Virdee – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Feb 19 2025

The final chapter unfolds in 2017, with Riaz Hyatt, alias Vikash Bhai, overseeing a clandestine drug consignment. Jai Pawa, portrayed by Ramon Tikaram, expresses gratitude to Christoph, embodied by Luke Woolgar, who solemnly vows never to betray his trust. Pawa and Sophie Brodenham, brought to life by Nichola Burley, flaunt their unassailable grip on the northern drug trade, brimming with a sense of invincibility. Catching a glimpse of their intimate kiss, Riaz silently exits, his gaze locking with Sophie's before he finally turns away.

Virdee – Season 1 Episode 6 1

As the drugs are meticulously tallied, a voice rings out, announcing a shortage in the shipment. Sophie suggests a simple miscount, but the accuser firmly denies any fault on their part. Tensions escalate when Pawa draws his weapon on Christoph, accusing him of shortchanging them by four crates. Nair, storms in with an armed tactical unit, commanding everyone to surrender their weapons. Pawa, though reluctantly, complies, placing his hands atop his head. Harry promptly arrests him for possessing Class-A drugs with intent to distribute, securing him with handcuffs. He then cuffs Sophie, urging her to stay composed as Pawa gives her a piercing look before being escorted away by a tactical officer.

Later, Harry, visibly concerned, attempts to reach Saima Hyatt (Aysha Kala) but to no avail. DS Clare Conway, played by Elizabeth Berrington, congratulates him and inquiries about his well-being. Harry hints at something he wishes to confide but hesitates. Instead, he contacts DC Summerhayes, who has his home under surveillance, to check on Saima. Summerhayes confirms seeing her earlier in the day. Meanwhile, Riaz slips a necklace into his pocket, informing Sophie that Pawa had surrendered. Placing a sack of narcotics on the table, Sophie reveals that Pawa was aware of their setup and had orchestrated this outcome from the start.

In his cell, Pawa lays the blame on Virdee for his years of incarceration in an Indian prison, revealing that during his confinement, Virdee collaborated with Riaz to dominate Bradford's underworld. Pawa claims Riaz stole a staggering 30 million pounds from his 100-million-pound shipment during a corrupt sting operation. As Virdee enters the cell, locking the door behind him, he confronts Pawa with a piercing gaze, inquiring about his desires. Pawa demands vengeance. Virdee shoves him against the cell bars, demanding to know Pawa's involvement with Saima. Pawa persists in his taunting, prompting Virdee to release him. Pawa admits he could have shot him but deems it too effortless. Instead, he expresses a desire to tarnish the Virdee name with corruption forever. Pawa reveals his plan to confess during an upcoming press conference, which would implicate both Virdee and Riaz. As a bargaining chip, he offers to trade Sophie, who is under witness protection, for Saima's safety.As Virdee cruises down the road, his journey is interrupted by a call from Conway, who unveils Boardman's clandestine plan to relocate Pawa to a counterterrorism unit in Leeds. The transfer, Conway clarifies, is to be conducted under the radar. Virdee, driven by a sense of duty, volunteers to escort Pawa and urges that the press conference be postponed until the transfer is successfully executed. He also reminds Conway of the necessity to inform Sophie about Pawa's apprehension, to which Conway responds that DS Khalil Amin has already made that request.

Virdee forcefully enters a building to confront Riaz, encountering resistance from Enzo Tobin, who attempts to escort him out. However, Riaz steps in, prompting Virdee to spill the beans: Pawa is holding Saima hostage, and he suspects they were colluding to pilfer his narcotics. He highlights a critical 20-minute timeframe for the transfer from headquarters to Leeds. In exchange for Virdee's compliance, Enzo agrees to assist, provided Virdee works for Riaz—an offer Virdee reluctantly embraces.

Elsewhere, Riaz reassures Sophie that he would never negotiate her freedom for Saima's. She reproaches him for keeping their connection a secret, to which he vows they will resolve the issue. Sophie remains skeptical. Meanwhile, Saima struggles against her restraints in a covert location.

As officers load Pawa into the transport van, Conway informs Virdee that Amin will accompany him to Leeds. Virdee tosses him the car keys, and they tail the van containing Pawa. Rebecca Armitage monitors their progress via radio. At the intersection of Burnett and Pecker Streets, a van blocks the path ahead, while another van pins Amin and Virdee from behind. Armed suspects emerge, forcing them out of their vehicles and abducting Pawa from the transport van.

Virdee gives Khalil a covert signal. Khalil attempts to intervene but is felled by a gunshot. Virdee charges at the suspects and is shot in return. Pawa is bundled into a black van, which speeds away as the suspects scatter. Khalil reports the hijacking to dispatch and discovers a bullet hole in Virdee's Kevlar vest. At the scene later, Virdee sends Khalil to assist in the search, cautioning Conway to scrutinize her trust. He informs an unseen contact that the mission is accomplished.Enzo emerges victorious over Pawa, yet Pawa clams up, refusing to utter a word. With a grave accusation, Pawa declares that Virdee has taken Saima's life, thereby dissolving their agreement. Enzo issues a stark warning to Riaz, hinting that Pawa might meet his demise before spilling the beans, and proposes using Sophie as leverage. Moments later, Sophie arrives on the scene.

