Episode 4 of The Acolyte unfolds on the remote planet of Khofar, where our solitary Jedi Wookiee resides. Little does he know, Osha and Qimir have set foot on his planet, intent on terminating his existence. With only three fleeting hours of sunlight remaining, they must act swiftly. Mark this moment, as it shall play a pivotal role later.
Meanwhile, on the bustling planet of Coruscant, Osha observes the Jedi in their rigorous training. She prepares to depart, having seen her sister and knowing she is alive. Believing Mae to be the Jedi's bane, she sneaks away without bidding farewell to Sol, convinced that she has caused him sufficient turmoil.
Sol and the Jedi Council deliberate on Mae's mysterious origins and the identity of her Master. They ponder if this is a splinter group at work, and after the brutal slaying of two Jedi Masters, whispers suggest that a rogue Jedi may have been her tutor all this while. Fearing unrest, they refrain from alerting the Senate and instead assign Master Holden the task of extracting Kelnacca from his duties and intercepting Mae. The other Jedi also volunteer to accompany him.
Sol engages in a tense conversation with Vernestra, who relentlessly probes him about Mae's continued survival. Sol ponders whether they can broker a deal with her, given her stubborn refusal to surrender peacefully. He then converses with Osha and convinces her to join the Jedi as an advisor, believing it will allow her to get closer to Mae. He harbors hope that Mae can be redeemed and return to the Light Side. Moreover, Mae is still a member of their family, and Osha eventually agrees.
Back on Khofar, Yord requests Osha to relinquish her weapon, but she refuses. Reluctant to use the Force to forcibly take it from her, Yord surrenders and they continue their journey. As they walk, Yord reveals that his sole intention is to aid and protect Osha. However, Osha sternly reminds him that if the situation demands it, he must be prepared to eliminate Mae.
The Jedi, utilizing Bazil as their tracker, traverse the dense forest but soon lose him, leaving them stranded. Tragically, even Osha, the linchpin of their plan, lags behind. Suddenly, the group is confronted by a formidable winged creature. Without hesitation, Sol ignites his lightsaber and swiftly slays one of the menacing creatures, marking a dramatic climax to this chapter.
Meanwhile, Mae's resolve began to falter, her confidence wavering. Despite her initial urgency and insistence on haste, Qimir granted her some solitude to gather her thoughts. However, as soon as he departed, Mae cunningly trapped him. She had made a decision: to abandon her mission, despite having already slain two Jedi Masters. She intended to surrender to the Jedi and defy her master's orders. She was convinced that by sharing her knowledge, she would emerge unscathed.
Mae located Kelnacca's abode and stumbled upon Bazil outside, who loudly cried out upon encountering her in the forest. Fortunately, the Jedi appeared through the trees, swiftly approaching. Mae sought refuge within Kelnacca's house, but upon entering, she discovered a gruesome sight. Kelnacca had been brutally slashed by a lightsaber, a fate far worse than a mere gut wound.
As suspicion fell on Mae, everyone gathered outside the house. There, they encountered Mae's master emerging from the woods, cloaked in mystery. The Jedi instinctively raised their lightsabers, but this masked Sith warrior effortlessly repelled them all with the power of the Force.