The Chelsea Detective – Season 2 Episode 2

Published: Mar 11 2025

As the curtains rise on this installment of "The Chelsea Detective," Sam Lenton, portrayed by Karl Theobald, engages in rigorous practice alongside a fellowship of rowers. Meanwhile, Celia Swanson, embodied by Sara Kestelman, finds herself being served at Greyfriars West, where she promptly gripes to Hannah Loftus (Felixe Forde) that the meal is overcooked, insisting the chef must start anew. When Hannah relays her complaint, the chef responds with calm assurance that he has already begun again. Celia, unperturbed, asserts her independence as she exits the restaurant. Sam grumbles about the rowers, only to be reminded by Freddie that these individuals fund their livelihoods.

The Chelsea Detective – Season 2 Episode 2 1

Elsewhere, Celia engages in a video chat with Maria Swanson (Raquel Cassidy), probing her motive for investing in the rowing club. She firmly declines her invitation to the ceremony, hinting that Maria’s reliance on Zoom calls is a convenient excuse to avoid personal visits. Zoe Stephens (Jessie Hills) finds herself in conversation with Freddie Mercer (Leo Staar), discussing Chelsea Oars, the rowing club, feigning interest only in exploiting the free trial. Maria informs Freddie of her intention to return home, prompting Zoe to suggest he could persuade her to become a full-fledged member.

Josh Downing (Harry Hepple) and Hannah encounter Maurice Swift (Simon Williams), who seeks directions to the cinema room. As Maurice departs, Josh remarks that perhaps a nursing home would be more suitable for him. Later that night, Celia Swanson is startled from her slumber. Freddie arrives home shortly before Celia is discovered deceased.

After sifting through his personal belongings, Detective Inspector Max Arnold (Adrian Scarborough) contacts Astrid (Anamaria Marinca), stressing his desire to consult her before making any decisions. He playfully chastises Astrid for cluttering his boat with CDs, just as a call from Detective Sergeant Layla Walsh (Vanessa Emma) informs him of the murder. Layla greets him at Greyfriars West, revealing that an 80-year-old woman was found lifeless in her bed. Gillian Compton (Pippa Haywood) introduces herself to the duo.

Ashley Wilton (Sophie Stone) examines Celia’s body, scrutinizing her wounds. She apprises Max and Layla of Celia’s progressive neurological disorder, drawing attention to the bruises and internal bleeding on her upper arm. Ashley postulates that these bruises were the result of an intramuscular injection, despite Celia not having received one for days, leading her to believe Celia was restrained. Hannah and Josh guide DC Jess Lombard (Lucy Phelps) through Celia’s final movements. Hannah recounts a quiet remainder of her shift to DC Connor Pollock (Peter Bankole), noting they departed together around 9:30 PM. Amidst their recollections, Josh refers to Celia derogatorily, highlighting the tense atmosphere that surrounded her.

Gillian regales Max and Layla with tales of Stephanie Lang (Naoko Mori), emphasizing her penchant for maintaining Greyfriars' relaxed atmosphere. She doubts Celia received any visitors after retreating to her chambers. Mr. Swift discovered her lifeless body that very morning. Layla speculates that the perpetrator must have had unrestricted access to the premises. Gillian mentions that she usually departs by six o'clock.

As Stephanie Lang joins their conversation, she inquiries about any tangible evidence and questions the necessity of the police presence. Meanwhile, Layla and Max delve into Celia's quarters, unearthing a letter inscribed, "Dearest M, I've finally arrived at a resolute decision." Max muses that his dyslexia might have意外地 aided in deciphering it more keenly.

In a private moment, Josh confesses to Hannah that he informed the police of their cohabitation, driven by a desire to shield her. Maurice Swift reveals to Max and Layla that he had engaged in a card game with Celia on Tuesday morning but had to venture to her apartment due to her tardiness. Finding her door unlocked, he stumbled upon her deceased form. Maurice asserts he wasn't with her the previous evening, as he was attending the film club. Elsewhere, Gillian and Stephanie discuss potential new residents for the establishment.

