In the penultimate installment of "The Road Trip," titled "Pit Stop," the quest to Cherry's wedding unravels into an unforeseen detour, as the group finds themselves marooned at an opulent five-star resort, a whimsical twist orchestrated by Marcus at his own expense. The episode kicks off with a succinct deliberation about the pit stop, sealed by Addie's consent. However, the narrative takes a surreal twist when Rodney, in a moment of hedonistic indulgence, consumes enchanted mushroom chocolate, setting the stage for an enchanting and emotionally turbulent chapter.
As Marcus grapples with the startling revelation that his father has revoked his expense accounts in the wake of the car accident, Deb endeavors to articulate her reasons for urging Addie to move out. But soon, the spotlight shifts to Rodney, whose mind drifts into a hallucinatory realm. Despite Marcus's credit cards being deactivated and Dylan misplacing his wallet, the ensemble has no alternative but to halt at Hotel Casa Reino Unido, thanks to Rodney's dreamy influence.
Addie makes a beeline for the bar, abandoning the group at the reception desk. When the clerk finally emerges, she initially asserts that the hotel is fully booked due to a karaoke extravaganza. After some persuasive negotiation, Marcus manages to secure a vacant family suite intended for no-shows. Prior to checking in, Dylan attempts to engage Addie in discourse, but she brushes him off, preferring to immerse herself in the revelry as Britta Broad ascends the stage.
In a poignant flashback, Addie's life post-confrontation with Miles finds her sleeping in her van and using the teacher's lounge for a quick spruce-up. Her student, Justin, catches wind of her circumstances and harasses her, even branding her as a tramp. Dylan reaches out, but Addie ignores his calls, reducing their conversations to terse and strained exchanges. Meanwhile, after Lla's failed attempt to conceive once again, Deb offers to carry her baby.
Flashing back further, Addie gets drunk and belligerent, declaring her intention to sell the van and taking the stage to belt out a tune. Dylan, engrossed in his own despair, is discovered by Marcus, who persuades him to allow Marcus to mend fences with Addie. When Marcus seeks Deb's help to locate Addie, she tells him she's at Dylan's apartment, a fabrication that Marcus acquiesces to. This leads Marcus to drive past the school and catch a glimpse of Addie with Etienne, a sight that will later ester into tension.
As Addie belts out her tunes on stage, Dylan voices his earnest desire to fathom the intricate workings of her mind. Marcus, interpreting her demeanor as classic signs of abandonment, shares his observation in a conversation inadvertently eavesdropped by Deb, who, moved by curiosity, decides to join Addie on stage. Soon, the entire ensemble finds themselves on the spotlit platform, with Rodney's accidental tumble resulting in their eviction. Despite Marcus's ingenious attempts to deceive the clerk, his charm falls flat this time. Conversely, Addie's straightforward approach pays off, securing them permission to retreat to their room with the stipulation of remaining there.
Within the confines of their room, Addie prepares to confide in her companions but hesitates, struggling to find the right words. This tender moment is abruptly shattered by a vivid flashback to the night Marcus witnessed Addie accompanying Etienne. He recalls her departure with him to his apartment, where Etienne makes an aggressive advance, skillfully dodged by Addie.
The following day, Addie and Dylan reconvene for lunch, with Marcus having already painted a picture of his encounter with Addie and Etienne. Dylan, assuming betrayal, is consumed by rage. Addie, neither confirming nor denying his accusations, storms away, instructing him to sever ties. Later, Dylan ponders why she couldn't unveil the truth, prompting Addie to reveal that she didn't want him to know her desperation—having no refuge. Both confess that they haven't been able to shake each other from their thoughts since their breakup.
In the motel room, Rodney's drug-induced haze lifts, confiding in Deb that if he doesn't awaken, he wants Cherry to know he tried to reach her. Deb, with tender concern, soothes him into slumber. Meanwhile, Addie drifts off in Dylan's comforting embrace, waking to find herself nestled beside him. She tells him their heart-to-heart meant the world to her, yet she's resolved to sever ties. Dylan, in a bid to reconcile, argues that their split was a monumental mistake, only to be interrupted by Cherry's call.
The episode concludes with the group discovering Rodney's infatuation with Cherry and his theft of the van, stranding them amidst a burgeoning crisis. This revelation adds yet another twist to their already labyrinthine journey, forcing them to grapple with the repercussions of Rodney's actions and the potential ripple effects on Cherry's wedding. "Pit Stop" is a poignant delve into the characters' emotional landscapes and the ramifications of their deeds, underscoring the series' prowess in harmonizing humor, drama, and profound emotional depth.