The Bear – Season 1 Episode 8

Published: Jun 19 2024

As the curtains draw to a close on The Bear, Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, portrayed by Jeremy Allen White, fantasizes about hosting his own culinary television show. Addressing the audience, he reveals that it would be his brother, Mikey, who would grace the screen with his culinary wizardry. However, Mikey, deeply addicted to painkillers, tragically ended his life on the State Street bridge, leaving no farewell note or goodbye. Despite this, he did leave the restaurant in Carmy's care, albeit refusing to let his younger brother work alongside him.

The Bear – Season 1 Episode 8 1

Carmy once reigned supreme over the finest restaurant on Earth, a stark contrast to the struggling establishment left by his brother. Now, as he prepares to cook braciole, he notices his cooking tools mysteriously disappearing, sending him into a panic. He fumbles, apologizing profusely to the imaginary audience, until he hears a voice - Mikey's voice - whispering that he's here. Carmy frantically tells the apparition to stop, admitting he can't handle this. Suddenly, a bear looms in his peripheral vision before he jolts awake on the couch, receiving a call from Cicero.

As Carmy reflects on the past, Mikey's words echo in his mind, urging him to rise above his current circumstances. Later, at an Al-Anon meeting, Carmy finds the courage to speak to the assembled crowd. He introduces himself, revealing that his brother was a drug addict. He recalls their childhood, when food was their common bond and they dreamed of opening a restaurant together. Mikey had a natural ability to make people feel at ease, his presence able to transform any space. By contrast, Carmy felt awkward and ill-suited for social interactions, his stutter holding him back from fully expressing himself.

Growing up, Carmy lacked friends and struggled academically, failing to secure a spot in college and remaining unmarried. He doubted his comedic abilities, yet everyone seemed to adore his brother. Carmen had always considered Mikey his closest friend, unaware that his brother's drug use had spiraled out of control. As they grew older, the rift between them widened until Mikey shut Carmy out of his life, refusing him entry into the restaurant they once shared. This rejection stung deeply.

Food, their shared passion, became Carmy's solace. He vowed to work in the best restaurants across the globe, a goal that seemed ludicrous at the time but one he ultimately achieved. The journey was grueling, but he persevered, eventually finding his niche in the culinary world.

When a newcomer entered the kitchen, Carmy's gaze would instantly turn into a challenging stare, as if he were preparing to overpower them in a fierce competition. He believed that he could speak volumes through his culinary creations, communicating his thoughts and creativity through each dish. This confidence was thrilling, as he excelled in something he was passionate about, and all he wanted was his brother's acknowledgment.

However, his brother never reciprocated with praise or encouragement, leaving Carmy to dig deeper into his craft and hone his skills. As he became more immersed in his work, his life gradually became more secluded, with fewer people entering his circle. Time seemed to blur as he lost track of the hours spent in the kitchen, and the news of his brother's passing came as a stark reminder of his solitude.

His brother left him the restaurant, a place that Carmy had been struggling to revitalize for months. He saw fixing the restaurant as a way to mend the rift that had existed between him and his brother, perhaps even a means to heal the entire family. The restaurant held significant meaning for many, including Carmy himself, though he wasn't entirely sure if it had ever truly mattered to him before.

Inside the bustling restaurant, Tina shared with Gary her concern over Marcus' silence. Richie grumbled to Ebra about Sydney's nearly disastrous encounter, while Carmy gathered everyone around to announce an upcoming bachelor party for Cicero. The festivities would be held in the front of the restaurant, and while he wasn't sure of the turnout, Carmy promised a relaxed atmosphere and encouraged everyone to bring their own libations.

Meanwhile, Sydney busied herself in the kitchen, cooking for Marcus. He admired her resilience, noting that she hadn't taken a day off despite the demands of her job. Sydney confessed that she felt guilty for not inquiring about his well-being after everything that had transpired. Marcus assured her he was doing fine, though he found the whole situation surreal. Sydney explained that working in a restaurant often meant enduring intense pressure, and she shared her own experiences at the Culinary Institute of America, describing how she had felt like an outsider, struggling to keep up with her peers and often financially strapped.

Once the semester drew to a close, she purchased a one-way ticket to the bustling city of New York, splurging every last penny on delectable cuisine. Among the numerous dining experiences, she stumbled upon a meal that surpassed all others, though she remains tight-lipped about the mysterious restaurant's identity.

During one such meal, Tina kept a watchful eye on Carmy, noting his unusually tolerable demeanor. He inquired if she had any knowledge regarding KBL Electric, but she shook her head, her thoughts turning to Mikey. He had been doling out substantial sums each month, the cumulative amount matching the loan Cicero had extended to him. Carmen scratched her head, perplexed as to why he hadn't simply settled his debts with the vendors.

Tina recalled a month when they were forced to dine without napkins, as Mikey had fallen behind on payments. When she confronted him, urging him to fulfill his obligations, he shrugged it off, arguing that they would be unable to pay the next month anyway. It wasn't just his casual attitude that stuck in her mind.

Carmy offered her the night off before Tina confessed how deeply she admired Mikey. Elsewhere, Sydney shared with Marcus that she had sampled one of his donuts and found it utterly delicious. She apologized for Carmy's destructive antics, likening him to a petulant child. Marcus admitted he hadn't spoken to him but intended to confront him soon, one way or another.