In the car, Max ponders why someone would terminate Celia's life now, when her days were numbered. Maria Swanson, when questioned, fails to recall anyone harboring ill will towards Celia. She verifies that the letter is indeed in her mother's handwriting and believes it pertains to Celia's diamonds. Freddie enters, checks on Maria, and introduces himself to the detectives, offering to fetch her medication as she battles anxiety. Maria reveals to Max that she is a translator. Before they part ways, Max quizzes Freddie about his whereabouts the previous night, to which Freddie responds he was entertaining clients at the club.

Ashley enlightens Max and Layla on the discoloration of Celia's bruises and reveals she was administered Diamorphine. Confirming with Greyfriars, Ashley learns they do not stock Diamorphine on their premises. The victim's demise occurred sometime between 9 PM and 11 PM.

At the station, Layla paints a picture of Celia, the widow of Cory, a renowned South African businessman. Celia had sold her flat in 2019, coinciding with Greyfriars' inception. She reflects on the late 1980s, marked by anti-apartheid protests. When Zoe arrives at Chelsea Oars, Freddie reproaches her for not volunteering to come to her aid in a hypothetical crisis. Maria, overheading this, steps aside to make a call regarding Celia's demise. Freddie suggests a stroll with Maria, acknowledging her need for a break from her duties. Meanwhile, Max encounters Astrid closing up the shop, presenting her with the return of the CDs.

Astrid is eager to confer with him regarding her mother, who is currently grappling with difficulties. The thought of returning to Germany to nurse her back to health crosses her mind. The next day, at the station, Detective Constable Connor Pollock informs her that the residential sectors of Greyfriars lack surveillance cameras. They possess footage only from the communal spaces, capturing John and Hannah exiting the kitchen area at 21:14, engaging in conversation with Maurice. Connor further discloses that several cameras are malfunctioning, hindering their progress. He is diligently working to obtain external footage of individuals entering and exiting the building. Among their discoveries is an invitation extended to Celia for a memorial service honoring the 82 South Africans who perished in the Nelspruit Mining Disaster. This invitation originated from Whitewash, an organization helmed by Bandile Nkosi, alias Banny (played by Ladi Emeruwa). Whitewash is run by relatives of apartheid victims, leading Layla to speculate that the invitation was deliberately targeted at individuals like Celia Swanson.

Back at Greyfriars, Max and Layla delve into the background of Alistair Walker, while Stephanie conducts a tour for Patrick Blythe (portrayed by Rupert Vansittart). In a private moment, Gillian confides that they've encountered issues with the CCTV system, which keeps overwriting its recordings. Stephanie, preoccupied with other pressing matters, expresses concern. Gillian notes her limited interactions with Maria, hinting at a strained relationship between her and Celia. Conversely, Freddie Mercer was known for bringing Celia flowers. It seems as though no one besides her murderer paid her a visit in her apartment.

Connor and Jess meet with Banny, who prepares for the ceremony in memory of his grandfather, a victim of the disaster. They secure permission to utilize the memorial, despite its dedication to the opposing side. Banny reveals that Cory Swanson owned Nelspruit and, out of respect, invites Celia annually, though they never anticipated her attendance. He attests to being at choir practice at his church two nights prior and insists that Whitewash had no involvement in Celia's demise.

Later, Max apologizes to Olivia Arnold (portrayed by Frances Barber) for canceling dinner plans, to which she gracefully agrees, citing her immersion in painting as an occupying activity. After inquiring about Celia's case, Olivia asks if Max recalls the Bekkers, South African friends of his father who participated in anti-apartheid marches. Sharing this memory, Max mentions Astrid's intentions to return to Germany. Olivia reassures him not to dwell on it, given their separation.

At the station, Max reviews Chelsea Oars' latest financial records, revealing significant losses that could potentially motivate Freddie. Maria claims she was in Cremorne Gardens at the time of the murder, and footage confirms her whereabouts. Greyfriars West drafts a new resident agreement for Lord Reginald Aldiss, prompting Stephanie to volunteer to finalize the contract, allowing Gillian to depart for the day.

Before Gillian's departure, Stephanie proposed a slight adjustment to the asking price. Meanwhile, Connor and Jess uncovered a surprising fact about Greyfriars: residents do not actually own their apartments. Upon selling, Greyfriars imposes a 20% commission and retains the authority to dictate both the sale price and select the buyer. With urgent optimism, Stephanie rang Lord Aldiss, hinting at promising news—provided he acted swiftly.

