Young Royals – Season 3 Episode 3

Published: Aug 23 2024

Episode 3 of Young Royals Season 3 unfolds with Wilhelm immersed in a somber phone conversation with his mother, the Queen. Her voice quivers with vulnerability as she confesses her struggles and doubts, wondering if Wilhelm is truly ready to shoulder the weight of her crown. With unwavering resolve, he vows to her that he will honor his duty, his words echoing through the line like a solemn oath. Yet, as he hangs up, Wilhelm's facade cracks, revealing a sea of turmoil within.

Young Royals – Season 3 Episode 3 1

Meanwhile, Simon's mother persists in her weekly routine of administering drug tests, a practice that has finally reached its boiling point for the young prince. Simon erupts in frustration, accusing her of fostering a climate where he feels unable to confide in her. The walls of their relationship, already fragile, seem to crumble further with each accusatory word.

At school, a buzz of excitement fills the air as third-year students eagerly receive their graduation caps, symbols of their impending freedom. The headmistress, her voice laced with hope, promises a capping ceremony contingent upon their impeccable behavior during the impending visit from the school inspector. August, ever the dutiful student, seizes the moment to remind his peers of the importance of signing the school petition, only to be met with the revelation that Wilhelm and Simon remain the sole holdouts. Urged by their peers, August takes up the mantle, determined to convince Wilhelm—his influence as Crown Prince carrying weight—to lend his support.

As Rosh and Ayub drop Simon off at the school gates, Wilhelm attempts to engage him in a heart-to-heart about his mother's plight. But Simon's mind is consumed by another battle entirely—the relentless trolling on social media that threatens to engulf him. Wilhelm's concern for his mother and their shared future is met with a wall of indifference, his disappointment palpable. In a stern yet compassionate tone, he imparts wisdom, urging Simon to ignore the haters, for engagement only fuels the flames. Simon, recognizing the error of his ways, offers a sincere apology, his hand reaching out to comfort Wilhelm, a silent assurance that the Queen will weather this storm.

Meanwhile, August engages in a heartfelt conversation with Boris, venting his sentiments amidst Wilhelm's tardiness. He confesses that every word he utters to Wilhelm seems to transform into a barbed arrow, piercing at a personal level. Boris, with wisdom, counsels August on the art of self-forgiveness and striving for excellence as a human being, even if the path ahead promises no tangible reward.

After the school bell echoes its final farewell, Simon trudges home, only to find his mother diligently preparing his beloved dish. Her eyes twinkle with the intention to connect, yet Simon's mind is marred by the relentless chatter of internet commentary, leaving him emotionally drained and uninterested in conversation. Escaping to the solitude of his room, Simon's melancholy is not unnoticed by his perceptive mother. She gently follows, concerned by the shadows cloaking his features.

Within the confines of his sanctuary, a dialogue unfolds between mother and son, delving into the intricacies of Simon's tumultuous relationship. With empathy and encouragement, she weaves words that aim to uplift his spirits, offering a beacon of hope amidst the stormy waters of young love's complexities.

In the interim, August corners Wilhelm, gently yet firmly recalling the impending mediation talks. Wilhelm's eyes narrow, querying if August had secretly contacted Farima to betray him, but August shakes his head, his denial sincere. He presses Wilhelm to affix his signature to the petition, yet the Crown Prince balks, his stance firm. Wilhelm surmises that August's urgency stems from his possible involvement as an instigator in the notorious initiation scandal, a notion that lingers in the air.

Vincent interjects, his voice laced with conviction, asserting that the media's narrative is a fabrication and that they must stand united in defense of their school's honor. Wilhelm, however, remains unfazed, dismissing the whispers as mere rumors unworthy of concern. He explains his inability to sign the petition, citing his role as Crown Prince that restricts him from taking a public stance akin to theirs. Vincent finds this statement bitterly ironic, given Wilhelm's prior unequivocal position on the matter.

