Wild Cards – Season 2 Episode 2

Published: Feb 19 2025

As the curtain rises on this installment of Wild Cards, Max Mitchell (portrayed by Vanessa Morgan) pays a visit to her father, George Graham (played by Jason Priestley), who hands her the con artist's holy grail—a manual brimming with tricks of the trade. With a fatherly tone, George urges her to revisit its pages, emphasizing the importance of a long-term strategy. A heated debate ensues between Max and Ricky Wilson (embodied by Fletcher Donovan) over whether they should involve the authorities. George steps in, reminding everyone of their collective decision to shed the shackles of the past and embrace a promising future. Ricky, volunteering to secure accommodations for them, takes center stage briefly.

Wild Cards – Season 2 Episode 2 1

Just as tensions ease, Max's phone buzzes with a call from Chief Li (Terry Chen), who entrusts her with another critical mission. Elsewhere, Cole Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti) enjoys some downtime with Marc, until Daria (Naomi Simpson) bursts in, informing Cole that his scuppers are in desperate need of attention. Recalling her past duty of maintaining them for his brother Daniel, Daria sternly advises Cole to nurture them lest they decay from within. She graciously offers to lend a hand this weekend.

Prompted by the Chief's call, Cole convenes with Max, who yearns for deeper insights into the case. She expresses a longing to resolve their differences and revert to the status quo. Cole, however, casts doubts on the feasibility of a return to those halcyon days. Max, undeterred, reminds him of her gestures—returning the egg, aiding in the hunt for his brother's murderer, and bearing the brunt for his disobedience. Cole then unravels the mystery of an attempted murder at the Pruett Ranch, naming Paul as the intended victim. Max posits that Russo covets the family's endorsement for mayor, hence the looming threat.

Upon their arrival, the ranch's vigilant guards initially bar their entry but relent upon recognition. Rose Pruett, with a reserved demeanor, welcomes them, revealing that Paul, the target, is in fact a stallion valued at $10 million. A ranch hand, knocked unconscious, paved the way for the assailant. Rose recounts how her men witnessed flames licking the bunkhouse and a shadowy figure darting into the night. Cole, sharp-eyed, notes the absence of any accelerant at the crime scene.

Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Lana, the ranch's veterinarian, who assesses Paul's condition as mild smoke inhalation, fortunately nothing more severe. The stage is set for a compelling unraveling of secrets and strategies amidst the tranquil yet turbulent backdrop of the Pruett Ranch.Rose discovers that her son, Shane, has been entangled in a confrontation with Mike Wyatt, who has apparently taken their gun. Outside, Shane is locked in a heated argument with Mike, portrayed by Donny Lucas, who insists that their cattle had knocked over his fence. To intervene in the escalating altercation, Rose discharges a shotgun, effectively dispersing the fight. Shane accuses Mike of attempting to kill their horse, an assertion Mike firmly denies.

In a private conversation, Cole engages with Mike, who laments that the current era is marked by individualism, contrasting sharply with the days when the community rallied around each other. Mike alleges that the Pruett family has chosen isolation, hoarding their resources to themselves. He recounts that he and his men were returning from a cattle auction and believes a stallion of that caliber could fetch a staggering $250,000. Mike opines that if the horse were rendered infertile, it would be more valuable dead, given its substantial insurance coverage.

Rose guides Max to the location where the suspect fled, revealing that she, her son Shane, and her daughter Callie are the driving force behind the ranch's operations. Max notices a distinctive boot print, its heel adorned with a carving of a scorpion. Rose clarifies that her workers' boots are marked with a "P," setting this print apart. Additionally, Max discovers a cable fitted with an alligator clip, prompting Lana to suggest it as a humane method for euthanizing animals in distress, though Rose insists it's not practiced on their ranch. Rose stresses that Paul, the stud horse, remains active and fully booked for the upcoming year.

Cole discovers a burn mark on the horse, similar in size to the clamp found earlier. Lana notes that the horse has minor burns from occasional ember contacts. Cole and Max venture outside to question Shane about Mike's whereabouts the previous night. Rose reveals that Paul is insured for $20 million and expresses her concern that an autopsy showing electrocution might mistakenly be interpreted as a heart attack, invalidating the insurance claim. Determined to uncover the truth, Rose urges them to get to work and identify the real perpetrator.

Shane heads to the office to resume his duties, while Max inquiries about the ranch hands. Rose replies that she trusts them implicitly, likening them to family, adding that they occasionally employ day workers as well.Callie would undoubtedly recognize the mark if any of them bore it. Determined to uncover the truth, Max and Cole set out to consult with Callie. She reveals to them that she prefers the solitude of her own quarters rather than the main house, adding that she doesn't scrutinize every boot in the ranch. Max and Cole prepare to interrogate the ranch hands, dressing in attire that blends seamlessly with theirs.

Max devises a clever plan: organizing a line dancing competition to scrutinize the boots without raising suspicion. After the exhilarating fast dance, Max and Cole find themselves obliged to slow dance together. Max concedes that their lives will never revert to their former state; instead, they must embrace something new. Cole emphasizes the necessity of isolating and questioning the suspect.

