The second chapter of "The Woman in the Wall," titled "Show Thyself," ramps up the suspense as it delves deeper into the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the corpse ensconced within Lorna Brady's wall. The narrative weaves a complex tapestry of past and present, with Lorna's responses to the unfolding drama around her offering a compelling glimpse into the depths of her character and the town's shadowy history.
The episode begins with Lorna staring intently at the wall where she has concealed the deceased, a stark reminder of her own suppressed past. The deceased, Aoife's, phone continues to buzz incessantly with calls from "Dara." Desperate to unravel her connection to Aoife, Lorna answers the calls, masquerading as Aoife herself. This bold maneuver triggers a cascade of events with far-reaching repercussions.
As Lorna endeavors to arrange a clandestine meeting with Dara, she unearths a startling revelation: Aoife was a midwife at the Kilkinure Convent/Magdalene Laundry, the very institution that wrenched Lorna's newborn child from her arms. This revelation lends a personal and urgent fervor to Lorna's quest for the truth.
Detective Akande, meanwhile, is hot on Aoife's trail, suspecting her involvement in Father Percy's demise. Unaware of Aoife's demise, Akande believes she is cleverly covering her tracks, whereas in reality, it is Lorna's PTSD-induced sleepwalking that is sowing confusion.
The local law enforcement, Sgt. Massey and PC Skelly, strive to assist Akande, but they are impeded by the town's lax security measures and their own acknowledgment of the absurdity of some of Akande's demands. Their attempt to retrieve CCTV footage from a hardware store where Lorna is charging Aoife's phone is foiled by Lorna herself, who expertly disables the security system to evade identification.
As the investigation intensifies, Lorna's actions become increasingly audacious. She acquires a charger for the phone and, upon witnessing the police's arrival, deliberately spills coffee on the store's computer, effectively erasing the CCTV footage that could implicate her. This desperate act underscores Lorna's escalating paranoia and her unwavering determination to shield her secret at any cost.
Dara, Aoife's husband, emerges as a pivotal figure in the unfolding investigation. Lorna, cleverly, tracks him down by dialing his phone, yet he fails to recognize her voice. When she approaches him, disguising her identity, his suspicions are aroused. The police, interventionists in their clandestine encounter, interrupt their conversation, sparking a thrilling chase that ultimately culminates in Dara's apprehension.
The episode dives deeper into the personal realms of its characters, with Lorna's past at the convent serving as a haunting refrain. We delve further into her complex relationship with Clemence, a fellow convent inmate. It transpires that Clemence faced punishment due to Lorna's moment of vulnerability, where she betrayed their escape plan to the nuns.
The emotional heart of the episode revolves around a gathering of women who once shared the convent's confines, where they collectively bare their souls, sharing stories of abuse and profound trauma. Lorna's narrative is particularly chilling, as she recounts how she was emotionally manipulated by the nuns and ultimately betrayed Clemence. This scene stands as a poignant reminder of the unspeakable atrocities committed within the convent's hallowed walls and the enduring scars they left on the lives of the women involved.
The episode concludes on a poignant and tragic note with Clemence's suicide, a solemn reminder of the weight the past places on the characters' present lives. Lorna's relentless quest for answers about her child's fate is further complicated by this heart-wrenching loss, as Clemence was one of the few who held the key to the truth.
"Show Thyself" is a masterful sequel to the premiere, deepening the enigma, enriching the characters' backstories, and exploring the town's dark and mysterious past. The episode stands as a testament to the transformative power of storytelling, revealing the intricate layers of human nature and the indomitable resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. With each revelation, the intricate web of secrets surrounding Lorna Brady and the town of Kilkinure becomes ever more tangled, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this gripping saga.