Episode 9 of "Who Killed Sara" unfolds with a poignant revelation from Sergio, acknowledging his three-decade-long bond with Cesar, shadowed by weeks of ominous death threats. Desperate, he seeks Alex's expertise and resources to forge a truce, ultimately aiming to neutralize Cesar's influence. Amidst this conspiracy, Alex returns home to find Elisa slumbering peacefully on the couch, her tranquility in stark contrast to the turmoil he carries. He evades her probing gaze, refusing to divulge the identity of his caller, offering instead to prepare breakfast as a token of distraction. Elisa, however, is not fooled by his charade, her suspicions lingering heavily in the air.
Elsewhere, Lorenzo confronts Chema with a heartfelt proposal, urging him to flee Mexico, driven by a desire to shield their unborn child from the corrosive influence of his family. Chema is left pondering this weighty decision as he escorts Clara indoors, unaware that Mariana awaits him, poised to confront the reality of their affair. Their tense exchange is interrupted by Sofia's unexpected arrival at Cesar's workplace, seeking his intervention. But Cesar, consumed by his own demons, turns a blind eye to her pleas, further fracturing the already tattered fabric of their family.
Into this complex web of deceit and betrayal steps Bruno, a wildcard whose world is shaken by the news of Imara's disappearance—a truth he's about to uncover as her fate is irrevocably sealed.
Meanwhile, Alex's path crosses with Rodolfo at the graveyard, where the latter drops a bombshell about the affair, casting a new light on the tangled web of secrets. Rodolfo's anger boils over, his disdain for Cesar palpable, as he vows indifference to the fate of his own kin. Their conversation delves into the mystery surrounding Diana the Huntress, narrowing down the suspects to either Chema or Nicandro, with the latter emerging as the prime suspect for now. The stage is set for a confrontation that threatens to unravel everything they thought they knew.
Alex escorts Rodolfo to Sara's chamber, where he unleashes a heartfelt entreaty to his once-inseparable companion. With fervor, he vows to delve into the depths of this labyrinthine mystery, assisting Alex in uncovering the true perpetrator and ensuring they face the consequences.
As Rodolfo slumbers peacefully, Alex embarks on a clandestine internet expedition. His digital wanderings lead him to a grim discovery: a death certificate belonging to Nicandro, effectively shattering the notion that he could be the elusive Diana the Huntress.
Elsewhere, Elisa tracks Bruno down to the shadowy basement, where he's engaged in a futile struggle to breach the forbidden sanctum. The altered combination lock stands as an insurmountable barrier, leaving Bruno to retreat in frustration and despair. As Elisa exits the premises, a chilling piece of news greets her: Imara has been found lifeless.
Without hesitation, Elisa rushes to Alex's abode, only to find that the timing couldn't be worse. Amidst their conversation, Sara's steadfast confidante, Marifer, arrives, adding another layer of complexity to the moment. With both young women gathered, Alex produces a VHS tape, its label reading "Flor," and presses play, unveiling a haunting truth that sends shivers down their spines.