs without discharging a shot. In a subsequent moment, Graham confronts Marshall Lawson (Sam Corlett), counseling him to abstain from alcohol, insisting they must weather this crisis united. Marshall, defiant, speeds off into the horizon. Colin, noticing Graham's weariness, suggests he take better care of himself, proposing they put down the menacing bull, though Graham deems this task better suited for Emily.

Territory – Season 1 Episode 6 1

Sandra (Sara Wiseman) endeavors to lift the spirits of Lachie (Joe Klocek), acknowledging the void left by Susie, their solitary beacon of hope. Lachie, however, perceives his mother's intentions as exploitative, leveraging their loss for gain. He reveals his affection for Susie stemmed from her stark contrast to his mother, warning Sandra to tread carefully. Elsewhere, Uncle Bryce (Hamilton Morris) and Keeley Redford (Tuuli Narkle) deliberate on the deal involving Sandra, with Bryce expressing alarm over the impending road construction through Sorry Place, a sacred site. He urgently implores Keeley to halt the project or face dire consequences.

Marshall seeks solace in a bar, provoking others to release their inner pain through a fight. Sharnie Kennedy (Kylah Day) intervenes, shielding him from further harm. Sharing his grief over Susie, Marshall discovers Sharnie has moved on, though she once intended to retrieve a bottle for herself and Rich. Their emotional walls crumble, leading to a tender embrace. Emily, in a heartfelt confession to Hank (Dan Wyllie), admits her inability to reunite with Marianne. Hank, philosophical, suggests she adopt a disguise and forget her past self, arguing her actions were fueled by ambition rather than maternal love. He urges her to embrace authenticity as her only path to redemption, suggesting she claim the station. Emily, however, refutes this, insisting Susie would disapprove.

Colin acknowledges their dwindling fuel supplies, prompting Graham to devise a plan to evacuate the cows. Alarmingly, Graham learns of deliberate fires ignited along the eastern fence line. Rich, spotting a helicopter, abandons his partner and flees. Colin and Graham confront the arsonist, with Graham urging him to relay a message to Campbell Miller. In a fit of rage, Colin sets the man's pants aflame, leaving him to fend for himself. Colin expresses concern over Miller's relentless pursuit, vowing to retaliate with all their might. He contacts the Chief Minister, lambasting Miller's escalating actions and seeking intervention.

Marshall and Sharnie discuss the mystical storm birds, with Sharnie urging him to depart as Rich is expected back soon. Rich returns to Campbell (Jay Ryan), recounting the events that transpired.

Campbell discovers with alarm that authorities are initiating an investigation into his cross-branding practices, fearing the worst—that his brand could be obsolete and his cattle left unsold. Rich, sensing his distress, casually suggests eliminating the Lawsons to resolve the issue. Meanwhile, Keeley seeks out Sandra to discuss the proposed road on Marianne land. Sandra reveals that the only viable route passes through a now-sacred site. Keeley mentions the Sorry Place, a hallowed ground that the community had attempted to preserve in the 1990s, only to be thwarted by Colin Lawson, who had bribed local elders to quash the initiative. Sandra ponders paying off those same elders once more, but Keeley insists on rerouting, warning that Uncle Bryce will never accept it. Sandra feels manipulated but Keeley sternly cautions her against crossing them, hinting at dire consequences.

Dezi learns from an informed source that Graham has given him permission to be at Marianne Station, where the cattle graze by the river. Upon arrival, he encounters NTMS workers and attempts to evade them, but one of them fires a shot, narrowly missing him. The other worker alerts their supervisor about the unfolding trouble. Campbell confronts Sandra, venting his frustration that the Lawsons are orchestrating his downfall. Sandra counters by advocating for a regime change, offering him a pivotal role in safeguarding her men at the escarpment. Once they're gone, Marianne Station will be his. However, she makes it clear that he must refrain from inquiring about her operations.

