The Red Queen (Reina Roja) – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Sep 05 2024

Episode 4 of Reina Roja commences with Antonia's mind swirling in a vivid dreamscape, where a shadowy figure looms over her during a romantic interlude with her beau. Ingeniously, she orchestrates a subtle mishap, spilling a coffee cup to artfully excuse her lover from the room, thus paving the way for an encounter with this enigmatic man.

The Red Queen (Reina Roja) – Season 1 Episode 4  1

He, trembling with fear, whispers of a formidable Mr. White, revealing his mission in Madrid: to terminate Antonia's life. Astonishingly, he is privy to her secret identity as the Red Queen, a truth she's kept hidden from the world. His words hang heavy in the air as he vanishes into thin air, leaving Antonia to awaken in an unfamiliar chamber, her tablet and phone miraculously intact within her bag.

With swift resolve, Antonia dials Gutierrez, transmitting her coordinates and entreating him to bring her fresh attire. Alone, she delves into the labyrinth of clues etched onto the mural, Ezequiel's cryptic testament, convinced that it whispers a message tailored just for her.

Gutierrez arrives, his anger palpable at Antonia's disappearance, demanding a solemn vow from her to abstain from further perilous endeavors. Antonia, ever observant, jots down a taxi's license plate number, setting their sights on Laura's gated sanctuary, where they seek answers surrounding the tragic day her son met his end.

The gatekeepers stand firm, their lips sealed, but Gutierrez's cunning unravels Thomas' resolve, coaxing him to divulge details of a fateful party and the precise moment the taxi of interest breached the compound's threshold.

Yet, access to the CCTV footage remains elusive, a stonewall they cannot breach. Antonia, ever resourceful, orchestrates a daring gambit at a casino, amassing a fortune of a hundred thousand, which she wields as a bribe, seducing the guards into unlocking the doors to the truth.

As they scrutinize the footage, a fleeting anomaly catches their eye, a glitch that coincides with the taxi's arrival. Their investigation deepens, uncovering a sinister truth: the CCTV system had been compromised, a bug planted to veil the shadows that lurk within.

After entrusting Aguado with the task of delving into the technical glitch and uncovering a vital clue, Gutierrez cordially invites Antonia to share a home-cooked meal with his mother, savoring every bite of the delectable potato omelette. As Gutierrez retires for a well-deserved nap, Antonia and his mother engage in a heart-to-heart conversation, with the latter striving to comprehend Antonia's enigmatic gestures, particularly the persistent touch that, while subtly disconcerting, fails to elicit a recoil from Antonia. The mother is left spellbound as Antonia weaves a tapestry of her life through meticulous observations of their domestic surroundings, from cherished photographs to the contents of the medicine cabinet. Gutierrez's affection for Antonia deepens, and he shares this warmth with his mother, fostering a bond between the three.

Meanwhile, Detective Parro and his partner are abruptly summoned from Parro's surprise birthday festivities by a distressing report centered around the taxi depicted in the mural that Antonia stumbled upon. Inside the taxi's trunk, they discover a designer shoe, a telltale sign that the vehicle was instrumental in Carla's abduction.

Elsewhere, Sandra has rekindled her communication with Carla, this time with an ulterior motive: she seeks Carla's assistance in eliminating Ezequiel, promising to free her from her confinement in exchange. Initially hesitant, Carla's resolve hardens after a haunting dream, where her father's apathy toward her plight comes to life. She acquiesces, vowing to strike Ezequiel with relentless ferocity, her resolve unshaken.

Aguado manages to procure a lead pertaining to the tattoo, but their investigation hits a dead end upon learning from the tattoo artist's daughter that he suffered a debilitating stroke six months prior, rendering him incapable of speech. The trail grows colder, yet the team's determination burns brighter.

Antonia ingeniously navigates a path of communication through gestures, unraveling the mystery that the tattoo artist was none other than an undercover cop from the NBC division. Her relentless pursuit of information about NBC intertwines seamlessly with the puzzle pieces of Ezequiel's age bracket, revealing a vital clue: he graduated from the police academy alongside three comrades. Tragically, two of them lie deceased, while the third, an actor by chance, has fled to Germany, his alibi solidified by a live TV appearance on the fateful day of the murder. This leaves only one surviving officer, whose doorstep they eagerly approach, filled with anticipation to finally confront Ezequiel.

Gutierrez tactfully suggests Antonia wait outside as he stealthily enters through the backdoor, but her resolve proves stronger than his instructions. To their fortune, she intervenes just in time, preventing a potentially grave misidentification and averted a violent confrontation with the wrong man. Seated across from the NBC officer, they delve deeper into the shared past of the graduating quartet—one lost to death, one exiled in Germany, and a third, Fajardo, vanished without a trace.

Fajardo's tale unfolds, a heartrending story of a father consumed by grief after his daughter's tragic accident. His descent into madness led to years confined within the walls of a mental institution, yet even there, he sought out the most perilous assignments, ultimately disappearing in a catastrophic tunnel explosion, his demise deemed a suicide by authorities who never recovered his remains.

As the police gear up to apprehend Fajardo, armed with his fingerprints discovered in the abandoned taxi and a precise address, Antonia's instincts bristle with skepticism. She finds it implausible that Ezequiel, a master of deception, would so blatantly leave a trail for the police to follow. Her conviction deepens that he continues to toy with them, particularly given his mercy in sparing her life. With their next destination set on the asylum, Parro and his partner, oblivious to Antonia's misgivings, depart the police station, intent on bringing Fajardo to justice.

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