What Comes After Love – K-drama Episode 1

Published: Oct 23 2024

Episode 1 of "What Comes After Love" unfurls with an intriguing prologue, as Hong stealthily deposits a letter on a desk, bidding farewell to her abode before striding through the streets of Japan. Her path converges upon a deserted railway station, casting a melancholic shadow over her solitude.

What Comes After Love – K-drama Episode 1 1

Flashing back to 2019, we witness Hong's courageous leap into the unknown, boarding a flight bound for Tokyo with aspirations of emancipation and independent living. Seeking solace amidst a sea of familiarity, she arrives in the land of the rising sun to reunite with her friend Ji Hui. Amidst the bustle of a crowded train station, an unforeseen mishap—her bag tumbling to the ground—brings a young Japanese gentleman into her life. He lends a helping hand, their brief encounter encapsulated in a snapshot captured by him as Ji Hui arrives to ferry her away.

In the warmth of Ji Hui's abode, Hong confides in her friend, revealing the secrecy surrounding her journey; her mother, oblivious to her whereabouts. The following day, fate seems to weave an unforeseen tapestry as the young man, serendipitously, crosses Hong's path once more, this time aboard a bustling bus.

Hong, eager to forge her own destiny, embarks on a quest for part-time employment, navigating the labyrinthine streets of shops and establishments. Her journey culminates in an unexpected reunion with the enigmatic man, both vying for the same job. A day-long competition ensues, their dedication put to the test. When a customer's prejudice against foreigners stirs up trouble, the man fearlessly steps in, shielding Hong and driving the offender away. Though Hong emerges victorious, securing the job, the man finds his place at a nearby food truck, their paths forever intertwined.

That evening, beneath the veil of night, Ji Hui and Hong engage in a heart-to-heart, Ji Hui dropping a bombshell—the revelation that Hong's childhood friend, Min Jun, harbors romantic feelings for her.

At work, Hong finds her thoughts wandering to the food truck, a subtle spectacle not unnoticed by her coworkers. They, in their camaraderie, send her on a mission to procure hot dogs, inadvertently deepening the connection between the two. As novices, they're tasked with cleaning the bustling shopping district, their efforts paralleling the cleansing of their own hearts.

Amidst the chaos, a jarring phone call shatters the tranquility. Hong's mother, having uncovered her daughter's secret escape, accuses her of evading responsibility. Overwhelmed by emotions, Hong finds solace in the compassionate gaze of the man who witnessed her distress. He extends an invitation for a post-work drink, and she, in a moment of vulnerability, accepts.

As they delved into her predicament, Hong's voice laced with lament, bemoaning the lack of comprehension from her dearest. Their shared passion for literature forged an instant bond, and Hong eagerly embarked on a whimsical attempt with a toy machine. Eventually, he introduced himself, his name resonating with warmth—Aoki Jungo.

The journey home painted a picture of disappointment for Hong, her heart heavy as she clutched a toy, yet unable to conquer the elusive game to win its companion character. When Jungo spoke of eternal love embodied in those characters, Hong's gaze pierced his, inquiring if he truly believed. He nodded, a trace of certainty in his voice, suggesting it must reside in some corner of the universe. Then, under the influence of alcohol, Hong fled, her laughter echoing through the night.

Dawn brought with it a new dawn of embarrassment for Hong, as she realized the hefty sum she had borrowed from Jungo for that mere toy machine. Ashamed, she jogged through the park, contemplating fate's elusive role in her life. Little did she know, fate had other plans. Jungo, a vision amidst the greens, awaited her, having persevered to win the very character she desired. That moment, a spark ignited within her, fostering a belief in the intricate tapestry of destiny. Thus, their journey together blossomed, painting the canvas of spring with vibrant hues.

Five years leapfrogged to Seoul, 2024, where Hong's narrative took a turn. She had parted ways with Jungo and found solace in the bustling metropolis. At Sodan Books, her career soared, each step marking her ascendancy in the publishing world. Amidst the hustle and bustle of work, Min Jun arrived, a ray of sunshine with a cake in hand, reminding her of her mother's lunar birthday. Their rapport spoke volumes of a budding romance, with Min Jun already etching his place as a prospective son-in-law in Hong's family.

Suddenly, a request from her father threw her into a whirlwind of responsibilities. He pleaded for her to step in as his interpreter, a duty that had fallen through at the last minute. Reluctantly, Hong agreed, embarking on a mission the following day alongside a colleague to greet a renowned Japanese author, Sasae Hikari. But as the scene unfolded, Hong's heart skipped a beat. At the terminal's exit, Jungo emerged, his presence a stunning climax to the first episode of What Comes After Love, leaving Hong breathless and reeling with emotions.

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