Sydney revealed she wouldn't be returning to UPS, explaining that dining out was a rare treat for her family, making it a special occasion. Marcus nodded in understanding, sharing that his family had similar experiences. He recounted a trip to Michael Jordan's steakhouse for his cousin's graduation, where they had encountered the best bacon imaginable. Sydney confessed her dream of cooking for others, bringing joy to their tables. She suggested she might seek employment elsewhere, perhaps at a different restaurant, until she could dig herself out of her financial hole. Marcus inquired about her dream spot, and Sydney teased that he would learn its identity when it finally opened its doors.

Marcus admired how Sydney and Carmy excelled in their respective fields, feeling he had learned a valuable lesson from their differences. Sydney eventually confessed that Carmy's cooking had topped her list of culinary highlights, praising his skills despite his occasionally prickly nature.

Outside, Richie puffed on a cigarette, cursing Mikey under his breath. He knew the cliché about addicts needing to help themselves, but he couldn't help but wish he had chained Mikey to his desk. When Carmy asked if he had suspected Mikey's addiction, Richie shook his head, incredulous. He had never seen or spoken to him, and Mikey had ignored his calls. Richie had never imagined him capable of such behavior, given his loud and obnoxious demeanor. He had always assumed that Mikey, the so-called "Mikey Bear," would somehow pull through.

Suddenly, the pair heard a commotion inside and rushed in to break up a brewing fight. Richie swung a punch, sending one of the combatants crashing to the floor.

The moment Richie failed to respond, their anxiety escalated, turning into instant concern. Inside the bustling police station, Richie approached a vigilant guard, eagerly inquiring about any news regarding the victim. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him; the victim remained in the ICU, and if he failed to regain consciousness, Richie faced the possibility of being charged with manslaughter.

Utilizing his precious phone call, Richie reached out to Tiff, reassuring her that everything was under control. His mind replayed the events surrounding her father and the heated exchange they had. Richie conceded, admitting that she had been right and he had been wrong.

The guard's voice jolted Richie from his thoughts, informing him that he had been fortunate. Instead of facing manslaughter charges, he was being charged with aggravated assault, as the victim had miraculously woken up. Richie roused Carmy, who had been slumbering on a bench, and together they exited the station.

In the car, Carmen revealed that he had used their precious two-week parachute to secure Richie's release from jail. He instructed Richie to prepare Ballbreaker for their next move. Richie assured Carmen that he was in good condition, declaring that Carmen was the only person he had left.

Returning to The Beef, they joined the others in tidying up the mess. Carmen's gaze fell upon Marcus, who had returned, prompting him to offer a sincere apology. Neil Fak, alias Matty Matheson, engaged in a one-sided conversation with an arcade game, while Tina inquired about Sydney's arrival, which Carmen promised to handle. Tina warned him not to cross her, lest she retaliate.

Carmen announced that the River North Festival was approaching, urging everyone to pull together and put in extra effort. As a deliveryman arrived with a pork shipment, Carmen informed him that they didn't need it, only to be told to take it up with Lu. Heading to the cooler, Carmen seemed to have a realization. Attempting to light a cigarette using the stove's flame, he accidentally caused a larger fire. Gary quickly extinguished the blaze, while Richie checked on Carmen's well-being. Carmen apologized, assuring Richie that he was fine.

Near the lockers, Richie caught up with Carmen and retrieved Mikey's letter. Richie confessed his ignorance about the letter's contents, explaining that he had hesitated to give it to Carmen because it represented Mikey's absence. Carmen took the letter outside, texting Sydney to apologize for his past behavior and informing her that her final paycheck was ready whenever she needed it.

He gingerly unwraps the letter, its contents spilling out in a heartfelt confession: "I love you dude. Let it rip." Carmen's emotions surge as he flips the paper over, revealing a cherished recipe for the family's signature spaghetti. At the footnote, a helpful tip: the smaller tomato cans yield a more flavorful sauce.

Back inside the bustling kitchen, Ebrah boasts to Tina about his grill mastery in Somalia, but she quickly shuts him down. Carmen intervenes, confirming that Ebrah is indeed part of the team preparing the family meal. Meanwhile, Marcus is engrossed in creating a cake, while Fak and Richie wrestle with an arcade machine, trying desperately to get it to work. Richie uses the opportunity to offer Fak a chance to prove his worth and earn some extra cash. Fak grudgingly admits that getting stabbed and walking it off was indeed cool and tough.

As Carmen pours the sauce from one of the tomato cans, his hand pauses mid-air as he spots a plastic bag filled with money. Without hesitation, they all begin rummaging through the other cans, each pulling out bundles of cash hidden amidst the tomato sauce.

Just then, Sydney saunters in, and Richie snaps at her to quit dawdling and grab a can opener. Carmen and Sydney engage in a lively discussion about a potential new concept for the restaurant, Sydney eagerly inquiring about its name. Moments later, Carmen affixes a note to the window, announcing the closure of The Beef, with an ominous teaser at the bottom: The Bear is coming. Then, with a smile, he joins the rest of the family for a meal that is sure to be filled with laughter, love, and plenty of spaghetti sauce - both sweet and savory.

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