The Hardacres – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Mar 13 2025

The episode unfolds with Joe Hardacare (played by Adam Little) and Betsy Temple (portrayed by Sarah Agha) sharing an intimate moment in a rustic barn. As Joe adjusts his attire, Betsy confesses nervously that this was her maiden experience, stressing that she is not the type for casual encounters. Joe reciprocates, asserting that it was his first time as well and reassuring her of his awareness of her innocence. He proposes they keep their encounter a confidential matter between them. Betsy, insecure, wonders if he is ashamed of her. Joe assures her otherwise but admits that Lena Temple (Siobhan O’Kelly) holds little regard for him. She reluctantly agrees to keep their encounter a secret, and they share a tender kiss.

The Hardacres – Season 1 Episode 5 1

Elsewhere, Sam Hardacre (Liam McMahon) and Mary Hardacre (Claire Cooper) find themselves sleeping in separate chambers. Sam acknowledges his mistake in losing his temper but stands firm in his belief that Lady Emma Fitzherbert (Cathy Belton)'s demeanor towards Mary was unjust. Mary, however, defends Emma, arguing that Joe's punch on Lord Hugo Bathurst (Denis Grindel) warranted such a reaction. They reconcile and share a passionate kiss.

At the bustling docks, Callum Saunders (Taheen Madak) expresses doubt about their ability to repay the steam crane within the stipulated month. Sam vows to make it happen, come what may, pointing out that Hugill (Nick Dunning) has left them with no viable alternative. He convenes a meeting with his workforce, urging them to prove their worth by contributing to this endeavor. Albie (Paul Ward) balks at the idea of working on Sundays, prompting Sam to propose starting an hour earlier instead. Lena and the other female employees generously agree to halve their tea breaks. Thirty days hence, Sam and his diligent team manage to raise sufficient funds to settle the crane's debt.

Mrs. Dryden (Ingrid Craigie) intercepts a letter intended for Mary, hinting that Lady Fairfax has politely declined Mary's invitation for afternoon tea. Beesley (Mark Doherty), with a hint of sarcasm, wonders if anything escapes her notice. Snatching the letter, Mrs. Henderson (Paula Wolfenden) remarks that this marks Mary's third rejection in a month. Beesley abruptly seizes the letter from her hand. Dryden remarks, under her breath, that Mary shouldn't expect any different treatment after her "wayward son" assaulted Bathurst.

At breakfast, Liza Hardacre (Shannon Lavelle) appears uninterested in food. Mary requests Ma Hardacre (Julie Graham) to pass the salt, but Ma playfully nudges the salt shaker across the table, causing it to topple over. Sam, in a jubilant mood, announces that the crane's debt has been fully settled. Mary commends him just as a servant arrives with Fairfax's letter, confirming the tea invitation's decline. Joe, glancing through the newspaper, stumbles upon a wedding announcement for Lady Adella Fitzherbert (Holly Sturton) and Bathurst. Puzzled, Mary insists that Eliza accompany her to personally congratulate Adella. Joe expresses bewilderment, wondering why Adella would accept Bathurst's proposal when she evidently dislikes him. Sam inquiries about Joe's relationship with Betsy, prompting Joe to admit his fondness for her but acknowledges that Adella offers a more thrilling prospect. Sam sternly advises Joe to be truthful with Betsy.

As Mary and her companions make their way towards the Fitzherbert estate, she elucidates the profound symbolism of purple hyacinths. Upon their arrival, Emma is engrossed in entertaining Lady Beaumont and Lady Fairfax, her guests of honor. Mary extends her congratulations to Emma, apologizes for any inconvenience caused by the soiree, and presents her with the hyacinths. Glancing at her guests, Emma responds with a hint of sarcasm, suggesting that she must have been studying botany extensively. Adella, appreciating the gesture, thanks Mary and insists that Emma agree to their staying for tea. Lady Beaumont, played by Michele Moran, offers her apologies for missing Mary's tea the previous week. Adella, her mouth watering, starts to take a bite of a pastry, but Emma quickly cautions her against it.

Meanwhile, at the docks, Joe confides in Betsy, revealing his fondness for her but asserting that their relationship must come to an end. Heartbroken, she accuses him of being a fraud and storms out of the room in a huff. Elsewhere, Sam conducts a tour for the board members, showcasing the operations. Hugill inquisitively asks about the crane, and Sam confidently assures him that it has been paid in full before unveiling his plan to reduce work hours without compromising pay. Betsy, overwhelmed with emotion, breaks down in tears and confesses her intimacy with Joe, clarifying that it never went beyond simple cuddling. Lena, empathetic, embraces her tightly.

