Episode 1 of "The Madness" unfolds with an intriguing prologue, depicting Muncie awakening amidst the dense, whispering forest. Groggily, he navigates his way to the nearest diner, where he encounters the police, their conversations interspersed with fleeting visions of harrowing events that transpired within those shadowy woods—secrets to be unveiled in the fullness of time.
Transitioning smoothly, we witness Muncie Daniels, a writer and renowned pundit, gracing CNN's studios as a guest speaker alongside his former acquaintance, Renee. His charismatic demeanor and adept handling of probing questions shine brightly on the screen. Following his segment, he embarks on a solitary journey to a serene cabin in the woods, seeking solace and inspiration for his next literary endeavor.
However, fate has other plans for Muncie. A sudden power outage plunges the cabin into darkness, and the absence of cell phone reception only deepens his isolation. Seeking answers, he ventures to his neighbor's abode, where a previous brief encounter introduced him to Mark, a man who recognized Muncie from the news. But this visit turns sinister; he discovers Mark's brutalized body, savagely dissected.
A harrowing chase through the eerie woods unfolds, with masked assailants hot on Muncie's heels. In a daring attempt to evade capture, he plunges into a nearby water body, the tension palpable in every stroke. Leveraging his martial arts training—earlier glimpsed during a gym session—Muncie successfully incapacitates one of the attackers with a chokehold and his own pen, transformed into a makeshift weapon. Yet, in the aftermath, he inexplicably discards the pen beside the fallen adversary and flees.
This harrowing sequence converges with the opening scenes, as Muncie finds himself once again with the police at the cabin. But upon arrival, there is no trace of the dead body or the masked pursuers. Skeptical, the officers chalk it up to Muncie's overactive imagination, suggesting he fabricated the entire ordeal. Nonetheless, the discovery of Mark's watch on the ground and the slashing of his car tires casts a lingering shadow of doubt. Suspicion lingers over Muncie, the officers now treating him as a potential suspect amidst the perplexing circumstances.
Upon the tow truck's arrival, the diligent worker discovers a tracker clung tenaciously to the rear of Muncie's vehicle, focusing suspicion once again squarely on Muncie, as no other eyewitnesses emerge. Adding fuel to the fire, weed is found both in Muncie's cabin and at his residence, prompting him to grow increasingly paranoid, convinced his sanctuary has been violated. Despite a mere crooked photograph and a破损的闩锁 on the backdoor, the police dismiss his concerns with a shrug. Notably, Muncie fails to mention the tracker to the authorities.
The situation doesn't bode well for Muncie, as he grapples with reporting a murder and a series of perplexing incidents without a body or a suspect's name. He's urged to take proactive steps and, crucially, identify the shadowy figure behind the deeds. Leveraging his deductive prowess and a bit of dramatic flair, Muncie unearths that the man who accompanied him in the Poconos is none other than Mark Strong. He tracks down Lucie, Mark's estranged wife, who seems to affirm his tale, albeit with a qualifying remark about Mark's assholish demeanor.
Soon, Agent Franco Quinones from the FBI steps into Muncie's world. He senses a convergence between Muncie's case and one he's actively pursuing. Mark Strong was an affiliate of a white supremacist group known as the Forge. Considering Muncie's ties to the BLM and his vocal stance against racial hatred, finding himself isolated in the woods with someone like Mark casts an ominous shadow over him, painting him as a prime suspect in the murder.
In the hospital, while undergoing treatment, Muncie is approached by two men inquiring about "Brother14," Mark's cryptic moniker within the organization. They subtly threaten his family, prompting Muncie to bolt from the hospital and race back home. In a frenzy, he hastily evacuates everyone to a motel, but rumors have already spread like wildfire, branding Muncie as the potential killer.
Later, while in the parking lot, Muncie encounters Laura Jennings, a social commentator and YouTuber. He attempts to call her later that night, hoping she holds information proving his innocence. Alas, his calls go unanswered. The next morning, shockwaves reverberate through the news as Laura suffers a heart attack in her hotel room.
Matters take a perilous turn when Muncie stumbles upon Mark's watch inside his car, accompanied by a sinister blood splatter trailing up the side.