As the seventh episode of The Diplomat unfolds, Kate and Hal lie entwined in bed, the aftermath of a night rekindling the spark in their union. They marvel at the mystery of what had transpired over the past few days, their marriage seemingly rejuvenated. Kate tenderly inquires about Hal's sentiments on being her "silent partner," acknowledging the irreplaceable qualities he possesses. Being an Ambassador necessitates mastery over the art of people, and Hal's gentle touch balances Kate's sometimes unyielding directness.
Hal, though content to support Kate from the shadows, yearns for more than just a backseat role, respecting her position yet yearning for his own place in the sun. Kate finds herself torn, uncertain if she desires his constant presence yet unable to envision him absent. A conundrum indeed.
Elsewhere, Eidra delicately requests Stuart to delay publicizing their relationship status, citing the need for diplomatic calm amidst the Russia imbroglio. Stuart, stung by her request, retreats into a passive-aggressive stance, revealing the disparity in their professional backgrounds as Eidra's CIA rigor manifests in her unwavering commitment to navigating the murky waters of international politics.
Kate's day takes a decisive turn as she prepares to confront Oleg Balakin, the Russian Ambassador in London. With all unofficial channels clogged, she is left with no choice but to tread the formal path. At the Foreign Office, tensions simmer as Kate, accompanied by Stuart, encounters Oleg. Kate, armed with resolve, enters the meeting room, ready to deliver a defiant message regarding the Lenkov Company and Britain's alignment with the US in Libya.
Yet, to her surprise, Oleg's opening salvo is a fiery indictment of the US, each word ringing with an eerie truth. But beneath this fiery facade, Kate senses a deeper agenda. The exchange between the two diplomats teeters on the brink of revelation, as Kate's witty repartee with Dennison only serves to further confuse Stuart, who wonders if this is a harbinger of Kate's ambition to ascend to the Vice Presidency.
He relentlessly continued his monologue, scribbling instructions for Kate on a scrap of paper. "Descend two flights, turn left, third right, and you'll find Stoudt Wine Co." Maintaining the charade flawlessly, Kate hastened towards the wine cellar, her heart pounding. There, she encountered a woman who guided her to the bowels of the building, whispering that Lenkov maintained a family in La Colline and was due to visit them in ten days' time. Kate returned stealthily, avoiding any undue attention.
As Oleg droned on with his rehearsed lines, even as he exited the scene, Kate swiftly convened a hushed meeting with Eidra and Stuart. Two theories surfaced regarding the Russians' sudden willingness to relinquish Lenkov: either it was a cunning trap, or they truly weren't behind it. The latter seemed more plausible, given Lenkov's high-profile status and robust security. The real enigma now lay in unraveling who had hired Lenkov and for what purpose.
Eidra advocated that Kate should journey to Washington to brief the President personally. Unbeknownst to them, Hal had already been summoned to a meeting with Billie, its agenda extending beyond merely discussing Kate's potential VP candidacy; it also encompassed Ganon's dismissal by Rayburn.
Kate and Eidra met with Carly Green from the Russia desk, preparing Kate for her encounter with Rayburn. Alysse, sensing the urgency, pulled Kate aside to confront Hal, who broke the news about Ganon's fate. Kate's emotions were palpable, Stuart's mirroring hers. Despite her dislike for Ganon, she couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for his downfall. Intriguingly, Kate kept the details of Lenkov and his family to herself.
First, Kate would debrief Roger and Michelle at Langley, the CIA's nerve center, then proceed to the State Secretaries. Her ultimate destination: the White House. Eidra, meanwhile, would keep MI6 abreast of developments, entrusting Trowbridge with the vital information.
Kate's anxiety over Dennison's exclusion from crucial information runs deep, fearing the intricate web of connections she's woven could unravel without his involvement. The brink of a faux pas looms large during the briefing, but Rayburn's confidence, bolstered by unanimous intelligence and military endorsements, assures them Russia's lead is solid. Yet, the prospect of the US swooping in to apprehend a notorious terrorist, especially on French soil, is bound to stir discontent.
Behind Kate's back, Ganon covertly consults with Trowbridge, whose discontent with the plan is palpable. Kate struggles to interject, the meeting abruptly ending, leaving her voice unheard. Seeking solace, Kate rendezvouses with Jill over drinks, discovering a shift in Kabul's dynamics, with Jill seemingly assuming her mantle. Kate's heart sinks at the disorder and the erosion of her meticulous efforts.
Hal's luncheon with Lewis, a vestige of the past, brings whispers of a potential cabinet post—Secretary of State. Hal dismisses the notion with a wave, yet a flicker of curiosity lingers. Returning home, Kate's hangover a testament to her dismay over Kabul's informants' demise, she braces for Trowbridge's imminent ire. The unplanned pivot to de-escalation casts Trowbridge in an unfavorable light, and his anger is palpable. Kate strives to reassure him of the UK's steadfast support amidst the change.
Trowbridge departs, frustration etched on his face, his discontent spilling over onto Rayburn. Kate, burdened by her day's misfortunes, fills Hal in on Winfield's turmoil. As she prepares to apprise Dennison of the situation, Hal's insecurity rises, urging her to postpone the call till dawn. They sit, poles apart on the bed, contemplating the uncertain landscape that awaits her as Vice President. Is this the fate she's destined to confront, the dawn of a new era fraught with challenges?