In a different corner, Liza confides in Adella, revealing that she has been skipping breakfast due to Bathurst's critical remarks about her weight. Adella suggests a corset and Trilene, a supposed remedy for obesity. Liza, eager to please, pops a pill into her mouth without hesitation. Mary then offers Hardacre Hall flowers for Emma's wedding, but Emma, maintaining her sarcastic tone, declines and jokes that if they need fried herring, she'd be more than happy to accommodate Hardacre's tastes. Mary, taking the hint, takes her leave.

At the docks, Hugill issues an ultimatum to Sam: lay off ten employees or face the consequences of losing his position. Upon returning home, Mary embarks on a soothing walk to clear her mind. Liza, desperate to fit into the corset, finds it too tight and resorts to consuming several Trilene tablets in quick succession. Back at the docks, Sam reluctantly announces the layoffs, causing consternation among the workers. Little Pete, his voice tinged with desperation, pleads with Sam about their tireless efforts over the past month. Lena urges him to convince the board members to reconsider, but Sam responds that there is no turning back. Frustrated, Little Pete suggests a strike, and the workers, fueled by anger, chant in unison.

Later, Sam informs Mary of the developments, blaming himself for the outcome. The next morning, Liza takes even more Trilene tablets, her desperation growing. Sam, burdened by guilt, wishes that Fred Holdsworth were there to share the burden with him. Joe, conscience-ridden, seeks out Fred, who is initially uninterested in hearing him out. Joe, persistent, pleads with Fred to give him a chance to speak.

Elsewhere, an exhilarated Liza convinces Ma to accompany her on a walk. She sets a brisk pace through the woods, her mind consumed by her obsession. Ma, struggling to keep up, stumbles and falls to the ground. Liza quickly helps her up and resumes her hurried pace. Joe, finally confessing to Sam, reveals that he framed Fred out of jealousy and throws the door open, revealing Fred standing outside. Furious, Sam scolds Joe for his actions, which led to Fred losing his job. Joe, ashamed, insists that Fred take his position. Fred, compassionate, offers his assistance, recognizing that the workers are his people. Joe, defeated, leaves the room.

Victor Ward (played by Connor Byrne) confronts Ma about her conspicuous absence from the poker games, accusing her of deliberately getting him intoxicated. Tinny stands firm in his decision to accompany Victor, prompting Ma to brand him a traitor before storming off. Ma also cautions Mary about Liza skipping meals, to which Mary nonchalantly responds that shedding a few pounds isn't a cause for concern. Maggie (portrayed by Ella Maria Carmen) wrestles with tightening Liza’s corset, drawing Mary's attention to her struggle. Liza, meanwhile, shares Adella’s beauty secrets with Mary, who reassuringly tells Ma that Liza is perfectly fine, though Ma remains unconvinced.

Fred proposes a solution as drastic as it is practical: solving the problem with money, since it's the only language the board understands. Elsewhere, Callum is taken aback to find Fred in Sam’s office, where workers are picketing outside. Sam outlines his strategy to impose a deal to buy out the board members, and Callum volunteers to take charge of the situation. Suddenly, Liza experiences hyperventilation and collapses to the ground. Victor swiftly carries her inside and dashes off to fetch the doctor. When she regains consciousness as Dr. Mason (played by Chris McHallem) arrives, she complains of pain and feeling overheated. Mason postulates that her body could be rejecting food or medication.

At the docks, Callum informs Sam that the board has rejected his offer, having realized the operation's profitability. Joe interrupts them with news of Liza’s condition. In Liza’s room, Ma discovers Trilene tablets. Mason stresses the urgency of flushing them out before they enter her system. Joe and Sam arrive just in time to see Liza vomiting. Mason explains the use of Trilene for weight loss and prescribes rest and fluids. Ma and Mary tenderly tuck Liza in, with Mary wondering how she missed the signs. Ma expresses regret for her actions and begs Mary’s forgiveness for their hardships. Tearfully, Mary squeezes her hand in understanding.

Sam fills them in on Joe’s framing of Fred. Mary lambasts their wealth as a “damned curse,” yearning for the simplicity of their past lives. Ma contends that money only obscured their true selves, reminding everyone that the Hardacres never rise. She expresses gratitude to Victor for his assistance with Liza and invites him for tea. Mary apologizes to Sam for trying to conform to the upper-class ladies, and he apologizes for neglecting her. They bond over their mistreatment by the elite, Sam using the metaphor, “Four idiots, a hundred workers,” to underscore the disparity between four board members and the hundred workers they overlook. He vows to heed Ma’s advice and fight back. The episode concludes on this resolute note.

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