The episode kicks off with Max Mitchell (Vanessa Morgan) receiving an urgent call from her father, George Graham (Jason Priestley). His voice is laced with concern as he instructs her to cease her collaboration with the police. Max, unperturbed, reminds him that it was he who taught her the golden rule of never abandoning anyone in need. With resolve, she asserts her intention to continue her work with the authorities. Barely having ended the call, Max's phone rings again, this time from someone at the precognitive agency.
Moments later, Max and Cole Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti) find themselves at a grim crime scene—a man clad in a diaper lies lifeless, having plunged to his death, either by his own hand or someone else's force. The deceased is swiftly identified as Logan Hess (Isaac Keoughan), a name that immediately sparks recognition in Max due to her familiarity with Zagan Designs.
Inside Logan's apartment, Cole and Max discover a sturdy deadbolt securing his bedroom door, hinting at a tale of confinement. Beneath Logan's bed, Cole stumbles upon a loose hex nut, sparking suspicion that Logan might have been attempting an escape. Soon, Jackson (Graham Verchere), Logan's assistant, arrives, puzzled by the circumstances of Logan's untimely exit.
Later, Jackson reveals the harrowing truth about Logan's severe sleepwalking condition. As part of his daily routine, Jackson meticulously locks Logan in his room each night, only to release him at 7 AM sharp. Instances of Logan wandering through windows in his sleep are not uncommon. When Cole presents Jackson with the hex nut, the assistant insists that it couldn't have come loose, for he meticulously checks it every evening, even possessing a video to prove his diligence. Intrigued, Cole requests to view the footage.
Back at the station, Max and Cole interrogate Zane Finch (Max Montesi) and Sierra (June Laporte). The duo acknowledges awareness of Logan's sleepwalking and speculates that it might stem from a traumatic incident involving a Doberman attack when he was just 10 years old—a pivotal moment that ignited his nocturnal wanderings. During their probing, Max and Cole also uncover crucial information: VDH was in the midst of acquiring Logan's company, adding another layer of intrigue to the already complex narrative.
Max and Cole receive illuminating insights from Coroner Olive (portrayed by Manuela Sosa), who reveals that Logan succumbed to a cranial impact after colliding with a car. Olive, noting the absence of fractured facial bones, postulates that the window was already shattered when Logan crashed through it, sparking suspicion around the glass's integrity. Detective Yates (Amy Goodmurphy) is tasked with reassembling the window to uncover any anomalies.
As Yates meticulously pieces together the window, a police officer approaches Cole with intriguing news: Logan’s neighbors reported hearing barking sounds emanating from his apartment, an oddity considering the building's strict no-pets policy. Later that evening, Cole dials Max to deliberate on the barking dog theory and its potential role in triggering Logan’s sleepwalking episode. Their conversation is interrupted by a call from Yates, who reveals a startling discovery—the glass had been scored before the fatal crash.
Max and Cole watch the surveillance footage of Jackson securing Logan in his bed, the scene set against the backdrop of Logan’s apartment. They also observe that the wooden floor lacks any scratch marks, indicating that Logan hadn’t thrashed around in his sleep. Cole posits that someone deliberately loosened the nut, allowing Logan to dislodge himself from the restraints.
Meanwhile, Yates interrogates Jackson about his altercation with Logan on the day of his death. Jackson confides in her that Logan discovered his application for another job, revealing a strained relationship marked by exhaustion from constant squabbles between him, Logan, and Zane.
Zane confesses to Max and Cole his anger over Logan's intention to sell the company. Additionally, they uncover that Zane would have secured the creative control he currently wields had VDH taken over. Zane presents a solid alibi for the time frame of Logan's murder; he was engrossed in a live stream, an activity he frequently indulges in during the night. Sierra then reveals to Max and Cole the black roses and card that Logan had received on the fateful day, explaining she withheld this information because the card bore a threatening message: "You'll destroy VDH just like you destroy everything. Karma's a bitch." Furthermore, it transpires that Logan planned to terminate several VDH employees once he acquired the company.
After meeting Anastasia Van Der Haan (Lynda Boyd) at VDH, Cole interrogates Vittoria Marcone (Carmel Amit), while Max engages in conversation with Henry (Kaden Connors). Vittoria remains oblivious to her impending dismissal and even finds humor in Cole's revelation. Henry informs Max of his intention to exit the industry altogether. As Cole questions Vittoria, he notices shards of cut glass in her purse and learns that she crafted them herself. Meanwhile, Henry tells Max about the constant squabbles between Stellan (Nils Hognestad) and Logan, centered around creative disparities.
Later, Vittoria's assistant, Kellie (Angela Nishetta), enlightens Cole that Vittoria was indeed aware of her impending termination and directs him to where she keeps her glass-cutting tools. Stellan confesses to Max that he did send the threatening letter, but under a misconception—he believed he and Logan were romantically involved when in reality, Logan was merely using him to leverage a better position in the VDH deal. Both Vittoria and Stellan ultimately possess alibis that are later substantiated.
Back at the precinct, Max and Cole discovered that the barking dog noise emanated from a speaker in Logan's room at the plant, prompting Cole to bring Jackson in for further questioning. Meanwhile, Yates and Max scrutinized the surveillance footage, which captured Sierra, Jackson, and Kellie in action. Their keen observation revealed that Jackson had lent his phone to Sierra after hers had malfunctioned, enabling her to activate the dog-barking application.
As Cole grilled Jackson, Max pondered the case, endeavoring to locate Sierra. Chief Li (Terry Chen) and Yates headed to Sierra's residence, only to find her absent but unearth a clue pointing towards Zane. Li promptly informed Max and Cole of their discovery, along with evidence suggesting that Sierra had set her sights on Anastasia next. With urgency, Cole and Max rushed to the VDH.
Upon their arrival at VDH, they found Sierra holding Anastasia at gunpoint. Cole requested backup but hesitated to engage Sierra. Max devised a plan to activate the stage lights, which distracted Sierra long enough for her to fire her crossbow at a mannequin. Seizing the opportunity, Cole crept up behind her and apprehended her. Zane showed up just as Sierra was being escorted away, revealing that he had decided to honor Logan's memory by going through with their deal.
Later, back at the station, Yates extended an invitation to Max for board game night, which she eagerly accepted, insisting that Cole accompany her. The episode concluded with this promising social gathering on the horizon.