Elsewhere, at Chelsea Oars, Layla and Max witnessed a figure wielding a flashlight. She tasked Max with investigating the boathouse while she trailed the mysterious individual. When the shadowy figure vanished, Layla was met with Max's terrified screams, convinced his hands were stained with blood. Rushing to his side, she relieved his distress by revealing the substance to be mere paint. On the door, they discovered a menacing message: "You had it coming!"

The following morning, Layla confronted Freddie about her nighttime visit to discuss club finances. However, Freddie was preoccupied with the recent vandalism. He speculated that a younger club member might have misunderstood the situation, mistaking humiliation for a valid act of rebellion, possibly instigated by Zoe Stephens. Freddie conceded that uncovering the truth behind Celia's death sooner would benefit everyone. Reuniting with Max, Layla shared that Freddie had inadvertently provided them with an alibi, which seemed plausible.

Connor's call interrupted their discussion, revealing external surveillance footage from Greyfriars' rear that contradicted Hannah and Josh's accounts. Prompted by this revelation, Max and Layla headed to Greyfriars, where they overheard Stephanie discussing the facility's operations. In a private conversation, they confronted her about relocating Lord Aldiss into Celia's apartment. Stephanie unabashedly affirmed Greyfriars' right to set prices and collect commissions, insisting the practice was entirely legal and transparent.

Maurice approached them next, intending to clarify that he hadn't played cards with Celia that morning—a statement that left them perplexed until they reminded him of Celia's passing days earlier. His departure sparked Layla's pondering whether Maurice could have ended Celia's life out of mercy. Subsequently, Hannah and Josh were summoned for questioning, with Hannah being pressed to explain why Josh was seen leaving the building alone.

Hannah asserts that she returned to retrieve something forgotten. Layla accuses her of being at the scene of the murder, citing the absence of security footage depicting her exit. Meanwhile, Pollock presents Josh with a CCTV snapshot featuring him carrying a box. He clarifies that while both he and Hannah exited the kitchen, only he ultimately left the premises. Subsequent CCTV footage reveals Josh returning to Greyfriars with a concealed object, only to depart an hour later with nothing in hand. Josh refutes any connection between his visit and Celia Swanson.

When Layla brings up Jose's derogatory remark about Celia as a "poisonous old cow," she wonders aloud if Hannah might have harmed her. Hannah denies any involvement in Celia's demise. Max reminds her of the falsehood she perpetuated about residing in Allibone Gardens, prompting Hannah to confess she actually lives in a staff flat at Greyfriars—which is why Josh lied on her behalf. She stresses that Stephanie would terminate her employment if she discovered the truth. Max speculates that Josh was visiting her at Greyfriars.

Josh unveils his scheme: he steals high-end meat from his employer, sells it to a friend, and replaces it with cheaper alternatives. He claims to use the proceeds to assist Hannah in securing her own apartment. Pollock inquires about the item concealed under Josh's coat upon his return to Greyfriars. Josh replies it was a bottle of champagne.

Layla informs Max that Maurice and several residents were at the film club when Celia was murdered. Jess mentions an entertainer named Zoe Stephens who briefly accompanied Freddie at Chelsea Oars. Gillian asserts that the mortality rate surged after Stephanie hired Dr. Jakovski last year. She notes that Celia passed away while Jakovski was on holiday. She further reveals to Max and Layla that a locum doctor observed something unusual. Max proposes examining death certificates from last year to the present to identify which doctor signed them.

Astrid notifies Max of her impending departure to attend to her ailing mother, entreating him to temporarily take charge of the gallery in her absence. He, in turn, reveals that he has secured tickets for them to attend a concert by "The Ting Tings" at Shepherd’s Bush Empire. She gently reminds him of their current separation. He counters with a proposition—to date like two old friends, revisiting camaraderie. Meanwhile, the CCTV footage from Ranleigh Gardens captures Sam in a state of palpable anxiety. Layla observes that the location isn't far from Chelsea Oars, hinting at potential connections or consequences.

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