The series kicks off with Sadie McCarthy, our intrepid protagonist, at a raucous rally. As she attempts a hasty escape, FBI agents swoop in, capturing her after a devious framing, instantly setting the stage for an enthralling narrative. The story rewinds seven months, revealing the journey of four female journalists - Sadie, Kimberlyn Kendrick, Grace Greene, and Lola Rahaii - as they delve into the murky world of politics.
Each woman hails from a unique social milieu, even their political allegiances aligning with diverse candidates. As the election fever heats up, these intrepid reporters embark on a nationwide quest to cover the candidates' campaign trails.
Sadie, a young journalist at the New York Sentinel, eager to reclaim her footing in the game of political journalism. She's been sidelined since a controversial incident three years ago that turned her into an internet meme. Sadie reveres Hunter S. Thompson, the legendary journalist, to the point of hallucinating his presence. After convincing her editor to assign her to cover the rising presidential hopeful, Governor Bennet, Sadie sees a chance to make her mark once again. But the unpredictable world of politics awaits with unexpected twists.
Kimberlyn, a Black woman reporter at Liberty Direct News, a far-right media outlet. She justifies her position, believing racism is pervasive, but her organization is unashamedly outspoken. Recently engaged, Kimberlyn struggles to find time for wedding preparations amidst the election madness.
Grace Greene, a ruthless panelist at the Washington Union, relentlessly pursues scoops to fuel her articles. Her work has earned her the moniker 'scoop queen.' As a middle-aged mother, she juggles her demanding job with the challenges of her college-going daughter. Grace also strives to carve her own identity amidst the shadow of her father's illustrious achievements.
Lola Rahaii, a TikTok sensation and journalist, leverages social media to cover the campaign. She's been scrambling to secure sponsors to fund her coverage, her leftist political leanings evident in her journalistic style.
This ensemble of women journalists embarks on a captivating adventure as they navigate the treacherous terrain of politics, each with their unique backgrounds and ambitions.
Caroline Bennett stands tall among the contenders for the presidency, a fact that propels Sadie into a race to regain her footing as a journalist. The challenge, however, lies in Sadie's inability to maintain her journalistic neutrality. Her past obsession with Felicity Walker in the previous elections serves as a warning, yet she vows to adopt a different approach with Caroline.
To access Caroline, Sadie must traverse the barrier of her press secretary, Malcolm, an old flame who left Sadie in the dust of failed relationships. When she approaches Malcolm for an interview with Caroline, he rejected people thousands of miles away. But Sadie, a determined journalist, won't be deterred. As she watches Lola's news segment about a highway mishap in Iowa, Sadie realizes Kimberlyn is stranded with her. This misfortune presents Sadie with an unexpected opportunity. She offers Kimberlyn a lifeline in exchange for Caroline's room number, and Kimberlyn reluctantly agrees.
Amidst the odds, Sadie rushes to meet Caroline. Their encounter leaves Sadie with a revelation — Caroline's frontrunner status is justified. She is genuine, diligent, and committed to serving the people. Sadie describes the encounter as a reminder of what it feels like to fall in love.
Sadie's article on Caroline captivates her boss, who praises its authenticity and ability to resonate with readers. He declares that it will grace the front page of their next edition. But as Kimberlyn arrives at the hotel, she discovers that Nellie Carmichael, her rival and colleague, has already interviewed Caroline. Kimberlyn's chances of securing that coveted spotlight are shattered by Nellie's interference. The organization's preference for Nellie's article over Kimberlyn's, despite its merit, exposes its racist underbelly.
However, Sadie's triumph is fleeting. Grace, the queen of breaking news, unearths a scoop on Caroline and publishes it, revealing the governor's involvement in a sex scandal in Chicago years ago. Kimberlyn and Sadie are both disappointed, but such is the fierce competition of journalism. In the aftermath, Sadie's boss instructs her to remain on the campaign trail until Caroline withdraws from the race, suggesting that her article should be published online instead.