Episode 9 of Time Bandits commences with a grand ascent to the Supreme Being's formidable headquarters, where an army of dwarves convenes, albeit not the notorious time-hopping bandits of yore. Their solemn discourse revolves around the pursuit of the elusive map, plotting a coup that promises to reshape the status quo.
Meanwhile, the genuine Time Bandits bid farewell to the frigid Ice Age, their destination: Troy once more. Kevin's cunning strategy leads them on a quest to locate Cassandra, the enigmatic prophet, who now shares their confinement behind bars. Her cryptic words, urging them to "recall the last place they held the map," ignite a spark of hope.
With little effort, the bandits shatter their wooden prison, emerging into the light. As they journey towards the shores, an awe-inspiring vision unfolds—Poseidon, yet it is Taika Waititi in disguise. Kevin's plea for assistance is abruptly interrupted by the Supreme Being's grand entrance, materializing in a stark white void before him.
The Supreme Being offers Kevin a tantalizing deal: spy for him, retrieve the map, and in return, he shall reunite Kevin with his parents, not just the originals but enhanced versions, and reshape reality so that all adore him. Kevin is left to ponder this weighty proposition amidst the chaos of the bandits' heated debate.
Emerging from his reverie, Kevin finds himself in the thick of the argument, just as a fleeting glimpse of Susan, their time-traveling comrade, captures their attention. A misapprehension leads them to believe she's been crushed beneath a boulder, but relief floods as they realize she possesses the vital missing map fragment. Without hesitation, the bandits pursue her, leaping through another portal to the Qin Dynasty.
However, their arrival is met with hostility, as Qin Shi Huang mistakes them for assassins. Kevin, captivated by the emperor's grandeur, finds himself marveling at the nascent Great Wall—a mere handful of stones at this stage. Seizing the moment, Kevin portrays himself as a visionary, weaving tales of the wall's future magnificence, a testament to human ingenuity, crafted from four million bricks in the distant, distant future. Time is of the essence, and the Bandits must act swiftly to convince Qin Shi Huang of their true intentions.
The group boldly strides through yet another portal, this time embarking on a journey back to Caffa in the year 1343, where history etched the first grim pages of biological warfare. Upon a chance encounter with a merchant, the duo inadvertently trails after Susan, who has resolved to forsake her life of banditry, yearning only for solitude. Penelope's heart skips a beat, for she had believed Susan to be long gone.
In a delightful yet unexpected turn of events, Susan and Gavin are revealed to be living in harmony, their bond a testament to true love. Penelope's shock and amazement know no bounds upon discovering their union, convinced that Susan had usurped her cherished love. The encounter is fraught with tension, especially when Gavin discloses that the fragment of the tapestry depicting him was but a figment of Penelope's imagination, a reflection of her deepest desires.
As they press on, Gavin confesses that he had merely sought Penelope's companionship, yet she was ever elusive, consumed by her own pursuits. As for Susan, her apparent demise was a clever ruse, the stolen map fragment her passport to freedom from their entanglements. Ultimately, they concur to embark on a quest with Penelope, seeking the elusive Time of Legends. Little do they realize, they have already stumbled upon it, residing atop the colossal head of a giant, their adventure unfolding in the very heart of the mythical era they sought.