"I found myself in a precarious predicament, merely embarking on my professional journey, when an incident occurred that was heavily intertwined with my burgeoning career," Halsey recounted, reflecting on the traumatic episode that unfolded at the tender age of twenty. The talented singer recently disclosed the harrowing experience of suffering a miscarriage during a performance in the early days of her career.
During a poignant conversation on the SHE MD Podcast hosted by Mary Alice Haney and Dr. Thais Aliabadi, the now 29-year-old artist divulged that she was barely twenty when she confronted the devastating reality of losing a pregnancy mere moments before taking the stage. "The situation was excruciatingly challenging," she confessed, employing both 'they' and 'she' pronouns. "Not only was it the dawn of my career, but the show carried immense weight—a corporate partnership, a formidable media entity, and most significantly, the anticipation of a thousand young hearts yearning to see me after a long day's wait."
Despite the overwhelming circumstances, Halsey recounted how they "resorted to wearing an adult diaper" and persevered through the 45-minute performance with unwavering determination. Upon exiting the stage, they recounted a moment of vulnerability, "vomiting in the parking lot before retreating to the solitude of a hotel room."
"The night was a blur of illness," she shared, her voice laced with emotion. "I sat in the bathtub, overwhelmed by the sight of blood, uncertain of how to cope. Please forgive my candor." The following morning, amidst the physical and emotional turmoil, she arose early to embark on a flight to Canada.
Beyond the physical toll, Halsey delved into the intricate web of emotions that engulfed her at such a young age. "I mused to myself, 'I'm twenty years old; I should be capable of nurturing a life within me,'" she said, her voice laced with a mix of relief, confusion, guilt, and grief. "Yet, amidst the turmoil, a persistent question lingered: 'Must there be something inherently flawed within me? At this prime age, when conception and gestation should be natural, what is amiss?'"
In a heartfelt essay for Vogue in 2022, Halsey bravely shared that she had endured three miscarriages before reaching the age of 24. Having welcomed a son the previous year, she spoke out against the reversal of Roe v. Wade, revealing that she had undergone an abortion during one of her miscarriages. "My abortion was a lifesaver, paving the way for my son's arrival," she penned, her words a testament to resilience.
Over the years, Halsey has remained vocal about her struggles with endometriosis, lupus, a T-cell disorder, and infertility. "My heart yearns for more children," she confessed during the podcast. "My pregnancy with my son was blissful, and he is the beacon of my existence...Yet, the thought of living as an ailing individual for the majority of his life haunts me. It was a substantial portion of his early years, and I was consumed by guilt. But I realized that unnecessary guilt was exacerbating my condition. I was mourning the fact that I couldn't be the perfect mother, a mother that I desperately aspired to be, in every sense of the word."