Episode 1 of "The Auditors" unfolds with a thrilling prologue, introducing Shin Cha-il, a seasoned and formidable auditor, who single-handedly averts a looming corporate collapse by thwarting a brazen embezzlement attempt within the company's ranks. The stage is set against the chaotic backdrop of a catastrophic tower crane collapse at the Inpo Apartment construction site, painting a dire picture of the industry's vulnerabilities.
The narrative seamlessly shifts to the tumultuous audit team of JU Construction, a prestigious yet beleaguered construction giant. Amidst the turmoil, a vacancy for team leader arises following the abrupt dismissal of the previous incumbent by the newly appointed president, Hwang Se-woong. Yum Kyung-suk, the assistant team leader, harbors aspirations of ascending to the helm, her ambitions palpable amidst the chaos.
Goo Han-soo, an unconventional auditor, stands apart from his peers, fostering friendships across departments and fostering trust with ease. Conversely, Yoon Seo-jin, a professional par excellence, is a cynosure of bluntness, her critical eye dissecting every situation without mercy, isolating herself from the camaraderie around her. The audit team, plagued by dysfunction, limps along, its members united only in their anticipation of Yum Kyung-suk's ascension.
Their world is turned upside down when news of an external interview for the team leader position shatters their expectations. Enter Shin Cha-il, a man unafraid to expose the team's shortcomings, even in the most mundane of moments, as evidenced by his stern rebuke of a cafeteria complaint regarding subpar food quality.
His arrival for the interview is marked by a determination to purge JU Construction of the corruption that threatens to engulf it, his words echoing the company's plummeting stock prices and impending doom.
The following dawn, Han-soo's arrival at work is met with a surprise that stuns him to silence—Shin Cha-il, the new team leader, already ensconced in his office, demonstrating a remarkable proficiency for names and an uncanny ability to discern that Han-soo's employment was a narrow escape, secured by the benevolent intervention of the former team leader. This introduction sets the stage for a thrilling tale of accountability, corruption, and redemption within the heart of a struggling construction empire.
Han-soo, having faithfully served six months on the audit team, harbored aspirations of transferring to the Florida branch upon completing his three-year tenure. However, an unexpected turn of events left him utterly perplexed. As the team assembled for the day, Shin Cha-il convened a meeting, announcing a startling decision to reopen the investigation into the tower crane mishap. The previous audit had hastily attributed the disaster to gale-force winds and settled with compensation, but Cha-il, with a keen eye for detail, unveiled flaws and omissions in their predecessor's work.
Their probe zeroed in on Foreman Bae Young-sik, a man Han-soo held in high esteem and camaraderie. Naturally, Han-soo voiced his dissent, advocating for Bae's integrity. Yet, Cha-il's resolve was unwavering; he deemed Han-soo's involvement a hindrance and reassigned him to another team, emphasizing the importance of impartiality during their interrogation.
The search of Bae's workspace ensued, with the discovery of a laptop that he frantically seized, sprinting from the scene. Han-soo, fueled by loyalty and determination, gave chase, with Cha-il hot on his heels. Amidst this tense pursuit, a tragic misstep sent Bae tumbling from a three-story height, necessitating hospitalization.
Undeterred, Cha-il persevered, arranging for the damaged laptop's restoration. The revelations were profound: Bae had vowed stable jobs to his injured comrades but found himself unable to deliver. The injured men, however, hailed Bae's empathy, revealing that but for his intervention, the crane operator's fate would have been far grimmer.
Managing Director Seo Gil-pyo, sensing the investigation's impending threat, summoned Cha-il in an attempt to halt its progress. Yet, Cha-il's resolve proved immovable, and he soon turned his scrutiny towards Gil-pyo himself.
Yum Kyung-suk, conspiring with Yang Jae-seong, hatched a plan to thwart Cha-il's endeavors by entrusting Han-soo with the task of retrieving Bae's laptop, hoping to discredit and ultimately dismiss Cha-il. However, fate had other designs.
As Cha-il and Han-soo journeyed to confront Park Ho-yeon, CEO of Myung Tower, JU's crane supplier, they were ambushed by thugs. Cha-il, struck down in the fray, awoke to find the laptop missing. His subsequent request for Han-soo to surrender the laptop led to a pivotal encounter with Vice President Hwang Dae-woong, where the truth about the shoddy crane, a product of subpar materials assembled from disparate manufacturing dates and sold at premium prices, was about to unravel, with Seo Gil-pyo at the center of the corruption.