Max nods in agreement and stations Cole near the bar beside the man of interest. Cole strikes up a conversation about the wound on his hand, drawing his attention. Max seizes the moment to create a disturbance by slapping Cole, effectively diverting the man's focus. Seizing her chance, Max engages the man in conversation while Cole discreetly retreats. Unexpectedly, Max finds herself sharing drinks with Sam (Ryan Alexander McDonald). She confides in him about Earl's gift—a stud horse that's infertile, contemplating its humane euthanasia despite insurance coverage. Sam offers to help with the horse for a fee of $5,000, suggesting they meet privately in twenty minutes.

Max and Cole venture outside to locate Sam's red pickup truck. As Cole approaches, he discovers Sam lifeless within. Later, Detective Yates (Amy Goodmurphy) informs them that the killer left a bullet as a macabre signature. Forensic examination of the truck yields electrical clamps and car batteries, hinting at a gruesome method. Additionally, Sam had deposited $2,500 in cash shortly before the incident at Pruett Ranch. Now, they must uncover who hired Sam to eliminate the horse.

Max and Cole confront the Pruett family about Sam. Rose claims ignorance, while Shane suggests sending them away. Callie senses Shane's discontent but argues he's desperate to save the ranch. Urging honesty, Callie tells Rose they must confess the truth. Rose confides that they're bankrupt and face ruin if the horse issue isn't resolved.As Shane departs, Cole and Max share a mutual suspicion that he's concealing something significant. Detective Simmons (Michael Xavier) enlightens them, revealing that the building they tailed Shane to isn't owned by the Pruetts but by Kildare Builders. Over the years, Kildare has made numerous bids for Rose Pruett's property, all of which she has steadfastly rejected. Yates reveals that Shane has made two round trips to Dallas in the past month, where Kildare Builders' headquarters resides. Their latest offer stood at an astonishing almost $200 million. Max speculates that for such a sum, Shane might resort to any extreme, even murder.

Confronting Shane, Cole and Max learn that he was with Kildare's CEO at the time of Sam's demise. Shane clarifies that his mother would rather hold onto nothing than surrender her cherished land. Suddenly, a gunshot echoes in the distance, prompting them to dash inside, where they discover Rose wounded by a gunshot. Lana swiftly attends to her injury. Desperately, Shane urges his mother to sell the ranch, but Rose尖叫 at him to leave. Callie wants to speak her mind but believes Rose's stubbornness will render her words futile.

Rose opens up to Max and Cole about selling the land, lamenting that her son Mike has cut all ties with them. This estrangement began when her husband uncovered the O'Neills' nefarious plot to poison their cattle. The O'Neills sold their entire property without facing any competition. Rose reveals that the primary water source for the entire valley lies within their boundaries. Following that incident, Rose's husband constructed a dam, depriving their neighbors of water for their livestock and crops. After sharing her story, Rose retires indoors.

Cole confides in Max that they might be approaching the case from the wrong angle, pondering if the motive lies dormant in the past. Later, he informs Max that he has secured the land records for the Pruett ranch. Yates confirms the existence of one remaining O'Neill. Realizing the urgency, Cole insists that they speak with Rose immediately. However, upon reaching the ranch, they find Rose held at gunpoint. Meanwhile, Max discovers that Lana began working for the Pruett family shortly after her mother's passing six months ago, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding drama.

Lana, presumably with ulterior motives, omitted her surname O'Neill, perhaps intending to infiltrate the family's circle and exact her revenge. Mike, ever vigilant, arrived to keep watch over the premises, with instructions for Max to remain on standby. As she engaged in conversation with Mike, Cole and their companions embarked on a mission to track down Lana and Rose. Mike speculated that Lana's mother had finally unburdened herself with the truth, prompting Lana's desire for retribution. He confessed to having heard whispers about the past. Meanwhile, Max, behind the wheel of her car, attempted to reach Cole, believing they were headed towards the O'Neill homestead. Upon her arrival, she eavesdropped on Lana accusing Rose of shattering her family. Max couldn't stay silent any longer. Lana, her eyes blazing with malice, warned Max that there was ample space in the grave for both of them. Convinced that Lana deserved to know the full truth before acting, Max revealed that Rose's husband had been unfaithful with Lana's mother, resulting in an illegitimate daughter. He had betrayed Rose by manipulating her into banishing the O'Neills. Cole, arriving astride a horse at a respectful distance, caught snippets of Max's revelation about betraying those who cherished her. In a heartbeat, Cole dashed forward and thwarted Lana from committing any violence. Later, at the station, Chief Li conveyed Commissioner Russo's gratitude to Cole and Max. Cole reprimanded Max for leaving the Pruett residence unguarded. He bid her farewell, promising to catch up soon. Callie and Shane extended their apologies to Rose, soon joined by Mike and his family. Ricky, eager to share his news, showed Max their new place, which she deemed perfect, much like him. As an added bonus, Ricky had secured Jonathan Ashford's video diary for Max to hone her conning skills. After Ricky left for his date, Max immersed herself in watching Ashford (played by Martin Sheen), who recounted his journey to victory, emphasizing the solitary reliance on one's self. Cole messaged Max, attaching photos from their dance, a reminder of better times amidst the turmoil.

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