Lachie catches up with Hank and Emily, sharing the startling news that his mother has reopened a gold mine on Marianne Station, using it as a front for uranium enrichment destined for export. The land, they learn, will serve as a disposal site for radioactive waste, spelling doom for their cattle sales. Lachie implores Emily to safeguard Marianne Station for Susie's sake. Elsewhere, Rich awakens Marshall with a rifle in hand, prompting Sharnie to discover his absence. As Rich smokes calmly, leading Marshall somewhere, he confesses his love for Sharnie and accuses Marshall of betraying him. He speaks of their fated paths converging.

Nolan and Dezi brief Graham and Colin about the ANFO-wielding men, prompting Graham to realize they are miners. Uncle Bryce acknowledges instructing Keeley to relocate the road, while Nolan alerts them to Sandra's plan to detonate it. Emily bursts in with revelations about Sandra's sinister plans for the radioactive waste. Colin seeks Bryce's demands, to which he responds with a claim to all the land surrounding the river. Graham concurs, pledging to dismantle the locked gates. They rush out to confront the impending crisis.

Simultaneously, the men prepare the explosives. When Colin enters the building, he's ambushed by Rich. Graham and Emily dash to the cave, where Emily confesses her intent to scare Daniel but admits to abandoning him to his fate. She seeks no forgiveness for that act but desperately needs Graham's absolution for Susie. Graham gently assures her that she can let it go now.

Back at the house, Rich discovers the safe and immediately turns to Colin and Marshall, demanding the key. He informs Colin that he must settle the family's debts. Meanwhile, Graham engages in conversation with Campbell inside the cave, convinced that Colin is on his way. Rich persists in his brutal interrogation of Colin, who eventually reveals that the key is tucked away in the top drawer.

Just then, Nolan and his companions arrive to halt the miners' actions. Campbell, in a commanding tone, orders them to lay down their arms. From a distance, Eliot trains his sights on Campbell, ready to make a move. Colin urges Rich to seize whatever lies within the safe and make a hasty retreat. Rich, curious, inquires about the contents of a smaller safe. He threatens Marshall's life unless Colin divulges the code. In a fit of rage, Rich assaults Marshall and shoots him in the appendage. Colin, recognizing the gravity of the situation, agrees to unlock the safe himself.

Marshall, astounded by what he finds inside, swiftly closes it and informs Rich that their fate is sealed. Eliot, without hesitation, takes down one of Campbell's men, sparking a gunfight. Amidst the chaos, Colin and Marshall manage to overpower Rich and administer a severe beating. Uncle Bryce falls victim to a stray bullet, while Sharnie enters the fray, pleading with Marshall to halt his attack on Rich. She reminds him that murder is not in his nature. Emily steps in, wounding Campbell in the leg. In a swift motion, Colin executes Rich.

Marshall, concerned for Sharnie's safety, attempts to thwart Colin's intentions towards her. Colin, suspicious of everyone around him, believes he has been deceived all along. Campbell, realizing the dire straits, presses a button, causing the cave to explode. Nolan retaliates by shooting Campbell in the shoulder. As the dust settles, it appears that Colin intends to spare Sharnie's life. Emily catches sight of Eliot and Marshall confesses his love for Sharnie before she departs, entrusting him with a necklace. Emily, determined to avenge Susie, confronts the bull but ultimately spares its life.

When Nolan contacts Sandra, she clarifies that Campbell's actions were not sanctioned by her. Revealing her plans to travel to Singapore, Sandra vows that Campbell will face repercussions if he survives. She appoints Nolan as the Acting President of the Cattlemen’s Federation and advises him to stay focused on broader goals rather than getting bogged down by petty politics. To everyone's relief, Uncle Bryce arrives, miraculously unharmed.

Marshall expresses disbelief to Emily, while Colin hands her the key, generosity offering her and Graham the house. Eliot approaches Colin with Daniel's horse, presenting him with shell casings as evidence. The scene, fraught with tension and unexpected twists, unfolds with a sense of urgency and raw emotion.

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