Episode 2 of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live opens six years after the fateful bridge incident, a world that has only become more treacherous and unpredictable. Michonne, a survivor with a steely resolve, finds herself saved by Bailey and Aiden, two young residents of a nomadic wagon community. Led by Elle, Aiden's sister, the group takes Michonne under their wing, despite her outsider status.
Nat, a fiery pyromancer and close friend to the community,quickly extends a helping hand to Michonne, arming her with protective gear and a steed. But the warnings about a looming horde are soon realized when Michonne is violently thrown from her horse, directly into the path of the ravenous creatures. As they swarm in, biting viciously at her back, it seems like all is lost.
Yet, in a moment of unexpected loyalty, Nat, Aiden, Bailey, and a handful of others defect from the community, risking their lives to help Michonne escape the horde's clutches. Their shared ordeal bonds them tightly, especially Nat and Michonne, who find a kindred spirit in each other.
Aiden, however, is haunted by guilt. Pregnant and craving honey, she and Bailey had ventured out separately, a decision that ultimately led to their separation and Aiden's untimely death. Despite this, Michonne remains determined to reunite them with their loved ones in Alexandria, but they refuse to leave until she finds Rick, the missing link to their past.
Fate, however, seems to have other plans. A CRM helicopter suddenly descends, raining chlorine gas on their makeshift shelter. The toxic fumes attract a swarm of walkers, and chaos erupts. In the midst of the pandemonium, they manage to find refuge in a nearby mall, but not without loss. Aiden succumbs to the bite and transforms, infecting Bailey before Michonne can intervene. With heavy hearts, Michonne is forced to put them both down.
As Nat and Michonne begin to heal from their emotional and physical wounds, they press onward to the bridge, hoping to find some clue to Rick's fate. But what they find instead are the charred remains of bodies, a grisly reminder of the horrors that await them. Michonne's heart sinks, fearing the worst, but Nat remains steadfast, urging her to believe that Rick may still be alive and that she must return to her family.
As they turn back, their path is interrupted by the sight of a CRM helicopter hovering overhead. The sight fills them with a mixture of anger and resolve, and they decide that it's time to take action and enact revenge for all the losses they have suffered. With renewed determination, they set their sights on the helicopter, ready to face whatever lies ahead in their quest for justice and closure.
Nat relentlessly fired missiles at the approaching enemies until their vehicles crashed to the ground. Immediately after, he shielded Michonne as she dispatched the remaining soldiers. Upon reaching Rick, she was overwhelmed with emotion. Their reunion was filled with tears, but Nat's joy was cut short as a mortally wounded soldier took his life.
As reinforcements arrived on the scene, Rick quickly sprang into action. He instructed Michonne to conceal her identity and adopt a meek demeanor. None of it mattered to her; she was just glad to be reunited with Rick. CRM then brought in Michonne, who introduced herself as Dana and shared Aiden's story as her own. She secretly rendezvoused with Rick, who promised to make their escape together. She was heartbroken over his missing hand and eager for revenge against CRM, but he cautioned her against such actions. Their only course of action was to flee.
Finally, Officer Jadis Stokes returned. She erased the footage of Michonne's interview and paid Rick a visit. She promised to keep Michonne's identity a secret but threatened to obliterate Alexandria if they attempted to escape. At the conclusion of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Episode 2, she inquired about Rick's intentions.