In the delightfully disarrayed third installment of What We Do in the Shadows' sixth season, aptly titled "Sleep Hypnosis," the vampire residents of Staten Island embark on a riveting clash of wits and willpower, centered around a humble room tucked beneath the stairs. As Nadja expresses with characteristic eloquence, "TGIFMLNGL, LOL," a phrase that, once deciphered, acts as a badge of coolness in the vampire realm. This episode masterfully intertwines heartwarming moments with mesmerizing antics, seasoned with a twist of deceit that keeps viewers perched on the brink of their seats, or perhaps more aptly, the edges of their coffins.
The episode unfurls with Nadja's return home to a harrowing spectacle: mountains of corpses and human appendages, a grim testament to Laszlo's latest forays into scientific experimentation. His relentless pursuit of finding the perfect pair of eyes for Cravensworth's Monster ignites a domestic spat that is both macabre and eerily relatable. Nadja's insistence on tidiness clashes with Laszlo's dire lack of storage space, setting the stage for a conflict that balances absurdity with a charmingly human touch.
As the vampires wrangle over Guillermo's former quarters beneath the stairs, the intricacies of vampire cohabitation come into sharp focus. Nandor's transformation of this space into a gym adds yet another dimension to the dispute, and Guillermo's role as the deciding vote ignites a process that, predictably, concludes in more tumult than clarity. This scene is a masterpiece of physical comedy and dialogue, where each vampire's unique personality shines brightly through their animated reactions and spirited arguments.
Colin Robinson, the perpetual, covert energy vampire, lurks within the ventilation shafts, his favorite perch for eavesdropping and gathering invaluable intel. His relentless pursuit of power and the perpetual fear of being usurped by his housemates weave a taut thread of tension throughout the episode. His cunning scheme to wield sleep hypnosis as a tool to sway Nandor to his side emerges as a brilliant plot twist, ripe for a series of laugh-out-loud and utterly unexpected escapades.
The scene where Colin Robinson meticulously orchestrates and executes his hypnosis on Nandor stands out as a comedic tour de force. The unintended consequences of his plan lead to an hilarious turn, with Nandor regaling everyone with Richard Nixon's speeches, a bizarre yet amusing spectacle that exemplifies the show's adeptness at blending historical allusions with supernatural antics.
As the narrative unfolds, the power dynamics within the vampire household undergo a seismic shift, with Nadja and Laszlo forming an alliance against Nandor and Colin Robinson. Sleep hypnosis becomes a potent weapon in their ongoing battle for supremacy, giving rise to a series of events that are as humorous as they are farcical. Nadja's ingenious decision to harness Laszlo's hypnotized state to clean the house is a moment of dark comedy gold, while Colin Robinson's attempt to upgrade Nandor's hypnosis with Nixon's fiery rhetoric adds a layer of absurdity that only deepens the episode's comedic allure.
The episode takes a whimsical turn when Guillermo, desperate to find a solution to the hypnotic turmoil, seeks the counsel of Baron Afanas. The Baron's well-intentioned but disastrous attempt to reverse the hypnosis leads to a hilariously catastrophic outcome, with his mind inadvertently wiped clean. Doug Jones' portrayal of Baron Afanas shines, as his character's transformation from a frail old vampire to a radiant being injects a touch of magical whimsy into the episode.
In the episode's climactic resolution, the vampires strike a pragmatic compromise, sharing the room under the stairs, a solution that mirrors their uniquely dysfunctional family dynamics. The episode concludes with a heartwarming and humorous full-circle moment, as Guillermo, still under the influence of hypnosis, reapplies for his role as a familiar.
"Sleep Hypnosis" stands as a testament to the show's unparalleled ability to take mundane domestic conflicts and imbue them with supernatural elements, creating an episode that is both captivating and side-splittingly funny. The episode's seamless blend of character development, witty dialogue, and physical comedy makes it a standout in the series, proving once again that What We Do in the Shadows remains a unique and endlessly entertaining exploration of the vampire lifestyle.