The following day dawned with the teachers discreetly informing the students of the impending visit from the school inspectors, weaving a promise of leniency in the rules if their conduct was exemplary. Felice, with a touch of anxiety in her voice, shared with her friends that her father would accompany her, as her parents were insistent on not leaving her to face any inquiries unsupervised. Her friends, empathetic and reassuring, urged her not to fret over the questions that might come her way.

As they anxiously awaited their moment under the scrutinizing gaze of the inspectors, Felice engaged her father in a heartfelt conversation about his school days. His eyes sparkled with nostalgia as he recounted his time there, a blend of exhilaration and adversity. He confessed that he had kept his struggles with the school administration to himself, feeling like the lone black sheep in a sea of uniformity. Rather than draw attention, he doubled, nay, tripled his efforts, striving to prove his worth through sheer determination. This poignant tale served as a beacon for Felice, guiding her in crafting her own narrative for the inspectors. With a nod of understanding, she politely requested her father to wait outside, the stage now set for her performance.

The inspection proceeded smoothly, each encounter marked by a delicate balance of professionalism and curiosity. As the day drew to a close, August, Vincent, and Nils, their hearts filled with pride, presented their petition to the inspectors. Vanessa, their mentor and guide, beamed with satisfaction, granting the students permission to celebrate both the festive occasion of Valborg and their own academic milestone—the capping ceremony.

Meanwhile, in a parallel celebration, Wilhelm and Simon toasted to Simon's regained freedom, the weight of punishment finally lifted. Over lunch, Simon couldn't help but voice his concern about students like Vincent, who seemed oblivious to the significance of the upcoming holiday. To them, it was merely a day for revelry, unaware that it marked the Labor Day movement, a testament to the struggle against inequality and the Royal Monarchy's grip on society. The contrast between the carefree revelry and the profound history behind the holiday painted a vivid picture of the diverse perspectives that coexisted within their midst.

Elsewhere, Sara perseveres in unraveling life's complexities while residing with her father, whose presence has been nothing short of exemplary. Gradually, she finds herself harboring a glimmer of hope for the blossoming bond between them. August, haunted by remorse, seeks her out, beseeching her to reconsider her departure from Hillerska. He laments the harm he's caused, fearful that she might squander her future on account of his errors. Sara remains silent, yet her ears are attentive to his earnest plea.

After a profound conversation with her father, where hearts were laid bare, Sara decides to venture to the school. Her father vows to be her anchor, promising to fetch her should the weight of it all become too much. However, as the day progresses, his promises go unanswered, her calls met with silence, fueling Sara's suspicion that old habits might be creeping back—his struggle with alcohol.

Arriving at Hillerska's threshold just as the students' capping ceremony concludes, Sara finds a mixed reception. August greets her warmly, a smile lighting up his face at her unexpected presence, while Simon and Felice are at a loss for words, unsure how to navigate her return. Simon and Wilhelm retreat to the solitude of Simon's room, where they indulge in moments of intimacy, a fleeting escape from reality's complexities. As they lie entwined, Simon confides in Wilhelm, voicing his turmoil and confusion over Sara's betrayal. He ponders the depth of his trust, wondering if he can ever fully rely on anyone again after she shattered his sense of security. Wilhelm, steadfast in his loyalty, assures Simon that he can trust him without reservation.

The next day, Simon finds himself at the forefront of a demonstration, innocently posing for a photograph with an adoring fan and her mother. Little does he realize that a political statement, a call to abolish the monarchy, lurks in the backdrop of the image. As the photo spreads, Farima's concern prompts her to call Wilhelm, entreating him to address the matter with Simon.

Wilhelm's call interrupts Simon's blissful aftermath of a fulfilling day. Their conversation turns serious as they delve into the repercussions of Simon's unwitting political statement. Just as Wilhelm's words of caution resonate, Simon's mood shatters upon seeing police cars outside his home. Abruptly ending the call, he rushes indoors, where his mother is engaged in a tense discussion with the officers, the aftermath of a rock shattering their window a grim reminder of the outside world's intrusions.

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