What Comes After Love – K-drama Episode 3

Published: Oct 23 2024

Episode 3 of "What Comes After Love" commences with Hong stepping away from the gripping interview with Jungo, her mind swirling. As she fumbles with her phone, Min-jun's call interrupts her thoughts, but the serene moment shatters when Jungo abruptly darts in front of her vehicle. With a fleeting 'it's nothing,' she dismisses Min-jun's concern and ushers Jungo into her car, the air thick with unspoken emotions.

What Comes After Love – K-drama Episode 3 1

Jungo's confession, hesitant yet earnest, fills the confines of the vehicle. He admits his uncertainty about where to begin, yet a steadfast resolve not to let slip this opportunity to speak his heart to her. His earnest desire to rectify the past meets with Hong's stark reminder of her impending marriage, effectively sealing the door on their conversation. Dropping him back at the hotel, Hong's mind wanders, pondering the enigmatic hold Jungo still holds over her heart, long after their paths had seemingly diverged.

Exhausted, Hong arrives home to find solace in her sister Rok's gentle gesture—a copy of Jungo's book, 'What Comes After Love,' nestled in her hands. Rok's recommendation echoes in the quiet room, promising solace within its pages.

Flashing back to a time when her world was turned upside down, Hong returns from Japan to the warm embrace of her sister and Min-jun, only to be met with shocking news—her father's hospitalization. Gratefulness wells up as she realizes Min-jun, a doctor by profession, had been by her father's side. This pivotal moment propels her into a new role, assisting her father at his company and forging deeper bonds with Min-jun.

Presently, Jungo's interview resumes, this time with a fresh interpreter, yet his focus remains fractured. Desperate for a connection, he inquires about Hong's contact details, only to be politely but firmly denied. The interpreter, however, subtly hints at the lake nearby, where Hong resides, stirring unrest within him.

Memories flood as we glimpse Jungo at a class reunion, his heartache palpable as friends commiserate over his recent breakup. Amidst the chatter, an unexpected reunion with Kanna, his ex-girlfriend, brings a jolt of emotions. Fast-forwarding to the present, Kanna's sudden arrival in Seoul, representing Jungo's publishing house, adds yet another layer of complexity to the already intricate tapestry of their lives.

Meanwhile, Hong's mind wanders during her wedding attire shopping expedition with Min-jun. Every stitch of fabric triggers memories of trying on wedding dresses with Jungo in Japan, their laughter mingling with the soft rustle of fabrics. The decision to move on is palpable in their choice of a different shop, but Ji Hui's perceptive eye notices Hong's pensive demeanor. Her candid observations prompt Hong to confess the truth—Jungo's presence in Seoul is weighing heavily on her heart, and a night out with her friend becomes a respite from the tumultuous emotions swirling within.

In the bygone days, Jungo's schedule was a relentless tapestry of diverse occupations, while Hong yearned for his constant companionship, her heart an anchor that refused to let go. Meanwhile, Ji Hui embarked on a journey back to the shores of South Korea, leaving a void behind. Hong's call to her sister unveiled a stormy revelation: their father's business teetered on the brink of collapse, and their home, a symbol of stability, was about to be uprooted.

Rok's inquiry about Hong's graduate school aspirations elicited a mixed response. Hong, who had secretly garnered acceptance into a prestigious institution in Japan, veiled the truth behind a web of lies, telling her sister she had fallen short.

One fateful evening, as Hong sprinted through the park's serene trails, a drunken silhouette emerged from the shadows, its pursuit relentless. Her footing faltered, and she tumbled to the ground, her world spinning. Amidst the chaos, she mustered the strength to stumble towards safety, first to the sanctuary of a police station and then to a hospital, where her shattered ankle whispered tales of resilience. Throughout this ordeal, Jungo's phone remained silent, his absence a deafening echo in her heart. Desperate, she reached out to his father, a plea for help in the darkness.

Upon Jungo's return, the air was thick with accusation. Hong's voice quivered with hurt as she accused him of prioritizing his work above all else, leaving her to fend for herself in a world that seemed to crumble around her. She found herself adrift, with only him as a beacon of hope, yet he too had failed her.

Time marched on, and Hong found solace in the arms of Ji Hui, their bond fortified by alcohol's warm embrace. Ji Hui, with a fierce determination, vowed never to cross paths with Jungo again, offering Hong a semblance of closure. Their night took an unexpected turn when Min-jun entered their world, his eyes filled with a story that began when Hong returned from Japan's shores. As she teetered on the edge of confession, Min-jun gently steered the conversation away, reminding her that emotions are ephemeral, ever-evolving tides.

On his solitary journey home, Min-jun's curiosity led him to the digital realm, where he uncovered Jungo's latest literary endeavor. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, Kanna and Jungo shared a dinner that simmered with unspoken tensions. Kanna, a keen observer, discerned the turmoil within him and confessed her own long-held secret: five years of waiting, hoping he would rekindle the flame they once shared. Her intuition, sharp as a razor, sliced through his defenses, revealing the truth—he had encountered Hong once more.

Their evening ended with a silent goodbye, but the echoes of their encounter lingered. Alone in his hotel room, Jungo drowned his sorrows in alcohol's embrace, only to be interrupted by a knock at his door. Kanna stood there, her eyes brimming with a mix of vulnerability and determination. She enveloped him in a hug, her words a declaration of love and a plea for a future together—marriage.

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