In the fifth episode of Season 3 of "The Sex Lives of College Girls," Bela embarks on an audacious experiment to demonstrate that women harbor equally potent sexual desires as men. Her motive is twofold: to validate this assertion scientifically and to distract herself from her tumultuous feelings for Arvind, whom she desires romantically but fears may only see her as a rebound from a previous relationship.
Meanwhile, Kimberly remains bitter towards Eli for abandoning her in a vulnerable state at a party. The discord between their lifestyles—her intellectual aspirations and his party-centric existence—has her questioning the sustainability of their relationship. Determined to channel her emotions constructively, Kimberly throws herself into her studies, even earning the rare privilege to apply for a prestigious symposium organized by her law professor, an opportunity typically reserved for juniors and seniors.
As the eagerly anticipated parents' weekend approaches, Bela extends an invitation to Taylor to join her and her parents for a family dinner. However, when Arvind invites her and her folks to spend time with his family, she fibs, claiming her parents will be absent, hoping to avoid any awkward encounters.
Whitney finds herself basking in the warm glow of her musician father's presence during the weekend. It's a delightful coincidence when she discovers that Isaiah, too, is a musician with a lifelong piano background. Her father, perceptive as ever, swiftly deduces that Whitney and Isaiah share a complicated, undefined relationship—a situationship, as it's commonly termed.
Later, a call from mental health services interrupts Whitney's weekend reverie, checking in on her after she inadvertently swiped into their facility. She reassuringly informs them that she is in good mental health and requires no assistance.
Eli accepts Kimberly’s mom’s invitation to dinner, which Kimberly isn’t happy about. What’s even worse is that her mom really likes Eli.
When the suitemates and their parents meet for dinner, Kacey’s mom advises her to cover her arms with her sweater, but Kacey pretends this doesn’t bother her.
Arvind brings his parents to the same restaurant and finds out Bela lied to him.
Later, Whitney calls the girls into the bathroom to tell them she was scrolling during dinner and came across her dad’s dating profile. When she hands her phone to Kimberly, she accidentally swipes right on him.
Back at the table, Kimberly gently pulls Eli aside, aware of the impending necessity to sever their romantic ties before his bond with her mother deepens any further. She voices that the discrepancies in their lives are too vast to overlook. They share an emotional embrace, agreeing to stay friends, yet Kimberly is unaware that this accord entails Eli rejoining them at the table moments later.
Eventually, Kacey confronts her mother with the truth about her breakup with Cal. Her mother's initial instinct is to cast blame upon her daughter, but Kacey's roommates quickly intervene, asserting that Cal's infidelity was the culprit. Taylor, with her wiser counsel, steers the conversation towards addressing why Kacey felt intimidated to confide in her mother. Reassured, Kacey vows to her mother that she is coping well without a partner. They reconcile, and during a subsequent photo op, Kacey confidently sheds her sweater, baring her shoulders, a gesture affirming her self-assured beauty.
Whitney engages in a heartfelt discussion with her father after he catches her glancing at his dating profile. He reveals that he yearns for genuine companionship and a meaningful connection. He subtly suggests that perhaps Whitney could adopt a similar approach to her own ambiguous relationship. This revelation inspires Whitney to invite Isaiah out on a proper date. He eagerly accepts.
Kimberly's mother offers her some words of wisdom, urging her to keep an open mind and refrain from rushing into definitive decisions about her future. That evening, Kimberly receives thrilling news: she has been accepted into the symposium.
Bela's parents express their unwavering pride in her unyielding pursuit of her desires and her fearless embrace of failure. Emboldened by their support, Bela extends an apology to Arvind and confesses her feelings for him. Overjoyed by her admission, Arvind responds with a tender kiss.