Episode 2 of "Tomorrow and I" unfolds with the captivating introduction of Gamalore City, a notorious metropolis renowned for its vice-laden underbelly. As Jess steps into this enigmatic town, she observes a hooker, her face etched with concern, glancing longingly at her child before departing with a client into the night.
Jess Hathihill, the visionary CEO of Paradise X, a company pioneering the creation of ultra-realistic sex robots, arrives amidst the city's moral maze. Despite bestowing a company chairman with one of her groundbreaking creations, her generosity fails to sway the board's decision against investment, rooted deeply in their moral convictions. A shadowy female figure, cloaked in wisdom, cautions Jess to secure promises in black and white, hinting at the treacherous terrain ahead.
An interview shines a spotlight on Jess's exceptional intellect and prowess, highlighted by her possession of two degrees. Undeterred by her mother's past as a hooker and surrounded by friends from similar backgrounds, Jess stands tall, unashamed. She elucidates that Paradise X operates with meticulous scrutiny, emphasizing that her endeavor isn't to usurp sex workers' livelihoods but rather to empower them. With generous salaries and benefits, she has hired them to train the robots and undertake diverse roles within her company, fostering an inclusive workplace.
A day in the heart of Paradise X's lab reveals a vibrant tapestry of trainers, technicians, and volunteers immersed in the playful yet rigorous task of training a new robot model. However, the journey isn't devoid of hurdles. Jess's most formidable adversary emerges in the form of Gemina, the Minister of Arts and Modern Lifestyles Control, whose scrutiny looms large over her endeavors. Coupled with the ongoing challenge of securing a single investor, Jess's path is fraught with obstacles.
Agreeing to a debate with Gemina, Jess artfully navigates the conversational terrain, initially gaining the upper hand. Customer testimonials flood in, attesting to the transformative impact of her creations. From aiding gay individuals, sex addicts, and workaholics to providing a safe haven for those ashamed of their fetishes, Jess's robots are hailed as agents of change. She harbors a broader aspiration—to recalibrate societal norms, utilizing her products to diminish the stigma surrounding sex and potentially mitigate incidents of rape.
Gemina presents her arguments with equal fervor, insisting that robots are not only an affront to women but also unethical and immoral entities. Moreover, engaging with such robotic constructs may unwittingly nurture violent tendencies that could spill over into human interactions.
That fateful night, Witt, Jess's boyfriend, volunteers to test a new robot model, with only a solitary male technician overseeing the process. Lost in his interaction, Witt inadvertently slaps the robot. Rather than correcting his behavior, the technician programs the robot to respond favorably to the aggression, egging Witt on to continue. Soon, Witt finds himself enjoying the violent encounter and persists in slapping the robot.
Meanwhile, Jess is busy preparing for the grand opening of Paradise X Pleasure Oasis, a hangout area for her patrons. However, a large protest disrupts the event, escalating into violence. Memories of her youthful self praying in church, with a priest's comforting hands upon her, flash through her mind. She endures the protesters' attacks passively and, later, suffers a nightmarish vision of herself disintegrating like a robot.
Determined to fight back with all her might, Jess visits various officials and businessmen, gifting them robots in hopes of securing a business license. The only one who expresses interest in her venture demands sexual favors as a condition for his support. Despite the humiliation, he ultimately fails to deliver the license. Adding insult to injury, Witt abandons her.
A flashback reveals Jess's childhood, with her mother bringing clients to their modest one-room shack while a young boy watches, unaware of the world's harsh realities.
In the present, Witt secures an interview and publicly disparages Jess, revealing that the robots contain hidden cameras. The revelation shocks the nation, and Jess receives a deluge of calls from politicians and businessmen who had received her robots. She issues a statement denouncing the allegations as lies but refrains from suing Witt.
Through these vivid scenes, the narrative unfolds, painting a portrait of Jess's struggles and resilience amidst a backdrop of deceit, betrayal, and moral dilemmas.
She actively engages with the politicians, pleading for their assistance. Shortly thereafter, the turmoil begins to subside. A minister announces that they are contemplating the incorporation of sex robots and will implement safeguard measures during the legislative drafting process. Additionally, she secures an investor and obtains her business license. Jess ultimately celebrates this triumph with Witt, revealing that his apparent "betrayal" was merely a strategy to coerce the authorities into aiding her.
A nostalgic flashback unveils that the youthful Witt, who dreams of becoming a star, was once that little boy. They share a bond, and Jess aspirations revolve around escaping Gamalore, a promise Witt makes to safeguard her. Presently, their paths intertwine romantically, yet she repeats the same gesture as the previous model, prompting an accidental slap from Witt. They are both startled, and he hastily apologizes, overwhelmed with regret.
The scene shifts to an hour prior to the launch of Paradise X Pleasure Oasis. As Jess conceals her bruise, a familiar feminine figure emerges—her mother. Beaming with pride, she acknowledges that Jess's work serves a humanitarian purpose.
A memory from the past depicts Jess's mother allowing a client to have relations with her young daughter. On her deathbed, she expresses remorse and urges Jess to flee the place. In the present, Jess vows to her imaginary mother that she will aid everyone.
The launch commences, with Jess presenting customizable robots through an app. She aspires to empower individuals who are apprehensive about their sexual identities and preferences. However, users run wild, creating bizarre modifications. One user attempts to reduce the robot's age, but the system prohibits settings below 18.
Two months later, public outcry forces the court to shut down her business, resulting in a three-year imprisonment for Jess and a ban on sex toys. At the conclusion of Tomorrow and I Episode 2, upon her release, Jess launches a new venture with maid robots that bear no resemblance to humans. The commercial boasts that these maids can fulfill any customer request.