Episode 9 of Twisted Metal commences with a chilling scene, where Marcus, alias Sweet Tooth, and Stu engage in a cruel game of dominance over Mike, the latter enduring the indignity of an electric shock collar tightened around his neck, reduced to a mere plaything at Marcus's whim. As Marcus momentarily steps away, Mike seizes the opportunity to whisper a dire warning to Stu, their childhood camaraderie shattered by this sudden, sinister turn. He cautions Stu of Marcus's unyielding nature, predicting that when the chips are down, Stu's pleas will fall on deaf ears.
Stu, seeking a way out, tentatively suggests to Marcus that they forge a new path, capitalizing on Stone's belief in their demise. Yet, Marcus dismisses the idea with a cold indifference, their destination unwavering: the looming dam. Marcus's sinister preparations escalate as he douses himself in gasoline, instructing Stu to ignite the fuse at his signal, their faces daubed with a faint, mocking clown's paint.
With mere 48 hours remaining until the deadline expires, Quiet clings desperately to the package, her journey fraught with peril. A sudden obstacle—a lifeless deer sprawled across the road—forces her to swerve, narrowly avoiding disaster. But her respite is fleeting as Vulture appears, a gun trained on her, their encounter a tense dance around the topic of Tasha and the past. Quiet's life hangs in the balance until Watts and Amber intervene, saving her from a grim fate.
The sight of Watts's rig fills Quiet with surprise, Watts explaining that John's foresight had led them to her. Aware of Quiet's relentless pursuit of the map, Watts's revelation is met with a storm of emotions from Quiet, who remains silent, her distress palpable. Watts then divulges a crucial piece of information: Stone and his forces have retreated to the dam, their stronghold, as Marcus systematically dismantles their network. The path to New SF lies through this treacherous terrain, but there's a glimmer of hope—a breach in the blockade, offering a safe passage. Watts offers to guide them to this sanctuary, leaving them with a reliable vehicle, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.
Stone rallies his troops, determined to ensnare "the Silent One and the Milkman" with a cunning trap. In parallel, Quiet and John toil over an ancient automobile within the rig, restoring it to life for their impending journey. As they work, Quiet's fury boils over, confronting John for his perceived betrayal. The mere fact that he abandoned her for the sake of the car underscores their fractured partnership. John, self-absorbed and driven by his delivery above all else, struggles to articulate his rationale, offering her the iconic throwing blade she cherishes as a token of his sincerity. He confesses that they complement each other, that life beyond the horizon of Day 10 is inconceivable without her by his side. Quiet, momentarily swayed by his words, is suddenly jolted back to reality as Stone's men launch a surprise attack on the Convoy.
Without hesitation, the duo transforms the battered car into a mobile fortress, armor plating it and arming it with formidable weaponry. They unleash it upon the open road, christening their new steed "Roadkill," the very title that echoes through this episode.
Meanwhile, Watts and Amber, cocooned securely within their rig, accompanied by Roadkill, navigate a hauntingly silent barricade, only to find themselves abruptly encircled by a formidable armada of vehicles. This is Stone's cunning trap, his minions lurking within every vehicle, biding their time like predators eyeing their prey. The stage is primed for an epic showdown, and just as the tension reaches its zenith, two formidable reinforcements enter the fray: Sweet Tooth, a fearsome force, and Watts' beloved F1 racer, Twister, promising a collision of titans unparalleled in its intensity.