The Bear – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Jun 19 2024

As the fourth episode of "The Bear" unfolds, Marcus (Lionel Boyce) pauses at a donut shop in the early morning, a fleeting moment of tranquility in the midst of the restaurant's chaos. Meanwhile, Richie (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) attempts to amuse himself by dressing a giant inflatable hotdog in a shirt adorned with the restaurant's name, hoping to drum up some publicity. However, his jest soon turns sour as he laments his involvement in this antics. Carmy (Jeremy Allen White), hearing his complaints, sternly reminds Richie of the consequences of borrowing money from Cicero that he cannot repay, a grim reminder of the realities they face.

The Bear – Season 1 Episode 4 1

Determined to avoid further conflict and ensure their safety, Carmy suggests catering a small child's birthday party for Uncle Jimmy as a means of earning some extra cash. Richie, despite his claims of running a tight ship, finds himself embroiled in a dispute with Carmy over the impracticality of transporting the oversized hotdog. Their argument is interrupted by Tina (Liza Colon-Zayas), who emerges to witness the commotion.

After the hotdog inevitably pops, Richie lashes out at Carmy, calling him a baby and vowing to retrieve a replacement from the basement. Marcus, meanwhile, enjoys a moment of peace as he slices a piece of cake, offering a slice to Sydney (Ayo Edebiri) who declares it delicious. Sydney attempts to engage Tina in conversation about a new mashed potato recipe, but Tina is quick to dismiss her with a curt dismissal.

As they head to the birthday party, Richie watches a video on his phone, sharing its contents with Carmy. He vents his frustration over Uncle Jimmy's persistent use of his nickname "Rick," which he finds infuriating. Carmy tries to deflect the tension, urging Richie to let it go and focus on the task ahead.

Upon arrival, the tension mounts as Uncle Jimmy and Richie engage in a heated exchange, with Jimmy accusing Richie of ignoring his phone calls. Carmy steps in to diffuse the situation, introducing himself to Mr. Szorski, who mistakenly assumes he is the brother who had attempted suicide. Carmy corrects the misunderstanding, explaining that it was his brother who had gone through that ordeal.

Richie emerges from the party, still seething over his encounter with Jimmy, who he complains isn't even Italian but rather Polish. Carmy reminds Richie that he himself isn't Italian either, but Richie insists he's "more Italian" than Jimmy. As the stress mounts, Richie takes medication for his anxiety and dread, offering half to Carmy, who declines. The two continue their preparations for the party, with Carmy inquiring about the ketchup, as they strive to keep the day's events as smooth as possible amidst the chaos and conflict.

Richie neglected to bring along the ketchup, blissfully unaware of the debate surrounding who deserved the honors of applying it to the hotdogs. His curiosity piqued, he inquired of Carmy about the mysterious fruit, only to discover that it was a homemade Ecto-Cooler. Richie's carelessness led to his pill bottle being left conspicuously on the table.

Marcus and Ebraheim engaged in a lively discussion about the pure joy that the first bite of a donut brings, with Marcus confessing his love for admiring their appearance and texture. He reminisced about a particular donut that had captivated his heart and mind, a memory that refused to fade.

Suddenly, Chester (Carmen Christopher) arrived, clutching a sample book for Marcus. Sydney's interruption was swift, reminding Ebraheim of the pressing matter of the beef, as she was introduced to Marcus's roommate, Chester. She learned that Chester was a talented designer and had simply come to drop off some inspirational materials. His stay was brief, as he was scheduled to meet with a brand ambassador.

As Chester departed, Marcus shared with Sydney his intention to create a donut for The Beef, in addition to his other culinary endeavors. He desired it to be as impeccable as the plum Carmen had described. Sydney expressed her enthusiasm for the project, stating that she was fully committed if he was. She checked on the others, gently reminding Neil Fak (Matty Matheson) that his services were not required here. Sydney inquired about Ebraheim's thoughts on the new chocolate cake, and he confirmed that he had tried it, praising Marcus's culinary prowess.

