The On1y One – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Sep 20 2024

Episode 3 of "The Only One" commences with a charged moment, as Jang Tian steals a kiss from Wang's lips, echoing Wang's earlier words with a mischievous grin – "It's merely lips meeting lips." Yet, the aftermath leaves Wang simmering with anger, his thoughts incessantly revisiting that fleeting touch.

The On1y One – Season 1 Episode 3  1

Descending the stairs in search of solace through food, Wang's ears inadvertently pick up a conversation between his landlord's parents. Tian's mother is preparing to see Wang's father off at the airport, while a fleeting memory flashes before Wang's eyes – his mother collapsing, a stark reminder of her fragile state. Clutched in his hand is a button, a keepsake from the day her shirt tore apart, symbolizing the irreplaceable bond they shared.

Dawn breaks, and Wang awakens to the embrace of a chill, his body betraying him with a bout of cold. Auntie Jiang, determined to replicate the warmth of Wang's late mother's casserole, inadvertently scalds her hands in the process. Wang's voice laced with frustration, he admonishes her, reminding her that mere imitation cannot fill the void left by his mother, before storming off to school.

At school, Wang's pallor and lack of vitality are not lost on his classmates. Tian, poised to offer comfort with tissues, is preempted by another student offering a fever patch. The English class brings them closer, physically and metaphorically, as they review their papers. Amidst the tension, the professor's announcement stuns the room – Wang has erred on seven to eight questions. Yet, upon receiving his paper, Wang's eyes widen in disbelief as he sees a perfect score of 100 staring back at him.

Summoned to the professor's office, Wang speculates that the score was a ruse, designed to blend him into the crowd and avoid drawing undue attention. Returning to class, he finds that the truth has already leaked out – his flawless performance is common knowledge, thanks to Gao Tianyang's uninvited peek at his answers. Simultaneously, Tian enters, carrying a bag of medicine from the clinic, ostensibly for Auntie Jiang's burn, but the gesture carries an unspoken tenderness.

Tianyang extends an invitation to Wang, proposing a visit to a novel café owned by Qi Jiahao's acquaintance. Intrigued, Wang accepts. Curiosity piqued, he inquires why Tian was not included in the invitation, only to be met with Tianyang's casual explanation that Tian typically shies away from such gatherings. When questioned about his apparent concern for Tian, Wang stammers, denying any familiarity beyond their co-renter status.

Overhearing the exchange, Tian interjects, casually instructing Wang to inform his mother of his delayed return, a revelation that surprises Tianyang. Wang's clarification, though truthful to a degree, falls short of revealing their deeper connection.

As the trio and their companions embark on their journey to the café, they share whispers of the future – post-graduation, the school's mandate for dorm life to optimize study time. Arriving at their destination, they discover that the café's proprietor is none other than Xi, the shopkeeper from Wang's lunchtime encounter in the previous episode, now co-running the place with his partner Lin Zi. Xi, well-acquainted with Tian, attempts to lure him into their midst, but Tian politely declines, citing work commitments.

The scene sets the stage for a day filled with unexpected twists and turns, as Wang navigates the complexities of his friendships, family ties, and the growing feelings that threaten to unravel the delicate balance of his life.

Tian, indeed, embarked on a visit to his grandfather, whose knee bore the brunt of an unfortunate injury. As he lent a helping hand, the elderly man discerned Tian's struggles in adjusting to their new abode. With wisdom, he counseled Tian to confront his destiny unflinchingly and seek solace in stability.

At the bustling restaurant, Wang stumbled upon the revelation that Tian had discreetly informed Xi of his malaise. Enraged, Wang tossed back his drink, inadvertently gulping down beer instead of his intended green tea. Later, amidst the camaraderie, Qi proposed a vote to make him the school prefect, offering to foot the bill as a gesture. However, Wang preempted him, paying the tab as a token of gratitude for their invitation, a move that irked Qi.

As the evening drew to a close and the crowd dispersed, Wang found himself inebriated and isolated. Xi's timely call summoned Tian, who swiftly arrived to rescue his friend. With a bottle of water in hand, Tian attended to Wang's needs, only to be met with a grumble about the lack of cold medicine amidst their perceived closeness. Tian, with a mischievous smile, revealed the clinic bag containing precisely what Wang sought.

Prioritizing Wang's well-being, Tian administered the hangover remedy before guiding him home. Auntie Jiang, ever the nurturer, fussed over the drunken Wang, but he politely declined her offer of honeyed water, retreating to his room. Auntie Jiang, with a heart of gold, comprehended the void left by Wang's mother.

In the solitude of his chamber, Wang discovered that Tian had accepted his friendship on social media, a subtle gesture that warmed his heart. Tian's arrival with water prompted Wang to open up, reminiscing about his mother's honey lemon water and the comforting embrace of his father by his side. Now, he yearned for that same sense of companionship.

Tian listened intently, ensuring Wang quenched his thirst before departing. Just as he was about to leave, Wang's memory jogged, recalling Tian's unfinished sentence during their walk home. Tian completed the thought, "Let's strive to grow closer."

The epilogue of The Only One's Episode 3 painted a poignant scene of Tian visiting the school clinic, requesting burn cream while the doctor gently reminded him to also collect Wang's cold medicine. But a chance eavesdrop on Wang's confession of ignorance towards Tian stayed with him. It was then that Tian's earlier remark about returning home late took on a deeper meaning, a subtle acknowledgment of the complexities of their friendship.

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