In the gripping opening sequence of "The Dragon Prince," Season 7, Episode 1, titled "Death Alive," the viewer is instantaneously transported to a cliffhanging and eerie spectacle atop the towering Starscraper. Here, Kosmo, the enigmatic celestial elf, finds himself engrossed in a profound trance, intoning a haunting verse as his fingers trace the intricate patterns of a starweave tapestry. His eyes, closed in contemplation, reveal glimpses of impending futures yet to unfold, as he shares these dire visions with the reverent Celestial Elf Elder. This scene serves as a melancholic prelude to the episode, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the fate of Xadia.
Meanwhile, Callum returns to Katolis, a kingdom now a ghostly shell of its former glory, ravaged by Sol Regem's catastrophic assault. The camera pans across desolate landscapes, capturing the heart-wrenching remnants of the once-majestic castle, now reduced to rubble. These poignant visuals accentuate the magnitude of destruction and the profound emotional scar left on the land. Among the scattered debris, Callum discovers a solitary dragon doll, a tender symbol of the innocence lost amidst the war's brutal chaos. This stark contrast to the kingdom's former bustling vibrancy underscores Callum's profound sense of bereavement and despair.
In a cleverly orchestrated maneuver, Aaravos, the ancient and omnipotent entity, devises a novel stratagem. Fearful of the fatal consequences of an archdragon's bite if he ventured out in his colossal true form, he conceals himself as an island, projecting a human-sized avatar to travel incognito with Claudia and Terry. Unlike his ephemeral projections to Viren, this latest semblance is solid and capable of interacting with the physical world. This disguise grants Aaravos unparalleled mobility, paving the way for his nefarious schemes.
As Callum traverses the desolate ruins of Katolis, he encounters the disguised Aaravos, who informs him that Sol Regem was the perpetrator of his daughter's demise. Though technically accurate, Callum naturally assumes the reference pertains to the attack on Katolis. This moment of calculated deception further exemplifies Aaravos' manipulative prowess and his adeptness at exploiting the vulnerabilities of his fellow beings.
Elsewhere, Runaan, the assassin presumed deceased, is unexpectedly revealed to be still breathing. Despite Lujanne's steadfast urging for him to rest and recuperate, Runaan remains steadfast in his resolve to return to Silvergrove and be reunited with his beloved husband, Ethari. His lotus, a symbol of life, begins to float once more, indicating his resurgence from the brink of death. Yet, Ethari remains reluctant to embrace this newfound hope, his heart still ensnared by the profound grief of having lost his partner.
Ezran, the benevolent prince, is consumed by a fierce rage, fueled by the devastation wrought upon Katolis. His anger is palpable as he issues an order for Runaan's arrest, accusing him of his father's murder two years prior. This marks a stark transformation in Ezran's character, as he temporarily discards his usual kindness in pursuit of justice for his father's untimely demise.
Throughout the entirety of the episode, Aaravos expertly orchestrates events with consummate manipulation, consistently steering them to his own advantage. He offers Callum a poisoned apple, but Callum, having been forewarned by the ever-vigilant Corvus, declines the gesture with a resolute refusal. Corvus, ever on the lookout for deceit, detects the island that conceals Aaravos' true form, sensing the underlying malice harbored by the seemingly innocent human who proffered the poisoned fruit.
The episode concludes on a note of impending doom and uncertainty, leaving the characters to grapple with the ramifications of their actions and the revelations that have come to light. As Aaravos' sinister scheme unfolds and the true magnitude of the destruction in Katolis becomes apparent, the audience is left to ponder the fate of Xadia and its inhabitants. "Death Alive" serves as an impactful prelude to the final season of "The Dragon Prince," setting the stage for a journey filled with thrilling twists and profound emotional stakes. The episode skillfully intertwines themes of loss, deceit, and the relentless pursuit of justice, leaving viewers on tenterhooks and eagerly anticipating what lies ahead.