Tina and Sydney exchanged glances, neither uttering a word, as Marcus pondered ideas for his donut creation. Moments later, he presented Neil with the donuts he had purchased for research purposes. Carmen retreated indoors, engaging in conversation with acquaintances. One individual taunted him, mocking his choice to work in a restaurant, but Pete (Chris Witaske) quickly came to his defense, reminding them that he had once helmed the kitchen of the world's finest restaurant.

Jimmy emerged from the shadows, seeking solitude, but Richie had little to offer beyond a warning about Pete's presence. Jimmy complained about an unwanted gift and a persistent individual refusing to leave. Both agreed that he resembled a narc, as if he were about to call the police on them. Phil made a brief appearance, and Jimmy found the situation odd, querying Richie if he had somehow tampered with his property. Richie denied any such meddling, explaining that sometimes people mistake him for a plumber or some other tradesman. Jimmy scrolled through text messages, revealing a phone number she had called, only for Richie to reveal it was Michael's number.

As Tina carefully extracted the potatoes from the oven, Sydney instructed her to utilize a salt bed next time, demonstrating how to peel the skin with a knife instead of resorting to unsanitary kitchen towels. Marcus was deeply immersed in his cake-making, while Jimmy, Carmy, and Richie shared laughter over shared memories. The mood shifted abruptly with the arrival of Pete, who politely sampled some of the Ecto-Cooler before inquiring about the unusual sight of everyone seemingly dozing off.

Pete strives to ease the awkwardness between himself and Carmy, admitting that he's been following Carmy's every move. He doesn't believe many understand the immense effort and commitment it requires. Natalie, despite her deep miss for him, is filled with enthusiasm for his achievements. Pete confesses that Natalie's workload isn't as hectic as she makes it seem; instead, she's upset with Carmy. Suddenly, Pete feels an overwhelming fatigue.

As Pete steps inside, Carmy stumbles upon the pill bottle hidden in the drink container. Jimmy emerges with more ketchup, revealing the Xanax secreted in the cooler. Jimmy's relief is palpable as he learns they're still alive.

At work, Tina discovers her dish has gone awry. She returns, stunned to find Sydney has already rectified the mess. Carmy quizzes Cicero about a snapshot from a Grant Park party in '92. Jimmy confesses he misses Cicero at times, whereas Carmy's acquaintance with him wasn't deep enough to evoke such longing. They share a bond, having faced similar challenges around the same time, more like friends than relatives. Cicero reminisces about a heated argument they had two decades ago, centered on Cicero's penchant for impulsive decisions and his many aspirations before settling as a restaurateur.

Jimmy wonders if it's unbearable for Carmy to be immersed in the restaurant 24/7. He confesses his own struggles, his mind wandering to dark thoughts after just a brief stint there. Carmy suggests this might be precisely why he finds it so alluring, agreeing that it's likely why he's so driven to fix it. Cicero cautions him not to be overly disappointed if his efforts don't pan out, knowing Carmy won't be swayed.

Jimmy shares a dream he had about his father, driving in an SUV with him in the passenger seat, unable to secure his seatbelt. Suddenly, a child steps into the SUV's path, causing Cicero to slam on the brakes. Carmy's father flies through the windshield, never to land, while Cicero stands, waving at the child. Carmy learns he's knocked off a significant chunk from his tab.

Tina informs Sydney she has mere minutes left on the potatoes, expecting a scathing critique. Instead, Sydney praises her work. As Tina returns to her station, she gratefully thanks Sydney. Jimmy bids farewell to Carmy and Richie, entrusting them with the task of escorting the weary Pete home.

On their way back, Pete expresses his gratitude to Richie and Carmy for embracing him as part of their family. Richie and Carmy return to the restaurant, where Marcus treats them to a slice of cake, a sweet ending to an eventful day.

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