The star-studded cast of Peacock's upcoming limited series, "Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist," continues to grow with the addition of Oscar and Emmy nominee Don Cheadle. The actor joins an already impressive ensemble, including Kevin Hart (who also serves as executive producer), Samuel L. Jackson, Taraji P. Henson, Terrence Howard, Dexter Darden (who portrays Muhammad Ali), and Myles Bullock.
The series, based on an iHeart podcast, chronicles an armed robbery and its aftermath on the night of Ali's triumphant 1970 comeback fight in Atlanta. Cheadle steps into the role of JD Hudson, a groundbreaking Black detective on the Atlanta police force who is tasked with overseeing Ali's security detail and investigating the robbery.
"Fight Night" promises to be a thrilling drama that delves into the criminal underworld and the heavyweight fight that introduced the world to Atlanta, known as the "Black Mecca." At the center of it all are a determined cop and a hustler, whose fates are intertwined in this explosive event.
Produced by Universal Television, Will Packer Media, and Doghouse Pictures (who also produced the original podcast), "Fight Night" is created by Shaye Ogbonna ("The Chi") and co-showrun by Jason Horwitch ("The Calling" on Peacock). Hart and his Hartbeat Productions partners, Bryan Smiley and Mike Stein, serve as executive producers alongside Will Packer and Sabrina Wind of Will Packer Media, Conal Byrne and Carrie Lieberman of iHeartPodcasts, Jeff Keating of Doghouse Pictures, Lars Jacobson, and Craig Brewer ("Dolemite Is My Name," "Hustle & Flow"), who also directs four episodes. Tiffany Brown of Hartbeat, Kenny Burns, and Erika Johnson are co-executive producers.
Cheadle's recent credits highlight his versatility and talent, including reprising his role as James "Rhodey" Rhodes in Marvel's "Secret Invasion," starring in the feature film "White Noise," and earning Emmy nominations for his performance in Showtime's "Black Monday." His addition to "Fight Night" further elevates the already impressive cast and promises to deliver an unforgettable viewing experience.