Somewhere concealed, Saima maneuvers a chunk of metal, toppling a sheet with a resounding clang. Riaz attempts to deter Sophie from conversing with Pawa, but she stands firm. Upon entering the warehouse, Enzo suddenly attacks Pawa, sending him sprawling from his seat. Pawa retaliates by seizing a shard of shattered glass. Sophie commands Enzo to depart, and he complies, assisting Pawa back to his chair before exiting.

Sophie confesses to having struck an immunity deal, and the realization dawns on her that she and Riaz are entangled in an extramarital affair. She brandishes a knife, acknowledging her awareness of his other liaisons. He dismisses them, professing indifference except for her. With the blade aimed at his throat, she insists that a choice between her and Saima doesn't exist. He responds with a mocking laugh and retaliates by plunging the glass shard into her. Clutching her wound, Sophie collapses to the floor. Seizing a hammer, Pawa declares that this will conclude where it all began, raising the weapon ominously above his head.

Sophie's scream echoes through the air, prompting Enzo, Riaz, and Virdee to rush inside, where they find her nursing a stab wound. Virdee notices the hammer and a lock lying abandoned, while Pawa has vanished. Sophie relates Pawa's words about everything culminating where it started. Convinced that Saima is being held at Pawa's warehouse, Virdee sets off in search of her.

Inside Pawa's warehouse, Saima frees herself from her bindings just as he enters, gun in hand. Watching him retrieve another firearm from a drawer, she topples a mannequin and bolts. He cocks his weapon, warning, "Don't make me kill you." She struggles with the sliding door, but it remains steadfastly shut. He taunts her mercilessly as she desperately tries to open it, only to find it locked against her escape.Harry bursts through the door with a forceful kick, storming inside where he spots Saima's purse abandoned on the floor. Meanwhile, Saima remains in hiding from Jai, her whispers for Harry barely audible as she detects his distant presence. Suddenly, Jai materializes behind her, his foot landing on something that clatters loudly. Saima spins around instantaneously, and a gunshot rings out. Harry dashes in, commanding Jai to release Saima. In a panic, Saima declares she's shot him and he's wounded. Jai counters by accusing Harry of failing to shield her from this mess; all he had to do was reveal his true colors to the world. Reluctantly, Harry agrees to lay down his weapon.

Jai then unloads a bombshell on Saima, revealing that Harry collaborates with Riaz in Bradford's drug trade. They framed him to seize their assets, including Sophie. As if on cue, Riaz appears from behind Jai and pulls the trigger, silencing him. Jai's lifeless body lies sprawled on the floor, as Enzo suggests discarding the firearms. Riaz instructs Virdee to change and retreat home once finished. Saima confronts Riaz, her eyes burning with disdain as she questions how he can face her, repelled by their shared profession. Riaz confesses his guilt but insists Virdee is innocent. Enzo directs them to where they should stash their attire.

Saima turns to Harry, her voice tinged with uncertainty, confessing she no longer recognizes him, doubting she ever truly did. Later, Harry seeks Riaz out, inquiring about his conversation with Saima. Riaz shakes his hand firmly, reminding him to keep silent about Paul King. Harry nods in agreement, sealing their mutual secrecy regarding Paul King.

Subsequently, Harry informs Conway of his belief that Pawa assisted in Vasil's murder, betrayal completed when that individual turned against him. Bradford, he warns, has welcomed a new contender, and he refuses to participate in the press conference. Khalil mentions his hospital visit yesterday, only to learn Harry hadn't checked in.

Harry insists that Saima lent him a helping hand in that matter, and as he departs, he dials Saima's number, leaving a poignant message expressing his urgent need to meet her. Meanwhile, Khalil catches up with Rebecca Armitage, who reveals that the UKCA suspects the incident went beyond the realm of mere organized crime; it hints at a deeper compromise within the Greater Yorkshire Police force by these shadowy groups. Recognizing the need for diligent minds to uncover the truth, Rebecca implores Khalil to join her cause.

Elsewhere, Riaz opens up to Sophie about her anguish, suggesting they can finally concentrate on their lives now that Pawa and Vasil are no longer a hindrance. Tara engages Jyoti in a conversation about Ranjit, who confides that he lost his father at a tender age, leaving him ill-equipped to be a father himself. However, Ranjit admits that Tara's arrival gave him a second chance to parent better. Tara urges Ranjit to confide in Harry, to which he reluctantly admits his uncertainty on how to approach him. Tara generously offers her assistance.

Later, Ranjit sits on a bench, patiently awaiting Harry's arrival. When Harry finally joins him, he accuses his father of shaping him into who he is today. Ranjit, however, reaches out to hold his son's hand, seeking a connection.

Harry then catches up with Aaron (Wissam Naseer) and Saima, seeking a private moment with Saima to unravel his secrets. She inquiries about the length of his collaboration with Riaz, to which Harry confesses it has spanned years. When she mentions Paul King, Harry's memory flashes back to the grim moment he ended Paul's life with a pair of scissors. He recounts seeing Riaz afterwards, who confessed his desire to flee but was thwarted by Harry's determination. Harry vows to rectify the situation. As if on cue, Riaz intercepts Harry, setting the stage for further confrontations and revelations.

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